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Collected Item: “Geoheritage and Mining Heritage in the Promotion of Theme Parks: An Example of the National Park Đerdap (Carpathian-Balkan Thrust-And-Fold Belt, Eastern Serbia)”

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Аутор/и (Милан Марковић, Никола Николић)

Ivana Mojsić Velikić, Dragoman Rabrenović, Danica Srećković-Batoćanin, Darko Spahić

Наслов рада (Наслов - поднаслов)

Geoheritage and Mining Heritage in the Promotion of Theme Parks: An Example of the National Park Đerdap (Carpathian-Balkan Thrust-And-Fold Belt, Eastern Serbia)

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Издавач (Београд : Просвета)

Springer Science and Business Media LLC

Година издавања


Сажетак на енглеском језику

The National Park Đerdap (eastern Serbia, vicinity of the Danube River) occupies a segment of the Carpathian-Balkan
fold-and-thrust belt and has a significant geoheritage potential, accounting for the impressive natural (geological) and
cultural legacy. In addition to the extraordinary orogenic-type landscape or nappe-stacked mountainous configuration, the region contains evidence of ancient mining activities, uncovered within its immediate neighbourhood. The
ancient mining activities date back a few thousand years ago and represent a solid ground for the idea of establishing
a theme park, including the accompanying mining museum. Historic sites of this type are very attractive, whereas
the global practice indicates that the abandoned ore derelict mines could not be easily transformed into a facility with
new economically viable content. These have often been left to reveal their dumps, junk piles and ruined leftovers of
the formerly used mining tools and equipment.
A recent global trend tends to preserve the ancient mining sites, with the attempt to establish a mining museum or
theme park. The foundation of the theme park has the goal to make an attractive tourist offering for this part of Serbia.
Importantly, old mines are in a social–historical sense the archaeological localities documenting the pioneering mining and archaeometallurgy attempts. Ancient mining sites offer a rich legacy of mining and metallurgical tradition,
representing objects or geosites needing conservation and preservation at the social level to outline the sustainable
development of a region. This goal is in line with the guidelines and the criteria for developing theme parks, proposed
by UNESCO. Thus, here we emphasize the importance of natural and cultural heritage, which represents a significant
input of the mining legacy further supporting the idea of establishing a theme park within the National Park Đerdap.

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Географско подручје на које се односи публикација

istočna Srbija, Djerdap

Кључне речи на српском (одвојене знаком ", ")

"Karpatobalkanski pojas nabora i navlaka" "Geopark Djerdap" "Tematski park "Muzej rudarstva" "Konzervacija" "Održivi razvoj" "Geotopi" "Srbija"

Кључне речи на енглеском (одвојене знаком ", ")

"Carpathian-Balkan Fold-and-Thrust Belt " "Mining Legacy" "Đerdap Geopark" "Theme Park" "Mining Museum" "Conservation" "Sustainable Development" "Geotopes" "Serbia"


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