2341 items
Development of the Availability Concept by Using Fuzzy Theory with AHP Correction, a Case Study: Bulldozers in the Open-Pit Lignite Mine
Stevan Đenadić, Dragan Ignjatović, Miloš Tanasijević, Uglješa Bugarić, Ivan Janković, Tomislav Šubaranović (2019)Availability is one of the most used terms in maintainability engineering. This concept is used to denote: The quality of service of an engineering system, i.e., machines, weak points’ analysis, asset management, as well as making decisions in the process of life cycle management. Availability is an overall indicator and contains partial indicators that are oriented towards reliability, maintenance, and logistical support. Availability presents a variable value and changes in time and space. Usually, availability is shown as the ...... ‘A’ and 30% to grade ‘B’. For indicator M he assigned 40% to grade ‘A’ and 60% to grade ‘B’, while for indicator S, he assigned to grades ‘A’ and ‘B’ 30% to 70%, respectively. The other five machines were also evaluated following the same methodology, and the results are shown in Tables 4 and 5. ...
... methodology, M.T. and I.J.; validation, D.I. and T.S.; formal analysis and writing—original draft preparation S.D. Funding: This research and the APC was funded by Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia within the framework of Programme of research in the field of technological d ...
... of life cycle management. Availability is an overall indicator and contains partial indicators that are oriented towards reliability, maintenance, and logistical support. Availability presents a variable value and changes in time and space. Usually, availability is shown as the coefficient of time ...Stevan Đenadić, Dragan Ignjatović, Miloš Tanasijević, Uglješa Bugarić, Ivan Janković, Tomislav Šubaranović. "Development of the Availability Concept by Using Fuzzy Theory with AHP Correction, a Case Study: Bulldozers in the Open-Pit Lignite Mine" in Energies, MDPI AG (2019). https://doi.org/10.3390/en12214044
An oilfield in Libya: A new model to enhance waste water disposal
Dušan Danilović, Vesna Karović Maričić, Nori Elhaddad, Branko Leković. "An oilfield in Libya: A new model to enhance waste water disposal" in Energy & Environment (2016)
On the compatibility of lexical resources for NooJ
Lexical resources for many languages are provided for the NooJ linguistic development environment. Meta-data descriptions of morphosyntactic and semantic properties of these languages and their resources are a mandatory part of each language module. In this paper we analyze how well the meta-data actually describe resources for a chosen subset of languages and to what extent are they compatible across languages to support multilingual processing. We show that there is place for improvement in both directions.... values: singular, plural, dual, count, and collective. For English, Polish, Croatian and Hungarian, only singular and plural are applicable, while Serbian and Bulgarian also use count. In Serbian this number corresponds to paucal (a small number – 2, 3 and 4). However, the collective category ...
... category is not totally inapplicable, and is thus coded with the tags +Coll and +HumColl in Serbian and +ConcColl and +CollHum in Polish (see Table 2). According to the same table the Bulgarian NooJ resources do not recognize values other than singular and plural. Finally all observed languages, except ...
... compatibility and standardization. The paper ends with concluding remarks. Comparison of annotation systems Morphological, syntactic and semantic information in NooJ resources is represented by codes or tags, pertaining to morpho-syntactic and semantic categories, their properties and the features ...Ranka Stanković, Miloš Utvić, Duško Vitas, Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović. "On the compatibility of lexical resources for NooJ" in Automatic Processing of Various Levels of Linguistic Phenomena: Selected Papers from the 2011 International Nooj Conference, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2012): 96-108
Application of stochastic models for mine planning and coal quality control
... decisions about coal homogenization must deal with uncertainty and variability in coal properties, and with the effect of off-design coal characteristics on power plant performance and cost. According to Shih and Frey [3] sulfur and ash content and heating value are considered as normally distributed random ...
... developed and consists of three sub-models: operational mine scheduling model, stocking model and reclaiming model, fig. 5. According simulated daily or shift mine plan each BWE has working bench position and pro- duction parameters. Mass and quality control will be done by on-line devices and weightmeters ...
... meeting the requirements of physical and geological constraints, policies and mining methods. The basic data required in any operational planning are coal quality and capacity. Difficulties in optimum production schedule are caused by variability of grade and inability to accurately predict grades ...Dejan Stevanović, Božo Kolonja, Ranka Stanković, Dinko Knežević, Mirjana Banković. "Application of stochastic models for mine planning and coal quality control" in Thermal Science, Belgrade : Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences (2014). https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI130201031S
Tectonic evolution of the Circum-Moesian orocline of the Carpatho-Balkanides: Paleomagnetic constraints
Emő Márton, Vesna Cvetkov, Miodrag Banješević, Gábor Imre, Aleksandar Pačevski. "Tectonic evolution of the Circum-Moesian orocline of the Carpatho-Balkanides: Paleomagnetic constraints" in Journal of Geodynamics, Elsevier BV (2024). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jog.2024.102058
Mio-Pliocene Geodynamics and its Stratigraphic Consequences in the Area of Avala Mt. (Belgrade, Serbia)
... Neogene of Central and South-Eastern Europe 57 58 7th International Workshop | Neogene of Central and South-Eastern Europe data are obtained from the previously known stratigraphic units (Pannonian and Pontian, sensu Stevanović). Based on litho- and biostratigraphic analysis and measurement of ...
... current state and perspectives, GIN RAS, 356–359. STUDENCKA, B. & JASINOWSKI, M. (2011): Bivalves from the Middle Miocene reefs of Poland and Ukraine: a new approach to Badenian/Sarmatian boundary in the Paratethys. Acta Geologica Polonica, 61, 79–114. MIO-PLIOCENE GEODYNAMICS AND ITS STRATIGRAPHIC ...
... Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Department of Regional geology, Kamenička 6, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia *corresponding author: ljupko.rundic@rgf.bg.ac.rs In recent years, thanks to numerous infrastructural works and construction of the local roads, new outcrops and sections near Avala Mt. have ...Ljupko Rundić, Meri Ganić, Slobodan Knežević, Dejan Radivojević. "Mio-Pliocene Geodynamics and its Stratigraphic Consequences in the Area of Avala Mt. (Belgrade, Serbia)" in 7th International Workshop: Neogene of Central and South-Eastern Europe, Velika, Croatia, maj 2017, Croatian Geological Society (2017)
Influence of Initial Treatment on the Survival and Recurrence in Patients With Differentiated Thyroid Microcarcinoma
... 17 Pellegriti et al,27 and Ito et al28 found a similar prevalence of multifocal tumor foci and lymph node metastases (12.1% and 13.4%, 31.8% and 30.1%, and 42.8% and 47.9%, respec- tively). Ito et al reported more than 40% of patients who presented with lymph node metastases and multiple tumor foci.2 ...
... was 97.7% T 1.3% after 5 and 10 years; the probability of disease-specific survival was 95.9% T 2.2% after 15, 20, 25, and 28 years after the initial treatment and was significantly influenced by recurrence, clinical stage, and patients’ age (P = 0.0001, P = 0.0005, and P = 0.02, respectively). Sex ...
... their risk of relapse and cancer-specific mortality is higher than in low-risk patients.23,24 The aim of this study was to retrospectively evaluate influence of surgery and RAI therapy as an initial treatment, on the recurrence and survival of patients with DTM. PATIENTS AND METHODS Patients A r ...Jasna Mihailović, Ljubomir Stefanović, Ranka Stanković. "Influence of Initial Treatment on the Survival and Recurrence in Patients With Differentiated Thyroid Microcarcinoma" in Clinical Nuclear Medicine, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (2013). https://doi.org/10.1097/RLU.0b013e3182872ed2
Development of a petrographic classification system for organic particles affected by self-heating in coal waste. (An ICCP Classification System, Self-heating Working Group – Commission III)
M. Misz-Kennan, J. Kus, D. Flores, C. Avila, Z. Büçkün, N. Choudhury, K. Christanis, J.P. Joubert, S. Kalaitzidis, A.I. Karayigit, M. Malecha, M. Marques, P. Martizzi, J.M.K. O'Keefe, W. Pickel, G. Predeanu, S. Pusz, J. Ribeiro, S. Rodrigues, A.K. Singh, I. Suárez-Ruiz, I. Sýkorová, N.J. Wagner, D. Životić (2020)Self-heating of coal waste is a major problem in the leading coal-producing and consuming countries, independent of the recent or past coal exploitation history. The phenomenon of self-heating is dependent on many factors such as the properties of organic matter (maceral composition and rank), moisture and pyrite content, climate effects, and storage conditions (shape of the dump or compaction of the coal waste). Once deposited, coal waste undergoes oxidation, which can lead to self- heating with the overall temperatures ...M. Misz-Kennan, J. Kus, D. Flores, C. Avila, Z. Büçkün, N. Choudhury, K. Christanis, J.P. Joubert, S. Kalaitzidis, A.I. Karayigit, M. Malecha, M. Marques, P. Martizzi, J.M.K. O'Keefe, W. Pickel, G. Predeanu, S. Pusz, J. Ribeiro, S. Rodrigues, A.K. Singh, I. Suárez-Ruiz, I. Sýkorová, N.J. Wagner, D. Životić. "Development of a petrographic classification system for organic particles affected by self-heating in coal waste. (An ICCP Classification System, Self-heating Working Group – Commission III)" in International Journal of Coal Geology, Elsevier BV (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coal.2020.103411
Using English Baits to Catch Serbian Multi-Word Terminology
In this paper we present the first results in bilingual terminology extraction. The hypothesis of our approach is that if for a source language domain terminology exists as well as a domain aligned corpus for a source and a target language, then it is possible to extract the terminology for a target language. Our approach relies on several resources and tools: aligned domain texts, domain terminology for a source language, a terminology extractor for a target language, and a ...aligned texts, word alignment, terminology extraction, electronic dictionaries, morphological inflection... for a source and a target language, then it is possible to extract the terminology for a target language. Our approach relies on several resources and tools: aligned domain texts, domain terminology for a source language, a terminology extractor for a target language, and a tool for word and chunk alignment ...
... lemmatized and POS-tagged texts 2In this paper we will call ‘source’ language a well-resourced language (English), and ‘target’ language a less-resourced lan- guage (Serbian). 2487 (Bouamor et al., 2012; Vintar and Fišer, 2008), while oth- ers perform full semantic parsing (Moirón and Tiedemann, ...
... Dictionary of Library and Infor- mation Science (English/Serbian pairs); • The rule-based system for the extraction and lemmati- zation of potential terminological nominal phrases; • Bilingual Serbian/English list of inflected word forms and MWE pairs derived from bilingual dictionaries and morphological ...Cvetana Krstev, Branislava Šandrih, Ranka Stanković. "Using English Baits to Catch Serbian Multi-Word Terminology" in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2018, Miyazaki, Japan, May 7-12, 2018, European Language Resources Association (ELRA) (2018)
VENTEX: An Expert System for Mine Ventilation Systems Analysis
Analiza sistema za ventilaciju je komleksan proces, koji bazira na proračunu brojnih parametara, koji se odnose na: stanje mreže, provetrenost, stabilnost sistema, gubitke vazduha, klimatske uslove, gasno stanje, ugroženost od požara i opasne prašine. Navedeni problemi se uspešno rešavaju paketom SimVent, ali potpuno razumevanje i korišćenje dobijenih rezultata zahteva angažovanje iskusnog specijaliste iz oblasti ventilacije. Rešenje je nađeno u kreiranju ekspertnog sistema VENTEX, čija je baza znanja formalizacija ekspertskog znanja iz oblasti ventilacije rudnika. U radu je prikazana metodologija ...... facts and heuristics which can be represented by means of rules, frames, semantic networks and other formalisms. Since knowledge is the key factor in problem solution and decision making, the quality and usability of an expert system is basically determined by the accuracy and completeness ...
... developed at the Faculty of Mining and Geology of the University of Belgrade (Lilić, Stanković, and Obradović, 1994). This package, which enables the simulation of air flow distribution in a mine, the heat and fire transmission mechanisms, distribution of gas and distribution of respirable mineral ...
... KAPPA-PC Object Browser for VENTEX The classes and objects of the modified OOA model shown in /Fig. 1/ were transformed to classes and instances in the KAPPA-PC system. Thus the classes and object from /Fig. 1/ are represented by KAPPA-PC classes and instance as shown in the system’s object browser ...Ranka Stanković, Nikola Lilić, Ivan Obradović. "VENTEX: An Expert System for Mine Ventilation Systems Analysis" in YU Info '96 Brezovica, Društvo za informacione sisteme i računarske mreže (1996)
Polyhedral characteristics of the cosalite-type crystal structures
Sabina Kovač, Predrag Dabić, Aleksandar Kremenović, Aleksandar Pačevski, Ljiljana Karanović, Marko V. Rodić, Martina Tribus (2019)Sabina Kovač, Predrag Dabić, Aleksandar Kremenović, Aleksandar Pačevski, Ljiljana Karanović, Marko V. Rodić, Martina Tribus. "Polyhedral characteristics of the cosalite-type crystal structures" in The Canadian Mineralogist, Mineralogical Association of Canada (2019). https://doi.org/10.3749/canmin.1900017
Using Query Expansion for Cross-Lingual Mathematical Terminology Extraction
Velislava Stoykova, Ranka Stanković (2018)Velislava Stoykova, Ranka Stanković. "Using Query Expansion for Cross-Lingual Mathematical Terminology Extraction" in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer International Publishing (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-91189-2_16
Advancing Sentiment Analysis in Serbian Literature: A Zero and Few-Shot Learning Approach Using the Mistral Model
Ova studija predstavlja analizu sentimenta srpskih starih romana iz perioda 1840-1920, koristeći veliki jezički model (LLM) Mistral za tehniku učenja sa zasnovani na takozvanim "zero" i "few-shot" pokušajima. Glavni pristup uvodi inovacije osmišljavanjem istraživačkih upita (promptova) uključuju tekst sa uputstvom za klasifikaciju bez primera i na osnovu nekoliko primera, omogućavajući jezičkom modelu da klasifikuje osećanja u pozitivne, negativne ili objektivne kategorije. Ova metodologija ima za cilj da pojednostavi analizu osećanja ograničavanjem odgovora, čime se povećava preciznost ...Milica Ikonić Nešić, Saša Petalinkar, Mihailo Škorić, Ranka Stanković, Biljana Rujević. "Advancing Sentiment Analysis in Serbian Literature: A Zero and Few-Shot Learning Approach Using the Mistral Model" in Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation, Sofia, Bulgaria, 9-10 September 2024, LREC | COLING (2024)
Development of integrated fuzzy model for mine management optimization
Miodrag Čelebić, Sanja Bajić, Dragoljub Bajić, Dejan Stevanović, Duško Torbica, Vladimir Malbašić (2023)... Ko – safe and healthy work environment, Ky - extractable ore reserves, and K+ — coefficient of ore de- pletion. The considered mining: technology options, based on the natural setting, included: Ai — block caving, Ao — sublevel caving, A3 — cutting and filling, and Aa – room and pillar mining ...
... inherent uncertainties, vagueness, and inaccuracies. As a result, subjective evaluation by engineers and expert experience have become increas- ingly important. Given that the natural language used by miners and geologists is most suited for relaying: knowledge and expressing; opinions, the paper ...
... underlying: and overlying, limestones. The underlying limestones are solid homo- geneous rocks, with numerous fractures and a number of fault zones. Expert experience suggested potential problems for certain types of mining. operations. Additionally, also based on experience and the physical and mechanical ...Miodrag Čelebić, Sanja Bajić, Dragoljub Bajić, Dejan Stevanović, Duško Torbica, Vladimir Malbašić. "Development of integrated fuzzy model for mine management optimization" in Comptes rendus de l'Académie Bulgare des Sciences (2023)
Petrographical and organic geochemical study of the subbituminous coal from the Dubrava field, Aleksinac basin (Serbia)
Željana Sekulić, Ksenija Stojanović, Achim Bechtel, Reinhard Sachsenhofer, Miomir Petrović, Ivan Kojić, Dragana Životić (2019)... parts of the Main coal seam and coal layers within and under lower oil shale package. Since vitrinite reflectance (%Rr, 0.44 + 0.03 - 0.46 + 0.02) and biomarker compositions indicate the same maturity stage of organic matter (OM), corresponding to late diagenesis and early catagenesis, petrographic ...
... n (С15-Сг0) and increase of long-chain (Cz6-Ca3) homologues. The obtained results suggest lowering of the water table during the formation of the Main coal seam. This change resulted in lesser inundation and deposition of MM associated with smaller input of bacterial and algal OM and higher contribution ...
... proxies and stable carbon isotope ratios (6'3) of individual biomarkers were used to evaluate the origin and depositional environment of OM. The content of vitrinite group macerals increases from top to bottom of the Main coal seam which is associated with a notable decrease of liptinite and mineral ...Željana Sekulić, Ksenija Stojanović, Achim Bechtel, Reinhard Sachsenhofer, Miomir Petrović, Ivan Kojić, Dragana Životić. "Petrographical and organic geochemical study of the subbituminous coal from the Dubrava field, Aleksinac basin (Serbia)" in 71st Annual Meeting of the International Commitee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP), The Hague, Netherlands, 15. – 21. September 2019, International Commitee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP) (2019)
Investigating distant effects of the Moesian promontory: Brittle tectonics along the western boundary of the Getic unit (East Serbia)
In this study, we report evidence for brittle deformation in a part of the Carpatho–Balkan orogen, which is explained in terms of effects of the rigid Moesian promontory of the European plate on fault kinematics in East Serbia. We focus on the westernmost part of the Getic Unit of the East Serbian Carpatho–Balkanides, i.e. the Gornjak–Ravanica Unit, located between two main thrusts that were repeatedly activated from Early Cretaceous to recent times. We combine a new data set on ...Getikum, Mezijska jedinica, Karpato-balkanski orogen, krte deformacije, Gornjačko-ravanička jedinicaAna Mladenović, Milorad D. Antić, Branislav Trivić, Vladica Cvetković. "Investigating distant effects of the Moesian promontory: Brittle tectonics along the western boundary of the Getic unit (East Serbia)" in Swiss Journal of Geosciences, Springer (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00015-018-0324-5
Evaluation And Perspectives Of Underground Coal Mines In Serbia
... roof and floor conditions, rock pressure and geo-mechanic conditions (criteria C2); • Mining hazards, such as gas, water, dust and potential for gas outbursts and spontaneous combustion (criteria C3); • Potential for mechanization, such as seam inclination, seam thickness, floor and roof ...
... facilities and supply facilities (criteria C4); • Quality of coal and products, such as coal type, sulphur content, ash content, moisture content, calorific value and amount of fines (criteria C5); • Market and delivery possibilities, such as current markets served, the distance to the market and transport ...
... (Soko, Strmosten pit in REMBAS mine, Lubnica and Štavalj) and for closure of those mines without potential (Tadenje and Jarando pits of Ibarski mines, Senjski rudnik pit of REMBAS, Bogovina and Vrška Čuka). This approach leaves Jasenovac mine and Block IV pit of REMBAS mine in between these two ...Vladimir Milisavljević, Milena Lekić, Ivica Ristović, Vojin Čokorilo, Aleksandar Cvjetić. "Evaluation And Perspectives Of Underground Coal Mines In Serbia" in 7th Balkan Mining Congress Preceedings - BalkanMine2017, Prijedor, 11-13. oktobar 2017., Banjaluka : University of Banjalika, Faculty of Mining, RS, BiH (2017)
English for Geology Students. 2
Lidija Beko (2023)... of clarity and coherence as a way in which they wish to teach the subject of English language and geology. Six thematic units: 1. Landslides 2. Metamorphic rocks 3. Mineral deposits 4. Hydrological cycle and groundwater 5. Surface water and glaciers 6. Geophysics, seismology and prospecting ...
... Faculty of Mining and Geology who have provided Foreword me with valuable assistance, relevant literature and insights, and who have pointed out specific geological terms and translations of those terms in order for me to use them correctly. My reviewers, prof. dr Juliana Vučo and prof. dr Dragoslava ...
... conscientiousness and kindness selflessly helped me in all segments of making the textbooks and to whom 1 owe a lot of knowledge aboutlanguage, art and culture.1 use this opportunity to extend a big and heartfelt “thank you” to him. Wulfenite > 10 . Part3 NMetals and gemstones All three ...Lidija Beko. English for Geology Students. 2, Belgrade : The Faculty of Mining and Geology, 2023
Production of morphological dictionaries of multi-word units using a multipurpose tool
The development of a comprehensive morphological dictionary of multi-word units for Serbian is a very demanding task, due to the complexity of Serbian morphology. Manual production of such a dictionary proved to be extremely time-consuming. In this paper we present a procedure that automatically produces dictionary lemmas for a given list of multi-word units. To accomplish this task the procedure relies on data in e-dictionaries of Serbian simple words, which are already well developed. We also offer an evaluation ...electronic dictionary, Serbian, morphology, inflection, multi-word units, noun phrases, query expansion... number and case) • Noun/noun (both inflect and agree in number and case) • Noun/noun in the genitive (only the first noun inflects) • Word/noun (only the second noun inflects; the first word is usually not a Serbian simple word) • Noun/adjective (both inflect and agree in gender, number and case) ...
... that it enables inflection of simple words, MWUs and free phrases supplied as key-words to Google. The tool relies on Serbian e-dictionaries, inflection transducers for simple words and MWUs, and uses Unitex and Multiflex modules for inflection and dictionary look-up. As for the free phrases that ...
... Savary, C. Krstev, and D. Vitas, “Inflectional Non-compositionality and Variation of Compounds in French, Polish and Serbian, and Their Automatic Processing,” Bulag — Bulletin de Linguistique Appliquée et Générale, vol. 32, pp. 73–94, 2007. [9] A. Savary, J. Rabiega-Wisniewska, and M. Wolinski, “Inflection ...Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Cvetana Krstev, Duško Vitas. "Production of morphological dictionaries of multi-word units using a multipurpose tool" in Proceedings of the Computational Linguistics-Applications Conference, October 2011, Jachranka, Poland, Jachranka, Poland : PTI - Polish Information Processing Society (2011)
An Integrated Environment for Management and Exploitation of Linguistic Resources
Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović (2009)... words and DELAF dictionaries of their morphological forms, with more than 120.000 simple words and 1.400.000 word forms. In addition to that, dictionaries of compounds named DELAC for the lemma dictionaries and DELACF for their 287 An Integrated Environment for Management and Ex ...
... their volume and content, their maintenance and develop- ment became more and more complex. In addition to that, there was also a growing need to use several different re- sources for solving a particular task. Thus the development of a software tool for maintenance and integration of multi- ...
... selected both in SWN (lower left side) and the English wordnet (lower right side). The user can now com- pare all synsets containing the literal “zemlxa” in SWN and the literals “country” or “land” in the English wordnet, and consequently perform appropriate updates and additions in SWN. This module ...Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović. "An Integrated Environment for Management and Exploitation of Linguistic Resources" in Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, Computational Linguistics – Applications Workshop (CLA09), Mrągowo, Poland, October 2009, Piscataway : IEEE (2009)