377 items
Contemporary advanced control techniques for flotation plants with mechanical flotation cells – a review
Jovanović Ivana, Miljanović Igor (2015)Jovanović Ivana, Miljanović Igor. "Contemporary advanced control techniques for flotation plants with mechanical flotation cells – a review" in Minerals Engineering 70 no. 1, -:Elsevier (2015): 228-249. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2014.09.022
Soft computing-based modelling of flotation processes - a review
Jovanović Ivana, Miljanović Igor (2015)Jovanović Ivana, Miljanović Igor. "Soft computing-based modelling of flotation processes - a review" in Minerals Engineering 84 (201, Amsterdam:Elsevier (2015): 34-63. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2015.09.020
Modelling of flotation processes by classical mathematical methods - a review
Jovanović Ivana, Miljanović Igor (2015)Jovanović Ivana, Miljanović Igor. "Modelling of flotation processes by classical mathematical methods - a review" in Archives of Mining Sciences 60 (201 no. 4, Berlin:De Gruyter (2015): 905-919. https://doi.org/10.1515/amsc-2015-0059
Tracking of the temporal dependency of fading of the human footprint temperature contrast
In certain situations, it is extremely important to determine the exact time “someone” entered or crossed the forbidden zone of a military or strategic installation, a red zone of radioactive, chemical, or biological contamination, a bank or similar structure. Standard security measures include ordinary video surveillance using cameras that operate in the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum, as well commercial thermal imaging cameras [1, 2]. The paper presents the results of experiments that suggest another possible use of ...Stevan Đenadić, Ljubiša Tomić, Vesna Damnjanović, Darko Vasiljević, Danica Pavlović. "Tracking of the temporal dependency of fading of the human footprint temperature contrast" in VIII International School and Conference on Photonics, Belgrade, Serbia, 23-27 August 2021, Institute of Physics Belgrade (2021)
Natural two-dimensional pyrophyllite: Nanoscale lubricant, electrical insulator and easily-machinable material
Borislav Vasić, Radoš Gajić, Ivana Milošević, Žarko Medić, Marina Blagojev, Marko Opačić, Aleksandar Kremenović, Dejan Lazić (2022)Pyrophyllite, with the chemical formula Al2Si4O10(OH)2, is a naturally occurring and abundant van der Waals mineral belonging to the group of phyllosilicates. It is very soft, layered crystal used for sculpting and an excellent electrical and thermal insulator aimed for the operation at high pressure and temperature. Here, for the first time, two-dimensional (2D) pyrophyllite obtained by both mechanical and liquid phase exfoliation is presented and investigated at the nanoscale. The layered structure provides low friction coefficient of around ...Atomic force microscopy, Insulating properties, Nanofriction and wear, Natural two dimensional materials, Phyllosilicates, PyrophylliteBorislav Vasić, Radoš Gajić, Ivana Milošević, Žarko Medić, Marina Blagojev, Marko Opačić, Aleksandar Kremenović, Dejan Lazić. "Natural two-dimensional pyrophyllite: Nanoscale lubricant, electrical insulator and easily-machinable material" in Applied Surface Science, Elsevier BV (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2022.155114
Unraveling Innerworkings of Magmatic System Beneath the East Pacific Rise 9º50’N
Milena Marjanović, Suzanne M. Carbotte, Alexandre Stopin, Felix Waldhauser, Satish C. Singh, René-Édouard Plessix, Miloš Marjanović, Malden R. Nedimović, Juan Pablo Canales, Hélène D. Carton, Javier Escartin, John C. Mutter (2021)... Javier Escartin8, John C. Mutter2 1Université de Paris, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris; CNRS, Paris, France 2Department of Marine Geology and Geophysics, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University; Palisades, NY, USA 3Shell Global Solutions International B.V.; Amsterdam ...Milena Marjanović, Suzanne M. Carbotte, Alexandre Stopin, Felix Waldhauser, Satish C. Singh, René-Édouard Plessix, Miloš Marjanović, Malden R. Nedimović, Juan Pablo Canales, Hélène D. Carton, Javier Escartin, John C. Mutter. "Unraveling Innerworkings of Magmatic System Beneath the East Pacific Rise 9º50’N" in AGU Fall Meeting 2021, American Geophysical Union (2021)
Утечњени природни гас (УПГ) – технологија производње и регасификације
Јована Милетић (2024)У овом раду истраживање је обухватило сагледавање карактеристика утечњеног природног гаса као извора енергије и његове улоге у савременој расподели потрошње енергије на глобалном и европском нивоу. Проучени су елементи тржишта утечњеног природног гаса, сектори коришћења, транс-портне руте и количине испорука. Сагледан је пут природног гаса од лежишта до корисника преко утечњавања и транспорта у резервоарима, са посебним акцентом на технологијама производње и регасификације. Објашњено је пречишћавање сировог природног гаса ради уласка у процес утечњавања, процеси утешњавања и настојања ...утечњени природни гас, технологија производње и рега- сификације, транспорт, директно коришћење УПГ-а, могућност коришћења УПГ-а у Србији... Deutschland O:l. DOI: 10.13140/rg.2.2.31970.25289 Advanced EMC Technologies (2016). Cryogenic Seals for LNG Marine Loading Arms. SAD, Oklahoma. https://advanced-emc.com/cryogenic-seals-for-Ing-marine- loading-arms/ pristupljeno 21.6.2024. Affandy, S. A. et al. (2020). A technical and economic evaluation ...
... 94744-3_27 SETI Petroleum Equipment. Oil & Gas Downstream Equipment and Services. Introductory Overview of Marine Loading Arms. Beccar, Argentina. https://seti- equipos.com/en/marine-loading-arms-introductory-overview/ pristupljeno 20.6.2024. Shell Global (2024). Shell LNG „OQutlook 2024. United ...
... OJU HaJUTeOKHHX TepMHHalja ca KOJer ce yTOBapy]Je, OK ce HHQopManuje O OcCoOHHaMa H IoTpeOaMa IIpeBO3HOFr cpejicrBa no0Hjajy oJl oco0Jba Oponna (Marine Portal). Kajta cy CBH HEOIIXOJIHH KOpa1liH ycIHIeHIHO OOaBJbeHH, yTOBap MO)Ke Jla IIOuHeC. CnBaKu TepeTHu OpoJi KOJH IIpeBO3H TeuHH TePcT, a TaKO ...Јована Милетић. Утечњени природни гас (УПГ) – технологија производње и регасификације, 2024
Clockwise vertical-axis rotation in the West Vardar zone of Serbia: Tectonic implications
The Vardar-Tethyan mega-suture between the Eurasian and Adria (Gondwana) margins comprises remnants of oceanic lithosphere of Neotethys and distal parts of the adjacent continental margins including unconformable Late Cretaceous sedimentary cover and Cenozoic igneous rocks of post-obduction age. This study provides kinematic constraints for displacements and rotations affecting the Serbian part of the West Vardar and Jadar-Kopaonik units after the closure of the Neotethyan (= Sava) Ocean. The targets of the paleomagnetic research were Late Cretaceous sediments representing an ...... Violeta Gajić, Dragana Jovanović, Vesna Cvetkov Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Clockwise vertical-axis rotation in the West Vardar zone of Serbia: Tectonic implications | Vesna Lesić, Emo Márton, Violeta Gajić, Dragana Jovanović, Vesna Cvetkov | ...
... pelagic environment. It contains an Upper Campanian-Lower Maastrichtian globotruncanid associa- tion (Gajić 2007, 2014). The second type is a shallow marine allochemosparite limestone (Folk 1959, 1962) (red or white) deposited from turbidity flows. We drilled a fairly large number of samples from both ...Vesna Lesić, Emo Márton, Violeta Gajić, Dragana Jovanović, Vesna Cvetkov. "Clockwise vertical-axis rotation in the West Vardar zone of Serbia: Tectonic implications" in Swiss Journal of Geosciences, Basel : Springer International Publishing (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00015-018-0321-8
Application of the principle of circular economy to the thermal groundwater, the example of the municipality of Bogatić
There are about 360 locations of thermal and thermo-mineral waters in Serbia, whose water temperatures range from 14 to 98°C, which ranks Serbia as the richest European country in geothermal energy. The mentioned water resources (thermal and thermomineral waters) are used, mostly, for therapeutic purposes in spas and sports and recreational centers. The main problem that is present is the fact that they are not used in a rational and efficient way. The paper will give examples territorially related ...Marija Jovanović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac. "Application of the principle of circular economy to the thermal groundwater, the example of the municipality of Bogatić" in Book of proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific Conference on vircular and bioeconomy CIBEK2021, Belgrade, Belgrade : School of Engineering Management (2021)
Demise of the Wetterstein Carbonate Platform and onset of the Dachstein Carbonate Platform recorded in deep-water successions of the East Bosnian-Durmitor megaunit (Pliješevina, northern Montenegro, Dinarides)
Milica Mrdak, Eva Wagerer, Milan Sudar, Nevenka Djerić, Martin Đaković, Hans-Jürgen Gawlick. "Demise of the Wetterstein Carbonate Platform and onset of the Dachstein Carbonate Platform recorded in deep-water successions of the East Bosnian-Durmitor megaunit (Pliješevina, northern Montenegro, Dinarides)" in Geologica Carpathica, Central Library of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (2024). https://doi.org/10.31577/GeolCarp.2023.26
Composition of organic matter and thermal maturity of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary rocks in East Herzegovina (External Dinarides, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
This paper presents the first data on the organic matter and thermal maturity of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary rocks in the East Herzegovina region of the External Dinarides. Representative, organic-rich samples from outcropping sedimentary rocks of different ages in the area (Triassic to Neogene) were selected and analysed. The organic matter was studied by Rock-Eval pyrolysis and under the microscope in reflected non-polarized light and incident blue light. The results obtained show the presence of different types of organic ...... under the blue light (�uorescence mode) showed that the organic matter of the Triassic samples con- tains not only vitrinite, but also liptinite (marine alginite and bituminite). �e observation of Dino�agellate cysts, some Tasmanites remains and liptodetrinite (Fig. 6) indi- cate high bioproductivity ...
... under the blue light (fluorescence mode) showed that the organic matter of the Triassic samples con- tains not only vitrinite, but also liptinite (marine alginite and bituminite). The observation of Dinoflagellate cysts, some Tasmanites remains and liptodetrinite (Fig. 6) indi- cate high bioproductivity ...
... microscope, strongly indicate a microbial mat origin, probably related to Cyanobacteria (Ercegovac and Kostić, 2006) and a subareal and shallow-marine depositional environment. �e predominant maceral in the Gacko coal sample is atrinite (51%), followed by densinite (39%). Other mac- erals, present ...Nikoleta Aleksić, Aleksandar Kostić, Miloš Radonjić. "Composition of organic matter and thermal maturity of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary rocks in East Herzegovina (External Dinarides, Bosnia and Herzegovina)" in Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae (2021). https://doi.org/10.14241/asgp.2021.16
Stratigraphy of fluvial polycyclic sediments of Serbia
Gaudenyi Tivadar, Nenadić Draženko, Jovanović Mlađen. "Stratigraphy of fluvial polycyclic sediments of Serbia" in Kvarter 2011, Brno: (2011): 7-8
Arcahaisms in the Serbian Quaternary Stratigraphy
Gaudenyi Tivadar, Jovanović Mlađen, Nenadić Draženko. "Arcahaisms in the Serbian Quaternary Stratigraphy" in Programme & abstracts / One Day Workshop Neogene and quaternary stratigraphy - actual terminology and nomenclature, Belgrade, September 20, 2013, Beograd:Serbian Geological Society (2013): 41-44
Stratigraphical subdivision of the fluvial policyclic sediments of the Sava River riparian near Belgrade
Gaudenyi Tivadar, Nenadić Draženko, Jovanović Mlađen. "Stratigraphical subdivision of the fluvial policyclic sediments of the Sava River riparian near Belgrade" in XVIII INQUA Congress, 21-27 July in Bern, Switzerland, Bern: (2011)
Stratigraphical importance of the Viviparus boeckhi assemblage of Serbia
Gaudenyi Tivadar, Nenadić Draženko, Jovanović Mlađen. "Stratigraphical importance of the Viviparus boeckhi assemblage of Serbia" in XVIII INQUA Congress, 21-27 July in Bern, Switzerland, Bern: (2011)
Integrisanje alata za modeliranje ležišta u informacioni sistem za upravljanje kvalitetom uglja
Jovanović Mirjana, Tomašević Aleksandra, Stanković Ranka. "Integrisanje alata za modeliranje ležišta u informacioni sistem za upravljanje kvalitetom uglja" in 3rd International Symposium ENERGY MINING 2010, 08 - 11. September 2010., Banja Junakovic, Apatin, Serbia, :Univerzitet u Beogradu - Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2010): 503-509
Geohemija većih jalovišta rudnika metala zapadne i centralne Srbije
Đokić Božidar, Simić Vladimir, Jovanović Milun. "Geohemija većih jalovišta rudnika metala zapadne i centralne Srbije" in Tehnika, Rudarstvo, geologija i metalurgija 6 no. 66, Beograd: (2013): 1041-1048
Definisanje strukturnih odnosa primenom postupka horizontalni gradijent
Različiti postupci matematičkih transformacija se mogu primeniti na gravimetrijskim i magne tometrijskim podacima, kako bi se na istražnom terenu definisali strukturno-tektonski odnosi. U radu su prikazani rezultati dobijeni korišćenjem postupka horizontalni gradijent i ukupni horizontalni gradijent na gravimetrisjkim podacima. Navedeni postupci su pomogli da se detektuju kontakti sa velikim padnim uglom (vertikalni ili subvertikalni kontakti), koji se mogu interpretirati kao rasedi. Za test područije uzet je istražni prostor koji se nalazi na jugoistoku Srbije u okolini Vranjskog basena. Položaji ...... Ignjatović, Ivana Vasiljević, Natalija Jovanović Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Definisanje strukturnih odnosa primenom postupka horizontalni gradijent | Snežana Ignjatović, Ivana Vasiljević, Natalija Jovanović | Tehnika | 2019 | | 10.5937/teh ...
... IVANA VASILJEVIĆ, Univerzitet u Beogradu, DOI: 10.5937/tehnika1905664I Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Beograd NATALIJA JOVANOVIĆ, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Beograd Različiti postupci matematičkih transformacija se mogu primeniti ...Snežana Ignjatović, Ivana Vasiljević, Natalija Jovanović. "Definisanje strukturnih odnosa primenom postupka horizontalni gradijent" in Tehnika, Beograd : Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije (2019). https://doi.org/10.5937/tehnika1905664I
Dosadašnja saznanja o bijelim boksitima na prostoru Crne Gore
Mia Jovanović, Slobodan Radusinović, Vladimir Simić. "Dosadašnja saznanja o bijelim boksitima na prostoru Crne Gore" in Geološki glasnik (2023)
High-resolution sequence stratigraphy of carbonates - theory and examples
Jelena Stefanović, Dejan Radivojević (2020)Циљ рада је да кроз теоријски аспект и примере примене представи секвенциону стратиграфију високе резолуције карбонатних седимената. У том смислу први део се односи на појам и значење високе резолуције у секвенционој стратиграфији. Од временских и просторних скала које одговарају сеизмичким профилима у последњих двадесет година метода је нашла примену на скалама које одговарају бушотинским подацима или изданцима. Као најпогоднији седименти за овај тип истраживања су се показали карбонати јер су осетљиви на еустатичке промене, а основе секвенционе стратиграфије ...... 301. CATUNEANU, O. 2006. Principles of Sequence Stratigraphy. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 375. CATUNEANU, O. 2019. Scale in sequence stratigraphy. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 106. pp.128- 159. GALLOWAY, W.E. 1989. Genetic stratigraphic sequences in basin analysis, I. Architecture and genesis of ...
... Geological Society of America Bulletin, pp.1349–1359. KENDALL, C.G.ST.C. and SCHLAGER, W. 1981, Carbonates and relative changes in sea level: Marine Geology, v. 44, p. 181-212. KENTER, J.A.M., HARRIS, P.M. AND DELLA PORTA, G. 2005, Steep microbial boundstone- dominated platform margins – examples ...
... High-resolution sequence stratigraphy of clastic shelves V: Criteria to discriminate between stratigraphic sequences and sedimentological cycles. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 85. ...Jelena Stefanović, Dejan Radivojević. "High-resolution sequence stratigraphy of carbonates - theory and examples" in Zapisnici Srpskog geološkog društva za 2020. godinu, Srpsko geološko društvo (2020)