251 items
Trace elements and garnet formation in a distal skarn zone: a case study of the Rudnik deposit, Central Serbia
Bojan Kostić, Pavle Tančić, Natalija Batoćanin. "Trace elements and garnet formation in a distal skarn zone: a case study of the Rudnik deposit, Central Serbia" in Geological Quarterly, septembar 2024, Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute (PGI-NRI) (2024). https://doi.org/10.7306/gq.1752
A Model for Determining Fuzzy Evaluations of Partial Indicators of Availability for High-Capacity Continuous Systems at Coal Open Pits Using a Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System
This paper presents a model for determining fuzzy evaluations of partial indicators of the availability of continuous systems at coal open pits using a neuro-fuzzy inference system. The system itself is a combination of fuzzy logic and artificial neural networks. The system availability is divided into partial indicators. By combining the fuzzy logic and artificial neural networks, a model is obtained that has the ability to learn and uses expert judgment for that learning. This paper deals with the ...системи, континуални системи експлоатације (роторни багер-транспортер-дробилично постројење), рударство, расположивост, меко рачунарство, фази логика, ANN, ANFISMiljan Gomilanović, Miloš Tanasijević, Saša Stepanović, Filip Miletić. "A Model for Determining Fuzzy Evaluations of Partial Indicators of Availability for High-Capacity Continuous Systems at Coal Open Pits Using a Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System" in Energies, MDPI AG (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/en16072958
The influence of Al<sup>3+</sup>ion on porcine pepsin activity<i>in vitro</i>
The in vitro effect of Al3þ ions in the concentration range 1.7·1026M–8.7·1023M on pepsin activity at pH 2, via kinetic parameters and its electrophoretic mobility was evaluated. Kinetic study demonstrated the existence of an activation effect of Al3þ at pH 2 on pepsin molecule. Kinetic analysis with respect to concentrations of haemoglobin showed that Al3þ ions increase the maximal velocity (Vmax) and kcat values rather than apparent affinity for substrate (KS) implying the non-competitive nature of activation which indicated ...... analysis was performed by measuring. the intensity of radiation of the specific wavelength emitted by aluminium at 396.152 nm and with a sample flow rate of 1 mL min '. Integration times were 1 per increment (.e., analysis time of 1 minute per sample). UYV absorbance measurements 'wV absorbance ...Vesna M. Pavelkić, Kristina R. Gopcević, Danijela Z. Krstić, Marija A. Ilić. "The influence of Al3+ion on porcine pepsin activityin vitro" in Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, Informa UK Limited (2008). https://doi.org/10.1080/14756360701841095
Modeliranje buke u urbanoj sredini u okolini Doma zdravlja u Pančevu
Stefan Mandić (2024)Prisustvujemo epohi gde buka predstavlja veoma rasprostranjen i moderan fenomen koji možemo deklarisati kao problem. Svedoci smo toga da moderni problemi zahtevaju malo drugačiji pristup nego u prošlosti, odnosno zahtevaju moderna rešenja. Samim tim, vremenom je došlo do modernizacije alata,u ovom slučaju došlo je do razvoja modela za rasprostiranje buke koji su se vremenom unapređivali pa tako danas imamo jedno moćno sredstvo za borbu protiv buke u vidu kompjuterskog softvera.Ovaј master rad, pod nazivom „Modeliranje buke u urbanoj sredini ...... Propertes Average velocity [km/h] 50 Length route segment [m] 324.83 Distance between sources [m] 5.00 Number of point sources 65 Period |From __|To Flow| ~Cb({dB] Day |D7:00 _ |19:00 11904 - 10.04 Evening |19:00 - |23:00 3040 - 11.19 Night |23:00 - |O7:00 - From Clipboard E Cancel Help Slika ...
... Propertes Average velocity [km/h] 50 Length route segment [m] 324.53 Distance between sources [m] 5.00 Number of point sources 65 Period |From _ |To Flow| ~Cb{dB] Day |07:00 _ |19:00 432 | 24,44 Evening |19:00 |23:00 112. _ 25,53 Night |23:00 - |O7:00 = From Clipboard E] Cancel Help Slika 42: ...Stefan Mandić. Modeliranje buke u urbanoj sredini u okolini Doma zdravlja u Pančevu, 2024
Kinetics, mechanism, and equilibrium studies of the reactions between a ruthenium(II) complex and some nitrogen- and sulfur-donor nucleophiles
Aleksandar M. Mijatović, Ratomir M. Jelić, Jovana Bogojeski, Živadin D. Bugarčić, Biljana Petrović (2013)Kinetika i mehanizam reakcija supstitucije između [Ru(trpi)(bpi)Cl]+ sa nukleofilima gvanozin-5′-monofosfatom, L-histidinom, tioureom i dimetilsulfoksidom proučavani su spektrofotometrijski u 0,1 M NaClO4 na 310 K. Red reaktivnosti za odabrane ligande je: tiourea > gvanozin-5′-monofosfat > L-histidin > DMSO. Ovaj red je povezan sa elektronskim, strukturnim i hemijskim karakteristikama kompleksa i nukleofila. Reakcija supstitucije sa tioureom je proučavana na tri različite temperature (288, 298 i 310 K). Negativna entropija aktivacije DS = potvrđuje asocijativni način aktivacije. Formiranje kompleksa [Ru(trpi)(bpi)H2O]2+ sa ligandima ...... solution was prepared from concentrated volumetric solution (Merck, p.a.) by diluting with freshly boiled double-distilled water, cooled under constant flow of purified nitrogen. The alkali concentration was checked by titration against potassium hydrogenphthalate. For the preparation of perchloric acid ...Aleksandar M. Mijatović, Ratomir M. Jelić, Jovana Bogojeski, Živadin D. Bugarčić, Biljana Petrović. "Kinetics, mechanism, and equilibrium studies of the reactions between a ruthenium(II) complex and some nitrogen- and sulfur-donor nucleophiles" in Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00706-013-1044-1
A WebGIS Decision Support System for Management of Abandoned Mines
Ranka Stanković, Nikola Vulović, Nikola Lilić, Ivan Obradović, Radule Tošović, Milica Pešić-Georgiadis (2016)... late-night wind energy to pump water uphill from the pits to a higher-elevation holding pond. During the day, when electricity demand goes up, the flow is reversed and energy captured in hydro turbines. According to this study, for every 100 megawatts used to pump the water upward during night, the ...Ranka Stanković, Nikola Vulović, Nikola Lilić, Ivan Obradović, Radule Tošović, Milica Pešić-Georgiadis. "A WebGIS Decision Support System for Management of Abandoned Mines" in Energies 7 no. 9 (2016): 567. https://doi.org/10.3390/en9070567
Numeričko modelovanje povećanja iskorišćenja naftnih ležišta injektiranjem polimera i analiza osetljivosti parametara
Jana Šujica (2024)U toku proizvodnje jednog ležišta, nakon primene sekundarnih metoda iskorišćenja, velika količina nafte ostaje zarobljena u ležištu. Ovaj “problem” rešava se upotrebom tercijarnih metoda iskorišćenja.Tercijarne metode mogu se podeliti na: hemijske, termičke, mikrobiološke i metode utiskivanja gasova u uslovima mešanja i nemešanja.U ovom radu analiziraju se hemijske metode koje se odnose na injektiranje polimera u cilju povećanja iskorišćenja naftnog ležišta “X”. Simulacija je rađena u simulatoru “Tnavigator” na sintetičkom modelu u cilju definisanja stepena iskorišćenja naftnog ležišta “X” nakon ...... naftnog ležišta “X” injektiranjem polimera. Za numeričku simulaciju utiskivanja polimera u ovom radu primenjuje se simulator tNavigator, kompanije “Rock Flow Dynamics”. Sama inicijalizacija modela podrazumeva unos ključnih reči koje definišu sekcije modela. Nakon inicijalizacije modela, model je potrebno ...Jana Šujica. Numeričko modelovanje povećanja iskorišćenja naftnih ležišta injektiranjem polimera i analiza osetljivosti parametara, 2024
Optimizacija utovarno-transportnih sistema u funkciji planiranja površinskog kopa
Mirjana V. Banković (2018-07-13)Profitabilna eksploatacija sve složenijih ležišta je težak zadatak koji zavisi odtemeljnog procesa analize, planiranja i projektovanja rudnika. Izvodljiv strateškiplan mora da zadovoljava društvena, regulatorna, tehnološka, geometrijska iekonomska ograničenja. Kako bi se postigao osnovni cilj, odnosno profitabilnost iodrživost rudarskog projekta na duži period, neophodno je unapređenjematematičkih modela i informatičke podrške procesima planiranja i optimizacijekoji će omogućiti efikasnu realizaciju ovih ciljeva...tehnološki model, integralni model, planiranje, optimizacija,utovarno-transportni sistem, neto sadašnja vrednost projekta... Proracun kapaciteta RBIzbor stripa Inženjer za uprav ljanje kv alitetom uglja (from Uloge) Aktiv iranje plana rada bagera SYMS (from Uloge) «flow» «precedes» «include» «include» «include» «precedes» «include» «include» «precedes» «precedes» «precedes»«precedes» 112 • operativni ...
... Vizuelizacija modela deponije Inženjer za planiranje (from Uloge) Aktiv iranje plana za rad deponije SYMS (from Uloge) Isporuka plana deponije «flow» 114 4.3.7. Model simulacija utovara vozova Ovaj modul bavi se simulacijom i izradom plana otpremanja uglja sa kopa (direktno) i/ili sa deponije ...
... on, 27 (2-3), 349-365. Chandran, B. G., Hochbaum, D. S., 2009, A computational study of the pseudoflow and push-relabel algorithms for the maximum flow problem. Operations research, 57 (2), 358-376. 195 CKIT, 2017, The Bulk Materials Handling Knowledge Base [Online]. Available: http://www.ckit ...Mirjana V. Banković. "Optimizacija utovarno-transportnih sistema u funkciji planiranja površinskog kopa" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2018-07-13)
Hydrochemical changes and groundwater grouping data by multivariate statistical methods within one karst system: recharge–discharge zone (Eastern Serbia case study)
Ljiljana Vasić, Dragana Živojinović, Vladana Rajaković-Ognjanović. "Hydrochemical changes and groundwater grouping data by multivariate statistical methods within one karst system: recharge–discharge zone (Eastern Serbia case study)" in Carbonates and Evaporites, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13146-019-00548-6
Remontni radovi u bušotini sa dubinskom pumpom
Jovana Milošević (2024)Remontni i stimulativni radovi u naftnom inženjerstvu su radovi koji se primenjuju na bušotinama koje su već u proizvodnji ili potencijalno proizvodnim bušotinama, i u zavisnosti od toga imaju različitu svrhu. Remontni radovi predstavljaju sve radove koji su ograničeni na kanal bušotine, dok se stimulativni radovi odnose pribušotinsku zonu.U prvom slučaju remontni i stimulativni radovi kod proizvodnih bušotina služe za otklanjanje problema i povećavanje proizvodnje bušotine. Dok u drugom slučaju, kod potencijalnih bušotina su ovi radovi namenjeni završnim obradama ...... rvices/integrated-well- abandonment/completion-removal-and-well-preparation/perforating/pumpdown-– perforating-systems/terraconnect-perforating-flow-laboratory/terraperm- propellantenhanced-completion-service 48 Oo0pasau 1 H3JABA O AVTOPCTBY 3ABPII(IHOT PAJIA Me H npe3auMe crynenra Jovana ...Jovana Milošević . Remontni radovi u bušotini sa dubinskom pumpom, 2024
Managing mining project documentation using human language technology
Purpose: This paper aims to develop a system, which would enable efficient management and exploitation of documentation in electronic form, related to mining projects, with information retrieval and information extraction (IE) features, using various language resources and natural language processing. Design/methodology/approach: The system is designed to integrate textual, lexical, semantic and terminological resources, enabling advanced document search and extraction of information. These resources are integrated with a set of Web services and applications, for different user profiles and use-cases. Findings: The ...Digital libraries, Information retrieval, Data mining, Human language technologies, Project documentationAleksandra Tomašević, Ranka Stanković, Miloš Utvić, Ivan Obradović, Božo Kolonja . "Managing mining project documentation using human language technology" in The Electronic Library (2018). https://doi.org/10.1108/EL-11-2017-0239
A comparative study of the molecular and isotopic composition of biomarkers in immature oil shale (Aleksinac deposit, Serbia) and its liquid pyrolysis products (open and closed systems)
Gordana Gajica, Aleksandra Šajnović, Ksenija Stojanović, Jan Schwarzbauer, Aleksandar Kostić, Branimir Jovančićević (2021)The molecular and isotopic composition of biomarkers in initial bitumen isolated from immature (0.41% Rr) oil shale samples (Aleksinac deposit) and liquid products obtained by pyrolysis in open (OS) and closed (CS) systems are studied. The influence of pyrolysis type and variations of kerogen type on biomarkers composition and their isotopic signatures in liquid products is determined. The applicability of pyrolysis type, numerous biomarkers and carbon isotopic compositions (δ13C) of n-alkanes in liquid pyrolysates is established. Pyrolysis experiments were ...Uljni šejl, Aleksinac, organska supstanca, otvoreni i zatvoreni sistem pirolize, biomarkeri, izotopski sastav ugljjenikaGordana Gajica, Aleksandra Šajnović, Ksenija Stojanović, Jan Schwarzbauer, Aleksandar Kostić, Branimir Jovančićević. "A comparative study of the molecular and isotopic composition of biomarkers in immature oil shale (Aleksinac deposit, Serbia) and its liquid pyrolysis products (open and closed systems)" in Marine and Petroleum Geology, Elsevier BV (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.105383
Отпад из процеса сагоревања угља као сировина за добијање елемената ретких земаља
Бојан Земљак (2024)Због великог броја индустрија у којима се користе ови ресурси, глобална економија се у великој мери ослања на елементе ретких земаља. Елементи ретких земаља су есенцијална сировина — материјал за развој савремених технологија, али у односу на њихову огромну потражњу, њихово вађење је ограничено и повезано је са значајним утицајима на животну средину. Због њихове ограничене доступности, проблема који се јављају при процесима експлоатације, све више и више земаља почиње да тражи повољније могућности вађења елемената [REE] из секундарних ...... Australia: A very short introduction. OUP Oxford. [113] Matthews, C.G., 2014. High spatial resolution heat flow mapping in South Australia: implications for the nature of the South Australian heat flow anomaly and geothermal and mineral resource exploration (Doctoral dissertation, Monash University). ...
... and valuable metals. Energies, 15(2), p.628. [218] Silvestre, C.L, Santos, J.L., Lima, J.L. and Zagatto, E.A., 2009. Liquid-liquid extraction in flow analysis: A critical review. Analytica chimica acta, 652(1-2), p.54- 65. [219] Janssen, C.H., Macias-Ruvalcaba, N.A., Aguilar-Martinez, M. and Kobrak ...Бојан Земљак. Отпад из процеса сагоревања угља као сировина за добијање елемената ретких земаља, 2024
A survey of greenhouse gases production in central European lignites
Anna Pytlak, Anna Szafranek-Nakonieczna, Weronika Goraj, Izabela Śnieżyńska, Aleksandra Krążała, Artur Banach, Ivica Ristović, Mirosław Słowakiewicz, Zofia Stępniewska (2021)... org/10.1007/s10295-015-1592-y. Sikora, A., Detman, A., Chojnacka, A., Blaszczyk, M.K., 2017. Anaerobic digestion: I. A com- mon process ensuring energy flow and the circulation of matter in ecosystems. II. A tool for the production of gaseous biofuels. Fermentation Processes. InTech https:// doi.org/10. ...Anna Pytlak, Anna Szafranek-Nakonieczna, Weronika Goraj, Izabela Śnieżyńska, Aleksandra Krążała, Artur Banach, Ivica Ristović, Mirosław Słowakiewicz, Zofia Stępniewska. "A survey of greenhouse gases production in central European lignites" in Science of The Total Environment, Elsevier (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149551
Age and microfacies of oceanic Upper Triassic radiolarite components from the Middle Jurassic ophiolitic mélange in the Zlatibor Mountains (Inner Dinarides, Serbia) and their provenance
Hans-Juergen Gawlick, Nevenka Đerić, Sigrid Missoni, Nikita Bragin, Milan Sudar, Divna Jovanović (2017)Neo-Tethys, trench-like basins, synorogenic deposition, evolving thrust belt, Triassic palaeogeography... filled the depression of an older trench-like basin fill with a rough topography (Fig. 9). In the first phase of depo- sition the turbidites and mass-flow deposits filled the fissures and depression of the older topography. It is important is to note, that the underlying blocks derive exclusively from ...Hans-Juergen Gawlick, Nevenka Đerić, Sigrid Missoni, Nikita Bragin, Milan Sudar, Divna Jovanović. "Age and microfacies of oceanic Upper Triassic radiolarite components from the Middle Jurassic ophiolitic mélange in the Zlatibor Mountains (Inner Dinarides, Serbia) and their provenance" in Geologica Carpathica (2017)
The subthermal potential of karstic groundwater of Kučaj–Beljanica region in Serbia estimated by the multivariate analysis
Earth-Surface Processes, Geology, Pollution, Soil Science, Water Science and Technology, Environmental Chemistry, Global and Planetary ChangeLjiljana Vasić, Dragana Ž. Živojinovic, Vladana Rajaković-Ognjanović, Huang Fen, Cao Jianhua. "The subthermal potential of karstic groundwater of Kučaj–Beljanica region in Serbia estimated by the multivariate analysis" in Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-021-09392-1
Influence of paleoenvironmental conditions on distribution and relative abundance of saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments from the NW part of the Toplica basin, Serbia
Nikola Burazer, Aleksandra Šajnović, Nebojša Vasić, Milica Kašanin-Grubin, Dragana Životić, João Graciano Mendonça Filho, Predrag Vulić, Branimir Jovančićević (2020)Nikola Burazer, Aleksandra Šajnović, Nebojša Vasić, Milica Kašanin-Grubin, Dragana Životić, João Graciano Mendonça Filho, Predrag Vulić, Branimir Jovančićević. "Influence of paleoenvironmental conditions on distribution and relative abundance of saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments from the NW part of the Toplica basin, Serbia" in Marine and Petroleum Geology, Elsevier BV (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2020.104252
Surface functional groups and degree of carbonization of selected chars from different processes and feedstock
Marija Ilić, Franz-Hubert Haegel, Aleksandar Lolić, Zoran Nedić, Tomislav Tosti, Ivana Sredović Ignjatović, Andreas Linden, Nicolai D. Jablonowski, Heinrich Hartmann (2022)The knowledge ofthe structural and chemical properties of biochars is decisive for their application as technical products. For this reason, methods for the characterization of biochars that are generally applicable and allow quality control are highly desired. Several methods that have shown potential in other studies were used to investigate two activated carbons and seven biochars from different processes and feedstock. The chars were chosen to cover a wide range of chemical composition and structural properties as a hardness ...Biougalj, različiti procesi dobijanja, različite sirovine, površinski aktivne grupe, x-ray, FT-IR,XPS... 053942) and a Dionex” IonPac” AS15 IC (4 x 250 mm, P/N 053940) as guard and analytical columns. The mobile phase was 38 mM KOH with a continuous flow rate of 1 ml min . In addition, the column temperature was 30 "C, the conductivity cell temperature 35 "C and the suppressor current 95 mA. A backpres- ...
... The value for the polarization of ACI is relatively low and might be a consequence of the high porosity of the sample that dis- turbs the free flow of electrons through the char skeleton. It is also in accordance with the high Io/Ic ratio for AC1, which suggests that this activated carbon is less ...Marija Ilić, Franz-Hubert Haegel, Aleksandar Lolić, Zoran Nedić, Tomislav Tosti, Ivana Sredović Ignjatović, Andreas Linden, Nicolai D. Jablonowski, Heinrich Hartmann. "Surface functional groups and degree of carbonization of selected chars from different processes and feedstock" in PLOS ONE (2022). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0277365
Hidrogeoekološki aspekti aksploatacije uglja u Pelagonijskom basenu (Makedonija)
Kostadin J. Jovanov (2016-06-24)Leţišta uglja „Suvodol“, „Brod-Gneotino“ su u eksploataciji, a leţište uglja „Ţivojno“je u fazi pripremi. Nalaze se u krajnjem jugoistočnom i juţnom delu Pelagonijskekotline. Sva tri leţišta stvorena su u neogenim sedimentima u jezerskim uslovimasedimentacije u zoni kontakta sa prekambrijumskim kristalastim stenama. Kod sva trileţišta ugalja se javljaju više slojeva različite debljine, u okviru kojih se nalaze klastičnisedimenti (gline, peskovi i dr.). U podini ugljenog basena nalaze se kristalaste steneprekambrijumske starosti.Teren u okolini leţišta uglja karakteriše se umereno kontinentalnom klimom, ...ugalj, podzemne vode, površinske vode, neogeni kompleks, izdani,transmisibilnost, nivo podzemne vode, sniţenje nivoa... extremely low quantities of precipitation, warm and dry summers and quite cold winters. The hydrographic network is poorly developed and the major flow is River CrnaReca which is a basin of all flows in the immediate and wider surrounding terrains. Circumferential terrains make high mountains (Selečka ...
... water which flows from the slopes, the channels for acquisition of water in layer’s pits and drainage wells which get hold ofground water before its flow in mining works. Coal exploitation as well as the coal drainage works has quite an influence on the environment. Coal mines have rather an influence ...
... Studija za vlijanieto na PK. PJS vrz ţivotnata sredina. Fond na AD Elektrani na Makedonija – Skopje. 7. Brown K, and Trott S, 2014: Ground water Flow Models in Open Pit Mining: Can We Do Better?Mine Water Environ, pp. 187-190). 8. Bukowski P, Bromek T, and Augustyniak I, 2006: Using the DRASTIC ...Kostadin J. Jovanov. "Hidrogeoekološki aspekti aksploatacije uglja u Pelagonijskom basenu (Makedonija)" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2016-06-24)
Multihazard Exposure Assessment on the Valjevo City Road Network
Miloš Marjanović, Biljana Abolmasov, Svetozar Milenković, Uroš Đurić, Jelka Krušić, Mileva Samardžić Petrović (2019)Miloš Marjanović, Biljana Abolmasov, Svetozar Milenković, Uroš Đurić, Jelka Krušić, Mileva Samardžić Petrović. "Multihazard Exposure Assessment on the Valjevo City Road Network" in Spatial Modeling in GIS and R for Earth and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier Inc (2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815226-3.00031-4.