A new polymorph of Ba(AsO3OH): Synthesis, crystal structure and vibrational spectra
- Тип
- Рад у часопису
- Верзија рада
- објављена верзија
- Језик
- енглески
- Креатор
- Tamara Đorđević, Ljiljana Karanović
- Извор
- Journal of Solid State Chemistry
- Издавач
- Elsevier BV
- Датум издавања
- 2010
- Сажетак
A new monoclinic polymorph of Ba(AsO3OH) was synthesized under hydrothermal conditions. It
represents a previously unknown structure type. Its crystal structure was determined from a racemic
twin using single-crystal X-ray diffraction data collected at 120 and 293 K [space group P21, a=7.2149(14)/7.2370(2), b=7.7028(15)/7.7133(2), c=21.7385(43)/21.8079(5) Å, β=95.95(3)/96.073(1)1,
V=1201.6(4)/1210.51(5) Å3, Z=12]. The crystal structure of P21-Ba(AsO3OH) has a layered character
and is built up of four types of regularly alternating layers parallel to (0 0 1). Every AsO3OH tetrahedron
is chelating to two Ba atoms and bridged by another two Ba atoms. Each OH group acts as hydrogen
bond donor toward the oxygen atoms positioned in the same or adjacent layers. Although the H atoms
could not be located, no ambiguities are present in the hydrogen-bonding scheme. Single-crystal
vibrational spectroscopy (FTIR and Raman) was used to describe the vibrational behavior of the
hydrogen bond system; particularly the spectroscopic manifestation of the very short and short
hydrogen bonds (2.462(7)–2.575(7) Å). In order to complement spectroscopic data on protonated orthoarsenates, infrared spectra of triclinic F1¯ -Sr(AsO3OH) and the orthorhombic variety of Pbca-Ba(AsO3OH) were recorded and discussed. Furthermore, structural features of other alkaline earth
hydrogen arsenates are discussed. - том
- 183
- Број
- 12
- почетак странице
- 2835
- крај странице
- 2844
- doi
- 10.1016/j.jssc.2010.09.027
- issn
- 0022-4596
- Subject
- Ba(AsO3OH), хидротермална синтеза, структурна анализа монокристала, Раманска спектроскопија, инфрацрвена спектроскопија, водоничне везе, хидрогенарсенати земноалкалних метала
- Ba(AsO3OH), hydrothermal synthesis, single crystal structure analysis, Raman spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, hydrogen bonds, alkaline earth hydrogen arsenates
- Шира категорија рада
- M20
- Ужа категорија рада
- М22
- Је дио
- Министарство за науку и технолошки развој Републике Србије (пројекат бр. 142030)
- Права
- Затворени приступ
- Лиценца
- All rights reserved
- Формат
Tamara Đorđević, Ljiljana Karanović. "A new polymorph of Ba(AsO3OH): Synthesis, crystal structure and vibrational spectra" in Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Elsevier BV (2010). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jssc.2010.09.027 М22
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