294 items
Machine Learning and Deep Neural Network-Based Lemmatization and Morphosyntactic Tagging for Serbian
The training of new tagger models for Serbian is primarily motivated by the enhancement of the existing tagset with the grammatical category of a gender. The harmonization of resources that were manually annotated within different projects over a long period of time was an important task, enabled by the development of tools that support partial automation. The supporting tools take into account different taggers and tagsets. This paper focuses on TreeTagger and spaCy taggers, and the annotation schema alignment ...... model for Serbian was produced as the parameter file TT11 for TreeTagger, a supervised ML-tagger based on Hid- den Markov Models (HMMs) that uses decision trees for smoothing (Schmid, 1999). A manually annotated train- ing corpus, a full lexicon containing all allowed pairs (PoS, lemma) assigned to ...
... the convert command, which enables conversion of input files in CoNLL-U format to spaCy’s json format. Sentences in CoNLL-U format7 are split into multiple to- ken lines, where the number of lines equals the number of tokens in a sentence. Each line contains the following ten fields, separated with ...Ranka Stanković, Branislava Šandrih, Cvetana Krstev, Miloš Utvić, Mihailo Škorić. "Machine Learning and Deep Neural Network-Based Lemmatization and Morphosyntactic Tagging for Serbian" in Proceedings of the 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, May Year: 2020, Marseille, France, European Language Resources Association (2020)
Laboratory Testing of Nanosilica- Reinforced Silicate and Polyacrylamide Gels
Irina Zahirovic, Dušan Danilović, Milica Šuput Vranjin, Miloš Tripković. "Laboratory Testing of Nanosilica- Reinforced Silicate and Polyacrylamide Gels" in SPE Journal (2023)
Modeliranje disperzije dimnih gasova iz termoelektrane ,, Nikola Tesla”
Milica Kostić (2024)Termoelektrane na ugalj, iako značajan izvor električne energije, predstavljaju veliki izazov zbog zagađenja koje uzrokuju. Glavni uzrok zagađenja je neumerena ljudska potreba za energijom i resursima, što dovodi do emisije različitih zagađivača u atmosferu, uključujući okside ugljenika, sumpora, azota, kao i lebdeće čestice i toksine. Ove emisije imaju negativan uticaj na kvalitet vazduha, zdravlje ljudi i životnu sredinu. Procena uticaja termoelektrana na ugalj na životnu sredinu je zakonska obaveza i ključna za smanjenje tih negativnih efekata. Ovaj dokument analizira potencijalne ...... plućnih bolesti. 10% evropske dece pati od simptoma astme. Evropski istraživački projekt (APHEKOM - Improving Knowledge and Communication for Decision Making on Air Pollution and Health in Europe) koji je trajao od 2008. do 2011. godine i u kom je učestovalo 12 zemalja, otkrio je da se 15-30% novih ...Milica Kostić. Modeliranje disperzije dimnih gasova iz termoelektrane ,, Nikola Tesla”, 2024
Threshold-induced correlations in the Random Field Ising Model
... nearest neighbors. All those neighbors that become unstable will �ip at the next moment of time, which in turn may cause the �ipping of their neighbors, making an avalanche which lasts until all spins become stable. Once all spins become stable, the only way to trigger a new avalanche is to change the external ...
... neighbors. All those neighbors that become unstable will flip at the next moment of time, which in turn may cause the flipping of their neighbors, making an avalanche which lasts until all spins become stable. Once all spins become stable, the only way to trigger a new avalanche is to change the external ...Sanja Janićević, Dragutin Jovković, Lasse Laurson, Đorđe Spasojević. "Threshold-induced correlations in the Random Field Ising Model" in Scientific Reports, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2018). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-20759-6
The application of ArcGIS for assessing the potential of solar energy in urban area: The case of Vranje
In order to determine the solar energy potential for a specified location, it is crucial to consider the latitude, altitude, slope, terrain morphology, atmospheric conditions, etc. Such a complex calculation and mapping of solar energy can be done using the ArcGIS geoprocessing tool, named Area Solar Radiation (ASR). By using the ASR tool, supported with the adequate input data, it is possible to calculate the maximum solar radiation energy (irradiation) for a defined area and for a specified time ...... radiation at landscape scales. Proceedings of the 19th Annual ESRI User Conference. Sarmiento N., Belmonte S., et al., 2019. "A solar irradiation GIS as decision support tool for the Province of Salta, Argentina". Renewable Energy, Volume 132, p. 68-80. Stamenkovic LJ., 2009. "Using the solar PV energy ...Boban Pavlović, Milica Pešić-Georgiadis. "The application of ArcGIS for assessing the potential of solar energy in urban area: The case of Vranje" in 12th International Conference on Energy and Climate Change, 9-11 October 2019, Athens - Greece, Energy Policy and Development Centre (KEPA) of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (2019)
Old or New, We Repair, Adjust and Alter (Texts)
Cvetana Krstev, Ranka Stanković (2020)U ovom radu predstavljamo kako se e-rečnici i kaskade transduktora konačnih stanja implementirani u alatu Unitex mogu koristiti za rešavanje tri problema transformacije teksta: ispravljanje tekstova nakon OCR-a, vraćanje dijakritičkih znakova i prebacivanje između različitih jezičkih varijanti.ispravka teksta, OCR greške, restauracija dijakritika , jezičke varijante, elektronski rečnik, transduktori konačnih stanja... for the two cases of multiple candidates: *5b(pošle(1)_posle(1422)) and *5b(zemlju(137)_žemlju(1)),10 both criteria would chose posle and zemlju, respectively, which would be the right choice in both cases. The procedure can also look in the broader context and apply some decision rules. For instance ...
... dictionary of more than 18,000 MWU lemmas; for instance, Dobro vece ⇒ Dobro veče ‘Good evening’ (avoiding multiple candidates for vece) or ukrstene reci ⇒ ukrštene reči ‘cross-words’ (avoiding multiple candidates for reci, but also resolving the preceding adjective ukršten). These dictionary contains all ...
... and the other containing only texts written in Ijeka- vian pronunciation. In the case of multiple corrections, they are merged in one entry, as in the SRP_DR dictionary. Specific problems may arise with multiple corrections when transforming texts in either direction: – An Ijekavian form is a homograph ...Cvetana Krstev, Ranka Stanković. "Old or New, We Repair, Adjust and Alter (Texts)" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2020). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2019.19.2.3
Развој модела употребног квалитета помоћне механизације на површинским коповима лигнита
Драгица Јагодић Крунић (2021)Тренутно стање помоћне механизације на површинским коповима лигнита је незадовољавајуће узроковано пре свега старошћу и неблаговременом заменом машима услед чега је расположивост недовољна а трошкови експлоатације и одржавања високи. Тренутно стање и захтеви који се постављају пред ове машине указују на неопходност оптимизације процеса управљања помоћном механизацијом. Одређивање оптималног времена замене и преосталих могућности је најодговорнији управљачки задатак који треба да буде заснован на свеобухватном сагледавању економских, техничких и других узрочно последичних веза. Са економског аспекта гледано треба одржавати ...помоћна механизација, употребни квалитет, ефективност, расположивост, сигурност функционисања, ризик, трошкови животног циклуса, фази логика, Монте Карло метода... одлучивања учествује и више експерата (Multi-Criteria Multi-Expert Decision Making - MCMEDM). Уколико постоји једна група или више група експерата, овакви системи се називају вишеатрибутивни групни системи одлучивања (Multi Attribute Group Decision Making - MAGDM). Један од специфичних система одлучивања ...
... [116] Haans, M., Applied fuzzyArithmetic – an introduction with engineering applications, Springer, 2005. [117] Buckley, J.J., The multiple judge, multiple criteria ranking problem: A fuzzy set approach, Fuzzy sets and systems, 1984, Volume 13, pp. 25-37. [118] Klir, G.J., Yuan, B., Fuzzy sets ...
... 2013, 248 стр. [107] Turban E., Aronson J.E., Liang T., Shard R., Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems, 9ht Ed, Pearson Edukation, Inc 2010. [108] Yu, C.-S., A GP-AHP method for solving group decision-making fuzzy AHP problems. Computers & Operations Research, 2002, 29(14), 1969–2001 ...Драгица Јагодић Крунић. Развој модела употребног квалитета помоћне механизације на површинским коповима лигнита, Београд : [Д. Јагодић Крунић], 2021
Softverski alati za korišćenje resursa za srpski jezik
Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković (2008)... lemmas based on different criteria. Lemmas can be selected according to the crite- rion of matching a lemma substring with a given string, then by specifying the part of speech, the inflectional class, syntactic or semantic tags, as well as by combining all these criteria through Boolean expressions ...
... keywords (“literals”), with a possibility of deleting each of them, is generated from these four synsets. When the user has reached his/her final decision on the keywords, he/she may then proceed to morpho- logical expansion, and a possible change or ad- dition of alphabet. The bottom part of the screen ...
... inflections, or morphological forms of the lemma belonging to the Knnn class. The +SinSem marks, which are not obligatory, but if present, may be multiple, describe the syntactic, semantic, derivational and other properties of the lemma. Thus, for example the noun devojka (girl) appears in the DELAS ...Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković. "Softverski alati za korišćenje resursa za srpski jezik" in INFOteka: časopis za informatiku i bibliotekarstvo, Belgrade, Serbia : Zajednica biblioteka univerziteta u Srbiji (2008)
Hydrochemical changes and groundwater grouping data by multivariate statistical methods within one karst system: recharge–discharge zone (Eastern Serbia case study)
Ljiljana Vasić, Dragana Živojinović, Vladana Rajaković-Ognjanović. "Hydrochemical changes and groundwater grouping data by multivariate statistical methods within one karst system: recharge–discharge zone (Eastern Serbia case study)" in Carbonates and Evaporites, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13146-019-00548-6
Multi-word Expressions for Abusive Speech Detection in Serbian
Ovaj rad predstavlja istraživanja na usavršavanju i unapređenju srpske verzije rečnika Hurtlex, višejezičnog leksikona uvredljivih reči. Posebnu pažnju posvećujemo dodavanju izraza sa više reči (polileksemskih jedinica) koji se mogu smatrati uvredljivim, jer su takvi leksički zapisi veoma važni za postizanje dobrih rezultata u mnoštvu zadataka otkrivanja uvredljivog jezika. Srpski morfološki rečnici se koriste kao osnova za čišćenje podataka i stvaranje rečnika. Istaknuta je veza sa drugim leksičkim i semantičkim resursima na srpskom jeziku i predviđena je izgradnja sistema za ...... zapržiti nekome čorbu (eng. to spice up someone’s stew) with figurative meaning of meddling with someone’s life in a negative way, deliberately making things difficult. The majority of current hate speech, offensive and abusive language detection systems in social media are based on lexicons or ...Ranka Stanković, Jelena Mitrović, Danka Jokić, Cvetana Krstev. "Multi-word Expressions for Abusive Speech Detection in Serbian" in Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Multiword Expressions and Electronic Lexicons, Association for Computational Linguistics (2020)
Definition of Circulation Conditions and Groundwater Genesis of the Complex Krupaja Hydrogeological Karst System (Eastern Serbia)
Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment, Geography, Planning and Development, Building and Construction... Petelet-Giraud, E.; Nećgrel, P. Interaction between different water bodies in a small catchment in the Paris basin (Brćvilles, France): Tracing, of multiple Sr sources through Sr isotopes coupled with Mg,//Sr and Ca/Sr ratios. Appl. Geochem. 2008, 23, 58—75. [CrossRet] 12. Vasić, L.M. Geneza i Uslovi ...
... explored karst channels of the Krupaja Springj. As previously mentioned, the thermal spring of the Krupaja system has a temperature of 26 "C, making it the natural spring, with the highest groundwater temperature (thermal) within the Beljanica Massif, which is why determining, the age of this ...Ljiljana Vasić, Saša Milanović, Tina Dašić. "Definition of Circulation Conditions and Groundwater Genesis of the Complex Krupaja Hydrogeological Karst System (Eastern Serbia)" in Sustainability, MDPI AG (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/su151411146
Mitigating hydrate formation in onshore gas wells: A case study on optimization techniques and prevention
Gas wells, particularly those situated onshore, play a vital role in the global energy sector by supplying a significant portion of natural gas. However, operational challenges, notably gas hydrate formation, pose substantial issues, leading to complications such as flowline blockages and unexpected well shutdowns. Gas hydrates, crystalline structures resembling ice, ...Gas Well, Gas Hydrate Formation, Well Modeling, Well Performance Optimization, Choke Position Adjustments, Methanol InjectionMilica Ješić, Bojan Martinović, Stefan Stančić, Miroslav Crnogorac, Dušan Danilović. "Mitigating hydrate formation in onshore gas wells: A case study on optimization techniques and prevention" in Underground Mining Engineering, Beograd : Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2023)
Spatial assessment of the areas sensitive to degradation in the rural area of the municipality Čukarica
Nature and Landscape Conservation, Soil Science, Agronomy and Crop Science, Water Science and TechnologyNatalija Momirović, Ratko Kadović, Veljko Perović, Miloš Marjanović, Aleksandar Baumgertel. "Spatial assessment of the areas sensitive to degradation in the rural area of the municipality Čukarica" in International Soil and Water Conservation Research, Elsevier BV (2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iswcr.2018.12.004
Determination of the groundwater-leakage mechanism (binary mixing) in a karstic dam site using thermometry and isotope approach (HPP Visegrad, Bosnia, and Herzegovina)
Earth-Surface Processes,Geology, Pollution, Soil Science, Water Science and Technology, Environmental Chemistry, Global and Planetary ChangeLjiljana Vasić, Saša Milanović, Anita Puskás-Preszner, Laszlo Palcsu. "Determination of the groundwater-leakage mechanism (binary mixing) in a karstic dam site using thermometry and isotope approach (HPP Visegrad, Bosnia, and Herzegovina)" in Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-020-08910-x
Valorization of non-balanced coal reserves in Serbia for underground coal gasification
David Petrović, Lazar Kričak, Milanka Negovanović, Stefan Milanović, Jovan Marković, Nikola Simić, Ljubisav Stamenić (2019)In the name of a better and safer energy future, it is our responsibility to focus our knowledge and activities to save on imported liquid and gas fossil fuels, as well as coal on which energy security of Serbia is based. The rationalization in the use of available energy resources certainly positively affects economy and the environment of a country. This paper indicates motivations for the application of the underground coal gasification process, as well as surface gasification for ...... Regarding climate change and other environmental concerns, significant investments in clean coal technologies are evident in the world, with the alm of making rational use of this significant and relatively inexpensive energy source, while at the same time reducing its nega– tive impact on the environment ...David Petrović, Lazar Kričak, Milanka Negovanović, Stefan Milanović, Jovan Marković, Nikola Simić, Ljubisav Stamenić. "Valorization of non-balanced coal reserves in Serbia for underground coal gasification" in Thermal Science (2019). https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI190725390P
Hyperpycnites within the Devonian-Carboniferous flysch of the Carpatho-Balkanides (Kostadinovica, eastern Serbia)
Miloš Radonjić (2020)This study presents new discoveries of vascular plants and the trace fossil Dictyodora liebeana (GEINITZ) from the Devonian–Carboniferous Kučaj-Zvonce flysch of the Carpatho-Balkanides and the implications of this fossil association for its sedimentary setting. The occurrence of the described plant debris in a deep-marine environment indicates the presence of hyperpycnites within the siliciclastic turbidites exposed at the Kostadinovica locality. The sedimentological data and the characteristics of the fossil material support the proposed model in which the sediment was at ...Mississippian flora, Dictyodora liebeana (GEINITZ), hyperpycnites, Kučaj-Zvonce flysch, Carpatho-Balkanides... Serbia) 139 only partially preserved. Some of the paths show intersections, possibly from multiple individuals (Fig. 10e). The traces are located in fine-grained layers (Fig. 10f). 4. DISCUSSION 4.1. The criteria for identification of hyperpycnites and their genetic model The sustained hyperpycnal ...
... are distinctive both in their sedimentological features (MULDER et al., 2003) and palaeontological content (ZAVALA et al., 2012). These diagnostic criteria were used to in- dicate the presence of hyperpycnites within the turbidites of the Kučaj-Zvonce flysch. The characteristics of the Kučaj-Zvonce ...
... their internal relation- ships. Observed sedimentary characteristics along with palaeon- tological material from the site were further compared to criteria for the genetic model of extrabasinal turbidites (ZAVALA & PAN, 2018) with the aim of better understanding the processes controlling the deposition ...Miloš Radonjić. "Hyperpycnites within the Devonian-Carboniferous flysch of the Carpatho-Balkanides (Kostadinovica, eastern Serbia)" in Geologia Croatica, Croatian Geological Survey (2020). https://doi.org/10.4154/gc.2020.13
Енергетска безбедност Европске уније у светлу актуелне енергетске транзиције
Бобан Павловић, Дејан Ивезић (2021)Енергетска стратегија Европске уније, која од 2015. године обухвата и циљеве у области климатских промена, тежи изградњи „енергетске уније” која потрошачима из ЕУ даје сигурну, приступачну, чисту и одрживу енергију. Енергетска политика ЕУ поставља пред себе амбициозне циљеве у погледу коришћења обновљивих извора – учешће од 32% до 2030. године. Овако опсежну и динамичну енергетску транзицију у Европи усложњава хетерогеност националних енергетских система у погледу структуре енергетског микса, нивоа увозне зависности, као и нивоа технолошког, друштвеног и економског ...енергетска безбедност, Европска унија, енергетски показатељи, природни гас, обновљиви извори енергије... Security”, Global Energy Policy and Security, 16, 2013, pp. 11-25. 15. Doukas, H., Patlitzianas, K. D., Kagiannas, A. G., Psarras, J., “Energy Policy Making: An Old Concept or a Modern Challenge?”, Energy Sources, Part B, 3, 2008, pp. 362–371. 51 16. Ивезић, Д., Живковић, М., Енергетика и одрживи ...Бобан Павловић, Дејан Ивезић. "Енергетска безбедност Европске уније у светлу актуелне енергетске транзиције" in Безбедносни форум, Евроазијски безбедносни форум, Београд (2021)
Modeliranje disperzije dimnih gasova iz termoelektrane Kostolac B
Bojan Živanović (2024)Bez hrane se može preživeti nedelju dana, bez vode svega nekoliko dana, međutim, bez vazduha se može preživeti najmanje, nekoliko minuta. Pitanje je kakav uticaj na zdravlje čoveka i okoline ima vazduh koji je lošeg kvaliteta, a kojem je skoro celokupno stanovništvo planete izloženo? Ovaj rad se bavi problematikom modeliranja disperzije dimnih gasova iz novog bloka B3 TE ,,Kostolac’’ B. Ključni momenti koji će biti predstavljeni jesu zagađenje, zdravstveni efekti, modeliranje disperzije i analiza dobijenih rezultata korišćenjem programa AERMOD. Analiziran ...... plućnih bolesti. 10% evropske dece pati od simptoma astme. Evropski istraživački projekt (APHEKOM - Improving Knowledge and Communication for Decision Making on Air Pollution and Health in Europe) koji je trajao od 2008. do 2011. godine i u kom je učestovalo 12 zemalja, otkrio je da se 15-30% novih ...Bojan Živanović. Modeliranje disperzije dimnih gasova iz termoelektrane Kostolac B, 2024
Природни потенцијал минералних вода Србије - Natural potential of mineral waters in Serbia
Оливера Крунић (2021)Оливера Крунић. "Природни потенцијал минералних вода Србије - Natural potential of mineral waters in Serbia" in Рационално коришћење земљишта и вода у Србији - Sustainable Use of Land and Water in Serbia- Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts; Scientific Conferences Volume CXCVII; Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences, Book 19, Српска академија наука и уметности (2021)
Centar za hidrogeologiju karsta - 15 godina nauke i struke
... Fried (Eds.). Wiley- VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. 2011. pp. 143-149, DOI: 10.1002/9783527636655.ch4 emcov, l, Milanović S., Milanović, P.T. (2010): Decision Support Procedure for Constructing Karst Underground Reservoirs – a Case Study on Perućac Karst Spring (Western Serbia). Advances in Research in ...
... Milanovic, had the opportunity to stay at the Institute of ATOMKI twice, and got introduced with techniques of sample preparation and devices for making isotopic analyses. The cooperation continued in the following years, and during July 2021, experts from the ATOMKI Institute visited Serbia, that ...
... Muthority, San Antonio, Geological Survey of Montenegro, Institute for Water Management "Jaroslav Cerni". Thanks to these partners, the idea of making the course and our knowledge transfer completely free of charge was successfully realized. Two leading members of the Center, Saša Milanović and ...urednici Saša Milanović, Ljiljana Vasić, Zoran Stevanović, Branislav Petrović. Centar za hidrogeologiju karsta - 15 godina nauke i struke, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Centar za hidrogeologiju karsta, 2023