Collected Item: “Hydrogeological Regions of Kolubarska Posavina (Central Serbia)”
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Аутор/и (Милан Марковић, Никола Николић)
Djordjije Božović, Tivadar Gaudenyi, Draženko Nenadić
Наслов рада (Наслов - поднаслов)
Hydrogeological Regions of Kolubarska Posavina (Central Serbia)
Наслов часописа
European Journal of Environment and Earth Sciences
Издавач (Београд : Просвета)
European Open Science Publishing
Година издавања
Сажетак на српском језику
Sliv podzemnih voda Kolubarske Posavine od velikog je značaja kao izvor za vodosnabdevanje Obrenovca. U ovom radu opisane su varijacije u sedimentacionim karakteristikama i sedimentaciona evolucija/paleogeografija za kvartarne naslage ovog sliva. Sliv Kolubarske Posavine može se podeliti na dva dela: zapadni deo – sliv Save, u kome su smešteni aluvijalna ravan Save i njeni (paleo)meandri. Istočni deo pripada Kolubarskom slivu, i njega odlikuju ostaci (makro)aluvijalne lepeze Kolubare i naplavna ravan Kolubare.
Сажетак на енглеском језику
The groundwater catchments of the Kolubarska Posavina are of significant importance because if some contamination affects the groundwater system, it is necessary to find a quality groundwater source for the water supply of Obrenovac Municipality. Reconstruction of sedimentary evolution plays a significant role in the investigation of groundwater catchment. In this study, the variation in sedimentary characteristics and sedimentary evolution/paleogeography were studied for Quaternary catchment identification in Kolubarska Posavina. The groundwater catchment of the Kolubarska Posavina can distinguished into two main parts. The western part of Kolubarska Posavina is identified as the Sava groundwater catchment, where the Sava alluvial plain and the (paleo) meanders of the Sava are located. The east part belongs to the Kolubara groundwater catchment, characterized by the remnants of the (macro) alluvial fan of Kolubara and the Kolubara floodplain. The Kolubara catchment is located eastwards from the older meander of the Sava River.
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Кључне речи на српском (одвојене знаком ", ")
izvor podzemnih voda Beograda, slivovi, Kolubarska Posavina
Кључне речи на енглеском (одвојене знаком ", ")
Belgrade Groundwater Source, Groundwater Provinces, Kolubarska Posavina
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