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Collected Item: “Constitutive Model for Analysis of Long-Term Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Settlement”

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Аутор/и (Милан Марковић, Никола Николић)

Irena Basaric Ikodinovic, Dragoslav Rakic, Mirjana Vukicevic, Sanja Jockovic, Jovana Jankovic Pantic

Наслов рада (Наслов - поднаслов)

Constitutive Model for Analysis of Long-Term Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Settlement

Назив конференције (зборника), место и датум одржавања

ICEG 2022: International Conference on Environmental Geotechnics

Издавач (Београд : Просвета)

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

Година издавања


Сажетак рада на енглеском језику

Large long-term settlement occurs at the municipal solid waste landfills over an extended period of time which may
lead to breakage of the geomembrane, damage of the cover systems, other protective systems or facilities constructed on top of
a landfill. Also, municipal solid waste is an extremely heterogeneous material and its properties vary over location and time
within a landfill. These material characteristics require the formulation of a new constitutive model to predict the long-term
settlement of municipal solid waste. The paper presents a new constitutive model which is formulated to describe the
mechanical behavior of municipal solid waste. Model is based on Modified Cam Clay model and the critical state soil mechanics
framework incorporating time-dependent components: mechanical creep and biodegradation of municipal solid waste. The
formulated constitutive model is optimized and defined with eight input parameters: five Modified Cam Clay parameters, one
parameter for mechanical creep and two parameters for biodegradation of municipal solid waste. Thereafter, the constitutive
model is implemented in the software suite for finite element analysis (ABAQUS) and numerical analysis of the experimental
landfill settlement is performed. The proposed model predicts the total settlement which is in good agreement with field
measured settlement at the experimental landfill.

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Кључне речи на енглеском (одвојене знаком ", ")

constitutive model, finite element analysis, municipal solid waste, settlement


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