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Collected Item: “Valorization of non-balanced coal reserves in Serbia for underground coal gasification”

Врста публикације

Рад у часопису

Верзија рада

објављена верзија

Језик рада


Аутор/и (Милан Марковић, Никола Николић)

David Petrovic, Lazar Kricak, Milanka Negovanovic, Stefan Milanovic, Jovan Markovic, Nikola Simic, Ljubisav Stamenic

Наслов рада (Наслов - поднаслов)

Valorization of non-balanced coal reserves in Serbia for underground coal gasification

Наслов часописа

Thermal Science

Издавач (Београд : Просвета)

National Library of Serbia

Година издавања


Сажетак на енглеском језику

In the name of a better and safer energy future, it is our responsibility to focus our knowledge and activities to save on imported liquid and gas fossil fuels, as well as coal on which energy security of Serbia is based. The rationalization in the use of available energy resources certainly positively affects economy and the environment of a country. This paper indicates motivations for the application of the underground coal gasification process, as well as surface gasification for Serbia. The goal is to burn less coal, while simultaneously utilizing more gas from the onsite underground coal gasification, or by gasification in various types of gas generators mounted on the surface. In both cases, from the obtained gas, CO2, NOx, and other harmful gases are extracted in scrubbers. This means that further gas combustion byproducts do not pollute the atmosphere in comparison with traditional coal combustion. In addition, complete underground coal gasification power requirements could be offset by the onsite solar photovoltaic power plant, which furthermore enhances environmental concerns of the overall coal utilization.

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Број часописа

6 Part B

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DOI број


ISSN број часописа


Географско подручје на које се односи публикација

Međunarodni časopis

Кључне речи на српском (одвојене знаком ", ")

ugalj, gasifikacija, zaštita životne sredine, skladištenje, solarni

Кључне речи на енглеском (одвојене знаком ", ")

coal, gasification, environmental protection, storage, solar


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