1136 items
Određivanje parametara smičuće čvrstoće tla primenom statističke metode
Božidar Rudnjanin (2024)Određivanje parametara smičuće čvrstoće tla je od ključne važnosti u geotehničkom inženjerstvu jer utiče na stabilnost i nosivost raznih građevinskih konstrukcija. Ovaj master rad obrađuje temu primene deskriptivne statistike za analizu parametara smičuće čvrstoće tla,čime se obezbeđuje osnov za donošenje odluka o planiranju i izvođenju građevinskih projekata.U prvom delu rada, prikupljaju se relevantni podaci o smičućoj čvrstoći tla iz prethodnih laboratorijskih ispitivanja za trasu buduće brze saobraćajnice Novi Sad - Ruma.Ti podaci uključuju vrednosti smičuće čvrstoće i različite faktore ...... filtracije ž s Š JIE |3 š 3 ||-}E s |ž 3|8|5 s 5Š ž 8 š s| [} -| s| Š - Š |a B •| e Š |s žš žl f | g s ON |||sJ| svl e al šlžB}bS|Š|a|} „ „ šš |ž š H Š i F Fj E|ElE|Š '3 s Hi d Hi Š i ri }i :| xž |s *|: S . = = 3) 3 š i Š5|Q8|s|S|E|šIš|es|š|B5|" || | 3 |šš|ag| Zž ŠslŽ |č|e|šssS}| | a Fa s š Š a 2als ...
... fihracije s|ls|e čvrstoće ii : s š|r|3 F| i & b| Hi ~ F š#|5 | 3 |i HIFSEE i <| ' | F -- t Š #* | & s |s ljE -l i Š E E s| š |1 || 5 \ s\ . š |ž ii š IBI FRIK:BoOFIEHIFa P E :||č|š|s|S |sihsši}ss} } |-.,|Š|2|, H| ” I šl 5 | 8 | 4 38|5|8|5|5|Š|2||4}|d BEBEHIEHHEHIEKBHIFSEHHHiE' š|š |3 a š rš s|as Ž ...
... T T T s ž i Granulometrijski saslav Zapreminska masa a j3 Slanje konsistencije Proktor CBR ';'Š;';::" F Koeficijent filtracije L g š Šš|S|4a N š|š3 | š |a * | Š | š žš s| 5 F-i š s| — [ I Š|sS}|Š I''T ~. F. iii thJ r — š| š r s |ž HBIET E slz sl |B|B|s _ 3|% |B g Š š| š Š 3 ||E s|E|ž|E|žš|š ...Božidar Rudnjanin. Određivanje parametara smičuće čvrstoće tla primenom statističke metode, 2024
Microscopical characterization of carbon materials derived from coal and petroleum and their interaction phenomena in making steel electrodes, anodes and cathode blocks for the microscopy of carbon materials working group of the ICCP
Predeanu G., Panaitescu C., Bălănescu M., Bieg G., Gómez Borrego A., Diez M.A., Hackley P., Kwiecińska B., Marques M., Mastalerz M., Misz-Kennan M., Pusz S., Suárez Ruiz I., Rodrigues S., Singh A.K., Varma A.K., Zdravkov A., Životić Dragana (2015)Predeanu G., Panaitescu C., Bălănescu M., Bieg G., Gómez Borrego A., Diez M.A., Hackley P., Kwiecińska B., Marques M., Mastalerz M., Misz-Kennan M., Pusz S., Suárez Ruiz I., Rodrigues S., Singh A.K., Varma A.K., Zdravkov A., Životić Dragana. "Microscopical characterization of carbon materials derived from coal and petroleum and their interaction phenomena in making steel electrodes, anodes and cathode blocks for the microscopy of carbon materials working group of the ICCP" in International Journal of Coal Geology 139, Amsterdam, Netherlands:Elsevier BV (2015): 63-79. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coal.2014.07.011
Karst aquifer impact on the formation of surface runoff: case study of the Resava River catchment, Serbia
Marina Mitrašinović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Veljko Marinović, Saša Milanović, Ljiljana Vasić, Dušan Polomčić (2022)The paper compares the flow regimes of the Resava River at the gauging stations of the Manasija Monastery (upper course) and the town of Svilajnac (lower course). The hydrological analysis encompasses a multiyear period of monitoring (1982–2020). The water budget and baseflow index are assessed for the catchment areas monitored by the Svilajnac station (683 km2) and the Manasija Monastery station (358k m2), considering the overall monitoring period and characteristic years. The results indicate that the specific runoff in ...... (Qav = 3.48 m?/s at Manasija Monastery and Qav = 4.35 m#/s at Svilajnac) and 2018 (Qav = 4.06 m?*/s at Manasija Monastery and Qav = 4.65 m?*/s at Svilajnac (Figs. 1a, 1b); • The ycar 1994 with a typical low discharge: Qav = 0.58 m*/s (at the Mansija Monastery) and 0.33 m?*/s (at Svilajnac) (Fig ...
... at Svilajnac • 180 . 160 s s o : z a : o g 10 P Ž ž Š w š š k i 33 Š o |}] E 40 || > o LJ 2808 888 8#8.8#8.4. 8 + žž BII II I I ŠGU 39 8B B ! Š Š 9 ž Š Š Š 3 'B B ! Š BI B R BO Cju.=<21”·(3320 d BB BSKSSBIBISB IBE —. at Manssin Mopasisty ——g:s. atvisjne ——>s at Manasija Monastery —-g.s. ...
... meters of water annually. Regarding water avail- ability, the value of 9.25 l/s/km? is considerably above Serbia's average. In dry years, the specific runoff is somewhat lower than the country”'s aver- age (4.92 1/s/km?). However, in wet years it is 2.3 times higher. When the two values of specific ...Marina Mitrašinović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Veljko Marinović, Saša Milanović, Ljiljana Vasić, Dušan Polomčić. "Karst aquifer impact on the formation of surface runoff: case study of the Resava River catchment, Serbia" in National Conference with International Participation “GEOSCIENCES 2022”, Sofia : Bulgarian geological society (2022)
Late and post-collisional tectonic evolution of the Adria-Europe suture in the Vardar Zone
The Vardar Zone is a product of the Triassic-Jurassic opening of the Neotethys, Jurassic obduction, Late Cretaceous/Paleogene consumption of the oceanic crust and continental collision. During the last process, the Eastern Vardar Zone was thrust over the Central and eventually both onto the Western Vardar Zone. The present paleomagnetic and structural study provided new results from the first two zones in the Belgrade area. The younger set of data, together with published ones from the third zone, provide firm ...Emő Márton, Marinko Toljić, Vesna Cvetkov. "Late and post-collisional tectonic evolution of the Adria-Europe suture in the Vardar Zone" in Journal of Geodynamics, Elsevier BV (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jog.2021.101880
Freeze-dried nanocrystal dispersion of novel deuterated pyrazoloquinolinone ligand (DK-I-56-1): Process parameters and lyoprotectant selection through the stability study
Jelena R. Mitrović, Maja Bjelošević Žiberna, Aleksandar Vukadinović, Daniel E. Knutson, Dishary Sharmin, Aleksandar Kremenović, Pegi Ahlin Grabnar, Odon Planinšek, Dominique Lunter, James M. Cook, Miroslav M. Savić, Snežana D. Savić (2023)Recently, nanocrystal dispersions have been considered as a promising formulation strategy to improve the bioavailability of the deuterated pyrazoloquinolinone ligand DK-I-56-1 (7‑methoxy-2-(4‑methoxy-d3-phenyl)-2,5-dihydro-3H-pyrazolo[4,3-c]quinolin-3-one). In the current study, the freeze-drying process (formulation and process parameters) was investigated to improve the storage stability of the previously developed formulation. Different combinations of lyoprotectant (sucrose or trehalose) and bulking agent (mannitol) were varied while formulations were freeze-dried under two conditions (primary drying at -10 or -45 °C). The obtained lyophilizates were characterized in terms ...... mannitol 10% (M 10%), sucrose 10% (S 10%), sucrose and mannitolin ratio 2:1 in total concentration 10%(S+M2 + 1 10%), sucrose and mannitol in ratio 3:2 in total concentration 10% (S+M 3 + 2 10%), sucrose and mannitol in ratio 1:1 in total concen- tration 10% (S+M 1 + 1 10%), sucrose and mannitol ...
... ratio 2:1 in total concentration 6% (S+M 2 + 1 6%). In second lyophilization (lyophili- zation-2) following excipients were added in total concentration 10%: sucrose (S), sucrose and mannitol in ratio 1:1 (S+M 1 + 1), sucrose and mannitol in ratio 3:2 (S+M 3 + 2), trehalose (T), trehalose and ...
... mannitol at a total concentration of 10% (S+M 2 + 1 10%, S+M 3 + 2 10%, and S+M 1 + 1 10%). The particle size remained almost the same and the PDI was less than 0.200, indicating uniform particle size. However, at a sucrose to mannitol ratio of 2 to 1 (S+M 2 + 1 10%), the cake collapsed, which ...Jelena R. Mitrović, Maja Bjelošević Žiberna, Aleksandar Vukadinović, Daniel E. Knutson, Dishary Sharmin, Aleksandar Kremenović, Pegi Ahlin Grabnar, Odon Planinšek, Dominique Lunter, James M. Cook, Miroslav M. Savić, Snežana D. Savić. "Freeze-dried nanocrystal dispersion of novel deuterated pyrazoloquinolinone ligand (DK-I-56-1): Process parameters and lyoprotectant selection through the stability study" in European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Elsevier BV (2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejps.2023.106557
Хидрогеолошке карактеристике изворишта за водоснабдевање Kањиже
Vladimir Jović ( 2024)Rad se bavi hidrogeoloskim karakteristikama izvorista za vodosnabdevanje opstine Kanjiza. Istrazivanja su sprovedena na tri hidrogeoloska kompleksa, od kojih su drugi i treći kompleks kljućni za vodosnabdevanje. Ovi kompleksi se nalaze u sedimentima pleistoćenske i paludinske starosti, na dubinama od 60 do 260 metara, sa subarteskim nivoom vode. Ukupne rezerve podzemnih voda u okviru drugog i treć eg hidrogeoloskog kompleksa iznose 935 l/s, a klasifikovane su u dve kategorije: B i C1. Kvalitet podzemnih voda je stabilan i pripada ...... % t-i o | o •| i [:} r 8 F| T [ o 5 -| ž Fi Ds |i Š = Š i = = S E = | = = = | s Š E Z J | S U m m d E S S |s L E NE = S 5 S Š [=] - O= -i |= O_ - TnMHOBMTO-neCOW/\HM Ce/ylMMeHTM - [TnMHOBMTO-neCKOBMTM Ce/lMMeHTM li xwnporeonouikM KOMInekc ...
... E s |š K B E ~ ) 2 5 e l e | 5 5 i o |s B I .O | K I E E : ) 9 5 P R i e | s | . | D T | O s ı o s ı O * | QO [ ] < | O ) o ž o s F-| 5 Š o : HH 5 a e 8 lJ Hi Fj = Š F| bj W W „ W :: S Š E R ...
... 00 x 10 “ m/s do 2,01 x 10 + m/s u istočnom delu područja istraživanja (Martonoš, Kanjiža, Adorjan), i da se povećava idući ka ostalim delovima područja istraživanja: • Trešnjevac:4,85 x 10 +m/s • Velebit: 7,28 x 10 + m/s • Male Pijace: 6,71 x 10 + m/s • Horgoš:4,49 x 10 *m/s Specifični ...Vladimir Jović. Хидрогеолошке карактеристике изворишта за водоснабдевање Kањиже, 2024
Present Situation and Alternative Water Supply Solutions for Northern Vojvodina (Serbia)
The northern part of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina is situated in the central and southeastern sectors of the Pannonian Basin. Drinking water supply is provided by groundwater abstraction from depths of 60 to 200 m. The quality of that water is poor, especially due to high concentrations of arsenic which most water supply systems do not remove. Current planning documents call for the construction of large regional water supply schemes on the banks of the Danube and Tisa ...Bojan Hajdin, Vesna Ristić-Vakanjac, Dušan Polomčić. "Present Situation and Alternative Water Supply Solutions for Northern Vojvodina (Serbia)" in Proceedings of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, "Prof. Marin Drinov" Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2020). https://doi.org/10.7546/CRABS.2020.04.09
Contact-metamorphic rocks on the Europe-Adria suture zone in central Serbia
Bojan Kostić, Maja Milošević, Danica Srećković-Batoćanin. "Contact-metamorphic rocks on the Europe-Adria suture zone in central Serbia" in XXII International Congress of the CBGA, Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association (CBGA) (2022)
Elementi u tragovima i fluidne inkluzije distalnih skarnova Rudnika
Bojan Kostić, Danica Srećković-Batoćanin, Vesna Matović. "Elementi u tragovima i fluidne inkluzije distalnih skarnova Rudnika" in 18. Kongres geologa Srbije "Geologija rešava probleme", Divčibare, 01-04 jun 2022., Srpsko geološko društvo (2022)
Using English Baits to Catch Serbian Multi-Word Terminology
In this paper we present the first results in bilingual terminology extraction. The hypothesis of our approach is that if for a source language domain terminology exists as well as a domain aligned corpus for a source and a target language, then it is possible to extract the terminology for a target language. Our approach relies on several resources and tools: aligned domain texts, domain terminology for a source language, a terminology extractor for a target language, and a ...aligned texts, word alignment, terminology extraction, electronic dictionaries, morphological inflection... Dictionary – S(align.chunk) ∼ S(term.dict) – and the Serbian part is a multi-word chunk, that is, it contains at least 2 content words) was 11,678. 2. In the next step the additional filtering was done – (T (align.chunk) ∼ T (term.list)) ∧ (T (term.list) ↔ S(term.dict)) ∧ (S(term.dict) ∼ S(align.chunk)) ...
... of filtered chunks that pass a certain threshold linked to matching source and target terms: S(term.list) ↔ T (term.extract), where (S(term.list) ∼ S(align.chunk)) ∧ (T (term.extract) ∼ T (align.chunk)) ∧ (S(align.chunk) ↔ T (align.chunk)). In order to test our approach and determine a threshold we ...
... from the aligned corpus. We will denote aligned chunks with S(align.chunk) ↔ T (align.chunk); • Filtering the chunks to those in which a source part of a chunk matches a term from a list of domain terms in a source language: S(align.chunk) ∼ S(term.list), where symbol ∼ denotes the relation “match” (that ...Cvetana Krstev, Branislava Šandrih, Ranka Stanković. "Using English Baits to Catch Serbian Multi-Word Terminology" in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2018, Miyazaki, Japan, May 7-12, 2018, European Language Resources Association (ELRA) (2018)
Introduction to special section: Characterization of hydrocarbon and geothermal resource potential and carbon sequestration opportunities of the Pannonian Basin
Balázs Németh, Gábor Tari, Gábor Bada, Dejan Radivojević, Bruno Tomljenovic, Csaba Krézsek. "Introduction to special section: Characterization of hydrocarbon and geothermal resource potential and carbon sequestration opportunities of the Pannonian Basin" in Interpretation, AAPG SEG (2018). https://doi.org/10.1190/INT-2017-1207-SPSEINTRO.1
Nonequilibrium athermal random-field Ising model on hexagonal lattices
Svetislav Mijatović, Dragutin Jovković, Đorđe Spasojević. "Nonequilibrium athermal random-field Ising model on hexagonal lattices" in Physical Review E, American Physical Society (APS) (2021). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.103.032147
Izbor metode otkopavanja u horizontalnim pojasima odozgo naniže na primeru ležišta Cu
Tomislav Lazić (2024)Nakon brojnih geoloških i rudarskih istražnih radova, i sa površine terena i iz jame, pristupa se otkopavanju rudnog tela lociranog u centralnom delu jednog velikog ležišta bakra.Eksploatacija se obavlja u odnosu na već postojeći jamski sistem, ali i kroz novoizrađene prostorije. Za postizanje najboljih rezultata primenjena je metoda za otkopavanje rude u I eksploatacionom pojasu vrši „: Metoda otkopavanja sa zapunjavanjem otkopanog prostora odozgo naniže“.Koristi se najvećim delom dizel mehanizacija, a usklađivanjem radnih operacija postiže se veliki kapacitet na ...... W foumyuoy od yosord tugoddoq | G))"S |2 I pAIZOJdSyO ĐUIOIJO3 —= fouooutod od yosoad tuoordog | („u)S |E i : b ĐATZO|dSyO PUIOI|OS O20]SIA2 'JoOX J [ S u m o s n q bu!Zn(] 9Uu2o)s PSP[S — S9Uo1S P S E T S 48 I Q | QQu Q N N |MN | N, Q. | Q| Q ...
... materijala na utovaru -i b s – i F:| o ., ., || BEE: Ć |E :S :S - 5 = zi -1 -4 o o iii .E ii | š | š ii 'š s 'š -} 'B Š = Š Š |j | i -e 's i -e = js Š „ B |S5|5 5 | 8 So = 5 ·= .9 zi | | – -| S pj = pj i | g d| - Pd «| 38 o ol E - -N - , -N i P:BO ŠA P | P |oašj 5 |ER|SŠB| s| 5s| Š |ž bO bO ŠLlSR)JER ...
... Troškovi radne snage || = o ž e s |ž I - o š i IE NIBE: = Š 5 '8 .N ii 5o S ei-| i mi}- Pike| 5 =>95 =| i -- s. j-i ss =s FI ~ =>2 s F- sSE oljt-| Fj iii -- P |- i Fe| -i= P i=| el -a RI SŠA| P |I BE i Žž|SŠE}| BŠ š bij: 0005 3 |_ Š 5 ) | O Š :Bi [-u m i js |s O [--} F Ni D Bnrd Na Ui Ca Lej ...Tomislav Lazić. Izbor metode otkopavanja u horizontalnim pojasima odozgo naniže na primeru ležišta Cu, 2024
Primjena magnetometrijskih ispitivanja na arheološkom lokalitetu Nedeljkova humka
... vrijednosti vertikalnog gra- dijenta geomagnetskog polja. 28 C u r re n t i n t e rd i s c i p l i n a r y s t u d i e s i n t e c h n o l o g y i n t h e a rc h a e o l o g y o f t h e s o u t h - e a s t E u ro p e Magnetometrijska je istraživa- nja obavljeno protonskim magnetome- tro ...
... nošenja instrumenta naziva se još i „cik-cak“ način akvizicije. 27 A k t u e l n a i n t e rd i s c p l i n a r n a i s t ra ž i v a n j a t e h n o l o g i j e u a r h e o l o g i j i j u g o i s t o č n e E v ro p e Drugi način akvizicije, paralelni način, od gore opisanog razlikuje se po ...
... arheotehnologiju, geoarheologiju i eksperimentalnu arheologiju Srpskog arheološkog društva, Beograd, 28.02.2020. | 2020 | | http://dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs/s/repo/item/0005718 Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду омогућава приступ издањима Факултета и радовима запослених ...Mirko Petković, Vesna Cvetkov, Milorad Ignjatović, Dejan Naumov. "Primjena magnetometrijskih ispitivanja na arheološkom lokalitetu Nedeljkova humka" in Aktuelna interdisciplinarana istraživanja tehnologije u arheologiji jugoistočne Evrope: zbornik radova, Prvi skup Sekcije za arheometriju, arheotehnologiju, geoarheologiju i eksperimentalnu arheologiju Srpskog arheološkog društva, Beograd, 28.02.2020., Beograd : Srpsko arheološko društvo (2020)
Hidrogeološke karakteristike i ocena bilansa Ravaničkih krečnjaka
Andrijana Stanišić (2024)Hidrogeološka problematika koja se vezuje za složene uslove cirkulacije podzemnih voda u karstu kao i kompleksnost karakterizacije karstnih izdanskih voda, predstavljaju ključne faktore za usmeravanje ka istraživanju karsta i definisanje teme završnog rada. Tematikom rada obuhvaćene su prvenstveno hidrogeološke karakteristike područja istraživanja a zatim i analiza elemenata režima i bilansa podzemnih vodnih resursa u cilju njihove pravilne valorizacije.Zapadni krečnjački pojas Karpato-balkanskog luka odvojen je od mezozojskog kompleksa Kučajsko-beljaničkog masiva navlakom crvenih permskih peščara, koja se nastavlja na krepoljinsko-senjsku zonu ...karstni tip izdani, bilans podzemnih voda, podzemno isticanje, sifonalna cirkulacija, Ravanički krečnjaci... višegodišnji protok Crnice iznosi 3.49 m?/s, što odgovara modulu oticaja 10.29 1/s/km?. Minimalni srednje mesečni protok (0.117 m?/s) zabeležen je u septembru 2014. godine, dok je maksimalni srednje mesečni protok zabeležen u maju iste godine, iznosio 30.2 m*/s, što je 258 puta veća vrednost od minimalno ...
... profila između vrela “Klisura” I i II vrednost proticaja iznosila je 212 1/s, a nizvodno od ušća Nemanja I i II konstatovana je vrednost proticaja od 363 1/s, pri sumarnoj izdašnosti vrela od 37 1l/s, tako da je priraštaj od 100 1/s moguće objasniti Jedino na ovaj način (RHMZ, 1980). Severni deo Ravaničkih ...
... pripadaju hidrokarbonatnoj klasi i kalcijskoj grupi. 16 0.6 , s =1 E a X · — e | 0.5 Ži — —Mutnoća u Fi || —~ 5 | 04 5#= -—~ Temperatura 510 R- Pi o..s -i ž 98 ——pH 58 F 0.3 Š·š = S B — Idašnost e -| Z -| 0.2 % 8 š 4 s= Elektroprovodljivost Š o Š 2 /—_•_•–\ ii ·š ——Mirnmeralizacija ...Andrijana Stanišić . Hidrogeološke karakteristike i ocena bilansa Ravaničkih krečnjaka, 2024
Prognoza operativne efikasnosti aktivnog podzemnog rudnika zasnovana na teoriji sivih sistema
Svetlana M. Štrbac-Savić (2016-06-10)Efikasnost predstavlja preduslov za opstanak svake rudarske kompanije, posebno u uslovima izuzetno konkurentnog trţišnog okruţenja kao što je to rudarska industrija. Efikasnost oznaĉava sposobnost kompanije da ispuni svoje kratkoroĉne ili dugoroĉne ciljeve. Operativna efikasnost se definiše kao odnos izmeĊu ulaznih parametara potrebnih za odvijanje proizvodnje i pokazatelja dobijenih proizvodnjom. U kontekstu rudarskog poslovanja, operativna efikasnost se odnosi na vreme potrebno da se mineralno dobro transformiše u novĉana sredstva. Visoka operativna efikasnost se postiţe kada se ostvari prava kombinacija karakteristika ...podzemni rudnik, operativna efikasnost, prognoza, teorija sivih sistema, stohastiĉke diferencijalne jednaĉine, simulacija... 1,1 1,2 1, 2,1 2,2 2, 3,1 3,2 3, , 4,1 4,2 4, 5,1 5,2 5, 6,1 6,2 6, ... ... ... ... ... ... s s s T s s s T s s s T s j T s s s T s s s T s s s T E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E ...
... 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 2 ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ s s s T s s s T S T s S s S s S T T y y y y y y E DOL y y y E y E y E y ...
... 1, 2, , 1, 2, ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ , ˆ s s s s s n h n h n h n h n h n h s s s y n h y x x x x x x h T y n h y n h y n h h T s S (4.24) gde S oznaĉava broj simulacija. Prostor simulacija za s=1 i k>n, gde se prvih šest kolona ...Svetlana M. Štrbac-Savić. "Prognoza operativne efikasnosti aktivnog podzemnog rudnika zasnovana na teoriji sivih sistema" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2016-06-10)
Elektromagnetska sprega sistema litosfera-atmosfera-jonosfera
Aleksandra B. Kolarski (2016-08-25)Radio talasi vrlo niskih frekvencija VLF (eng. Very Low Frequency) frekventnog opsega od 3 do 30 kHz, koji se prostiru talasovodom Zemlja-jonosfera (50 -90 km) su, kao što je poznato, efikasni i nezamenljivi u osmatranju pojava u niskoj jonosferi, sa tla...prostiranje talasa vrlo niskih frekvencija, talasovod Zemlja-jonosfera, globalno električno kolo, atmosfersko električno pražnjenje, kratkotrajne svetlosne pojave... udara 00:58:09.776233 (17.1064 I; 43.5754 S) -13.9 3 1 CG 00:58:09.925583 (17.1003 I; 43.5885 S) -11.0 3 2 CG 00:58:10.0119382 (17.1062 I; 43.5655 S) -12.2 3 3 CG 00:58:14.204946 (16.8752 I; 44.1780 S) 42.2 2 1 CG 00:58:14.308581 (16.8597 I; 44.2180 S) 17.1 2 2 CG 63 Za 4. slučaj (kada ...
... registrovale udar 23:08:12.581447 (43.2970 S; 009.9064 I) 16946.43 5 23:09:27.600714 (45.4672 S; 012.8491 I) 2071.59 5 23:09:27.761693 (45.7336 S; 011.8884 I) 11682.36 8 23:09:27.841493 (45.4547 S; 011.9966 I) 10369.69 6 23:12:40.799043 (40.9383 S; 013.5644 I) 42845.25 9 65 Za 6. slučaj ...
... 499–508. Cummer S. A., Briggs M. S., Dwyer J. R., Xiong S., Connaughton V., Fishman G. J., Lu G., Lyu F., Solanki R. (2014). The source altitude, electric current, and intrinsic brightness of terrestrial gamma ray flashes, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41(23). Cummer, S. A., Inan, U. S., Bell, T. F., ...Aleksandra B. Kolarski. "Elektromagnetska sprega sistema litosfera-atmosfera-jonosfera" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2016-08-25)
Supstitucione reakcije Pd(II) kompleksa sa biološki važnim biomolekulima
Aleksandar M. Mijatović, Jovana Bogojeski. "Supstitucione reakcije Pd(II) kompleksa sa biološki važnim biomolekulima" in Hemijski pregled, Srpsko hemijsko društvo (2017)
The analysis of the geothermal energy capacity for power generation in Serbia
Jana Stojković, Goran Marinković, Petar Papić, Mihailo Milivojević, Maja Todorović, Marina Ćuk (2013)... Hotel of Sijarinska Banja. The heat power avail- able to the industry was 2.5 MW from thermal water pumped at the rate of only 15 l/s. At the maximum rate of 30 l/s, the available heat power would be 5 MW. Milojevi} et al. [4] consider us- ing geothermal water for heating green-houses near Jošani~ka ...
... [8] is: t [ C] (SiO2 � � � � 731 452 27315 [ . log )] . (3) Stojkovi}, J. S., et al.: The Analysis of the Geothermal Energy Capacity for ... 970 THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2013, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 969-976 Stojkovic, J. S., et a/.: The Analysis of the Geothermal Energy Capacity for ... 970 THERMAL SCIENCE: ...
... Gejzir Hotel of Syarinska Banja. The heat power avail- able to the industry was 2.5 MW from thermal water pumped at the rate of only 15 I/s. At the maximum rate of 30 I/s, the available heat power would be 5 MW. Milojevi¢ et al. [4] consider us- ing geothermal water for heating green-houses near JoSani¢ka ...Jana Stojković, Goran Marinković, Petar Papić, Mihailo Milivojević, Maja Todorović, Marina Ćuk. "The analysis of the geothermal energy capacity for power generation in Serbia" in Thermal Science, National Library of Serbia (2013). https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI120215033S
Hydrographic and hydrological characterization of the Vodenička and Rosomačka rivers
Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Marina Čokorilo Ilić, Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić, Jelena Ratković (2017)The Visočica River rises in Bulgaria, on the Berovo Mountain. Its course in Bulgaria is 16.7 km long. It enters Serbia near the village of Donji Krivodol. Up to the village of Pakleštica, or the beginning of Lake Zavoj, its right-bank tributaries are the Krivodolštica, the Vodenička, the Rosomačka and the Dojkinačka. There are no left-bank tributaries. Among the tributaries, water levels and discharges are gauged only on the Dojkinačka River. The Vodenička had also been gauged but only ...... 1981; the average discharge at Visočka Ržana is 3.26 m3 /s. Between Izatovac and Visočka Ržana, the Visočica receives 4.54 m 3 /s of water on average. Given that the average discharge of the Dojkinačka is 3.23 m3 /s, about 1.3 m 3/s comes from the Vodenička, the Rosomačka and the immediate ...
... 26 м3/с. Дакле, од Изатоваца па до Височке Ржане река Височица добија у просеку 4.54 м3 /с. Како просечни протицај Дојкиначке реке износи 3.23 м3/с, добија се да се путем Воденичке и Росомачке реке као и из непосредног слива реке Височице у овом делу улије у реку Височицу око 1.3 м3/с. Како ...
... tributaries and from the immediate catchment in the amount of 3.98 m 3 /s, of which 3.26 m 3 /s comes from the Dojkinačka. Therefore, the Rosomačka and the immediate catchment of the Visočica deliver the remaining 0.72 m3 /s. Given that the catchment area of the Rosomačka is 22.9 km2 and the immediate ...Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Marina Čokorilo Ilić, Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić, Jelena Ratković. "Hydrographic and hydrological characterization of the Vodenička and Rosomačka rivers" in Pirotski zbornik, Pirot : Narodna biblioteka Pirot (2017). https://doi.org/10.5937/pirotzbor1742001R