810 items
Ocjena potencijalnosti karbonatnih sirovina na području rudnog rejona Bjelopavlića
Božović Darko, Simić Vladimir (2015)Božović Darko, Simić Vladimir. "Ocjena potencijalnosti karbonatnih sirovina na području rudnog rejona Bjelopavlića" in Geološki glasnik no. 16, :JU Zavod za geološka istraživanja Crne Gore (2015): 143-161 M52
FTIR Spectroscopic Study Of S-Metolachlor Sorption On Inorganic And Organically Modified Montmorillonite From Bogovina
Lazar Kaluđerović, Zorica Tomić, Jelena Bogosavljević, Ljubomir Životić, Maja Milošević. "FTIR Spectroscopic Study Of S-Metolachlor Sorption On Inorganic And Organically Modified Montmorillonite From Bogovina" in 3rd International and 15th National Congress - Soils for Future under Global Challenges, Sokobanja, Serbia, Serbian Society of Soil Science (2021) М34
Генерални приказ јувелирских минералних сировина Србије
Miladinović Zoran, Simić Vladimir (2018)Miladinović Zoran, Simić Vladimir. "Генерални приказ јувелирских минералних сировина Србије" in 17. Конгрес геолога Србије, Врњачка Бања, 17‐20. мај 2018 1, Vrnjačka banja:Srpsko geološko društvo (2018): 299-303 M64
Izbor kompresora za potrbe gaslifta
Malbašić Tatjana, Jelka Stupar, Mitrović Vladimir. "Izbor kompresora za potrbe gaslifta" in Podzemni radovi (Underground Mining Engineering) no. 17, Beograd:Univerzitet u Beogradu - Rudrsko-geološki fakultet (2010): 61-69 M52
Carbonate filler resources of the Bjelopavlići area, Montenegro
Božović Darko, Simić Vladimir, Radulović Dragan, Abramović Filip, Radusinović Slobodan. "Carbonate filler resources of the Bjelopavlići area, Montenegro" in Hemijska Industrija 5 no. 70, :Savez hemijskih inženjera Srbije (2016): 493-500. https://doi.org/10.2298/HEMIND150325054B M23
Tertiary plutonic rocks of southern Serbia Vardar Zone as dimension stone
Kurešević Lidja, Simić Vladimir (2014)Kurešević Lidja, Simić Vladimir. "Tertiary plutonic rocks of southern Serbia Vardar Zone as dimension stone" in Geološki Anali Balkanskog Poluostrva no. 75, :Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade (2014): 85-92. https://doi.org/10.2298/GABP1475085K M24
Serbia: Mineral Policy
Vladimir Simić (2017)Vladimir Simić. "Serbia: Mineral Policy" in Encyclopedia of Mineral and Energy Policy, Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-40871-7_41-1 М13
Predlog klasifikacije mineralnih resursa i rezervi u sklopu nove zakonske regulative iz oblasti geoloških istraživanja i rudarstva u Srbiji
Ilić Miloje, Jelenković Rade, Simić Vladimir, Vukas Radoslav, Sajić Dušan. "Predlog klasifikacije mineralnih resursa i rezervi u sklopu nove zakonske regulative iz oblasti geoloških istraživanja i rudarstva u Srbiji" in Simpozijum - Zbornik radova, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Jugoslovenski komitet za površinsku eksloataciju uglja, Zlatibor:JKPE (2011): 244-255 M63
Protection of lignite opencast mine Radljevo North from the water of river Pljostanica
Šubaranović Tomislav, Ivoš Vladimir, Pavlović Vladimir, Minić Zvonko. "Protection of lignite opencast mine Radljevo North from the water of river Pljostanica" in Proceedings of the XIV International conference of the open and underwater mining of minerals, Varna, Bulgaria:Scientific and technical union of mining, geology and metallurgy Bulgaria (2017): 350-354 M33
Convective heat transfer in centrifugal pumps lifted wells: the case of South-Eastern Europe waxy wells
Electric submersible pumps (ESP) are applied in wells where additional energy is needed to ensure discharge of the fluid to the surface through the tubing. At the discharge side of the pump the fluid has bigger velocity, thus the pump induces a forced convection between the fluid and the tubing inner surface. Understanding of convective heat transfer in wellbores and analyses of influential parameters provides a possibility to optimise value of convective heat transfer coefficient in order to avoid ...Bojan Martinovic, Marija Živković, Branko Grubač. "Convective heat transfer in centrifugal pumps lifted wells: the case of South-Eastern Europe waxy wells" in International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, Inderscience Publishers (2021). https://doi.org/10.1504/IJOGCT.2021.10043281 М23
Productivity improvement with use of beam gas compressor: pilot test in Southeastern Europe mature field
Most of the wells in the oilfield Turija are operating with sucker rod pumps, where casing pressure at around 15 bar, and with marginal production rates. The high value of casing pressure indicates high pressure on the face of the formation and depends directly on well productivity. In addition, with increasing value of the casing pressure gas column in the annulus is moving the dynamic fluid level near pump intake and more gas is entering the pump, it results ...beam gas compressor, BGC, increase productivity, sucker rod pump, SRP, mature field, artificial lift, production optimisationBojan Martinović, Dušan Danilović, Branko Grubač, Robert Fadiga. "Productivity improvement with use of beam gas compressor: pilot test in Southeastern Europe mature field" in International Journal of Oil Gas and Coal Technology (2022) М23
Потенцијално токсични микроелементи у мрким угљевима Србије
Животић Драгана, Симић Владимир, Гржетић Иван. "Потенцијално токсични микроелементи у мрким угљевима Србије" in Зборник радова XVI Конгреса геолога Србије, Доњи Милановац, 22-25 мај 2014, Beograd:Српско геолошко друштво (2014): 860-863 M64
Kaolinite clays from the Arandjelovac basin
Simić Vladimir, Andrić Nevena (2012)Simić Vladimir, Andrić Nevena. "Kaolinite clays from the Arandjelovac basin" in Proceedings of the 29th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Schladming, Austria, 10th - 13th September, Leoben, Austria:International Association of Sedimentologists - IAS (2012): 327-327 M34
Ocena ranjivosti podzemnih voda Gornjanskog karsta
Rabrenović Milan, Jemcov Igor, Živanović Vladimir, Dragišić Veselin, Pešić Marina. "Ocena ranjivosti podzemnih voda Gornjanskog karsta" in Zbornik apstrakata i vodič stručne eksurzije. 8. Simpozijum o zaštiti karsta, 31.-01.11.2015., Pirot, :Akademsko Speleološko-Alpinistički klub (2015): 11-12 M64
Потенцијално токсични микроелементи у мрким угљевима Србије
Животић Драгана, Симић Владимир, Гржетић Иван. "Потенцијално токсични микроелементи у мрким угљевима Србије" in Зборник радова XVI Конгреса геолога Србије, Доњи Милановац, 22-25 мај 2014, Beograd:Српско геолошко друштво (2014): 860-863 M64
Neki aspekti održavanja jamske mehanizacije u rudniku Lece
Čokorilo Vojin, Jovančić Predrag, Milisavlјević Vladimir, Medenica Dragan. "Neki aspekti održavanja jamske mehanizacije u rudniku Lece" in Tehnika no. 4, Beograd:Savez Inžinjera i Tehničara Srbije (2013): 631-639 M51
Gemstone deposits of Serbia
Miladinović Zoran, Simić Vladimir, Jelenković Rade, Ilić Miloje. "Gemstone deposits of Serbia" in Geologica Carpathica 3 no. 67, :VEDA Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (2016): 211-222. https://doi.org/10.1515/geoca-2016-0014 M22
Potentially toxic trace elements in some Serbian brown coals
Životić Dragana, Simić Vladimir, Gržetić Ivan, Lorenz Hans. "Potentially toxic trace elements in some Serbian brown coals" in Reports of the Serbian Geological Society, :Serbian Geological Society (2015): 1-14 M52
Određivanje otpora u osloncima kombinovanih otkopnih mašina sa ozubljenim valjkom
Milisavljević Vladimir, Grozdanović Ines, Gašić Vladan. "Određivanje otpora u osloncima kombinovanih otkopnih mašina sa ozubljenim valjkom" in Zbornik radova Rudarsko-geoloskog fakulteta no. 35-36, Beograd:Univerzitet u Beogradu Rudarsko -geološki fakultet (1997): 129-134 M52
Project REASONING: Characterization and technological procedures for recycling and reusing of the rudnik mine flotation tailings
Vesna Cvetkov, Vladimir Simić, Stefan Petrović, Filip Arnaut, Milena Kostović, Dragan Radulović, Jovica Stojanović, Vladimir Jovanović, Dejan Todorović, Nina Nikolić, Jelena Senćanski, Grozdanka Bogdanović, Dragana Marilović (2024)Vesna Cvetkov, Vladimir Simić, Stefan Petrović, Filip Arnaut, Milena Kostović, Dragan Radulović, Jovica Stojanović, Vladimir Jovanović, Dejan Todorović, Nina Nikolić, Jelena Senćanski, Grozdanka Bogdanović, Dragana Marilović. "Project REASONING: Characterization and technological procedures for recycling and reusing of the rudnik mine flotation tailings" in 5th Congress Geologists of the Republic of North Macedonia, Ohrid, 28-29. 10. 2024, Македонско геолошко друштво (2024) М34