929 items
Rudničke vode olovo-cinkovih ležišta u rudnom polju „Blagodat“ u jugoistočnoj Srbiji
Nebojša Atanacković, Veselin Dragišić, Vladimir Živanović, Ivana Cvejić, Saša Stojadinović, Ivana Jocić (2022)Rudno polje Blagodat sa više ležišta i pojava olovo-cinkovih ruda nalazi se u krajnjem jugoistočnom delu Srbije, blizu granica sa Bugarskom i Severnom Makedonijom. Eksploatacija ovog resursa vrši se podzemno u okviru rudnika Grot, ranije Blagodat. Prilivi podzemnih (rudničkih) voda u jamske radove rudnika Grot su visoki i iznose oko 130 l/s (septembar 2019), što ga trenutno svrstava u najovodnjenije rudnike sa podzemnom eksploatacijom u Srbiji. Nezavisno od njih, iz obližnjeg potkopa P-1 u ležištu Kula, ističe još 25 ...Nebojša Atanacković, Veselin Dragišić, Vladimir Živanović, Ivana Cvejić, Saša Stojadinović, Ivana Jocić. "Rudničke vode olovo-cinkovih ležišta u rudnom polju „Blagodat“ u jugoistočnoj Srbiji" in Zbornik radova XVI srpskog Simpozijum o hidrogeologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Univerzitet u Beograd, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2022)
Definisanje specifičnih uslova dreniranja podzemnih voda na karstnim vrelima Krupac 1 i 2
Kristina Gavrilović (2024)Izvorište Krupac se nalazi u jugoistočnom delu Srbije, u blizini grada Pirota i deo je sistema za vodosnabdevanje grada i okolnih mesta. Vrela Krupac 1 i Krupac 2 su gravitaciona karstna vrela, locirana na kontaktu jursko-krednog kompleksa stena sa neogenim naslagama Pirotske kotline, čije su specifičnosti uslova dreniranja, kao i uslova cirkulacije, ispitane hidrohemijskim i izotopskim metodama, kao i opitom obeležavanja ponora Golema dubka. Ustanovljeno je da se radi o mladim vodama i sistemu bez duboke cirkulacije podzemnih voda, ...... (mg/1 W'0> ) VMZP 002 mg/| <0.01 0.01 3 Nitrati (mg/I NOxs ) SM P-V-3I1/C mg// 2.89 50 4 Gvožđe, Fe VMZP 003 mg// 0 0.3 5 Mangan (mg/I Mn) SM P-V26/B mg// 0 0.05 6 Ostatak isparenja SM P-IV-4 mg// 408 7 El provodljivost SM P-IV-I1 mg// 583 1000 49 Tabela 8.3. Kvaliteft podzemne vode na ...
... Nitriti (mg/I /0z ) VMZP 002 mg, <0.01 0.01 3 Nitrati (mg/I W0x ) SM P-V-31I/C mg, 351 50 4 Gvožđe, Fe VMZP 003 mg, 0.3 5 Mangan (mg/I Mn) SM P-V26/B mg, 0.05 6 Ostatak isparenja SM P-IV-4 mg, 362 7 EI provodljivost SM P-IV-II mg, 520 1 000 50 Tabela 8.4. Terenska merenja fizičko- hemijskih ...
... M-II-5 Bez Bez 4 Ukus SM P-IV-3 Bez Bez 5 Mutnoća NTU SM P-IV-4/B NTU 0.32 1 6 pH PV-8 M-III-2 7.2 6.8-8.5 7 UtrošakKMn0e& (mg/I) PV-8 M-III-7 mg/I 4.71 8 & Rezidualni hlor-Ciz PV-8 M-III-23 mg// 0 0.5 9 Hloridi CI-(mg/I CI) PV-8 M-III-6 mg/I 5.24 200 0 Fluoridi F- SM P-V-15/A mg/I 0 1.2 || ...Kristina Gavrilović. Definisanje specifičnih uslova dreniranja podzemnih voda na karstnim vrelima Krupac 1 i 2, 2024
Groundwater resources for drinking water supply in Serbia´s Southeast Pannonian basin
... groundwater regime according to the SUDEHSTRA project, and provide an adequate basis for groundwater management in A u t h o r ' s p e r s o n a l c o p p y 98 this part of the Southeast Pannonian Basin. This paper has two complementary aims: (a) to determine the groundwater balance ...
... Arsenic in drinking water. Delft: IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, Vol. 17, pp. 1-57. Polomčić, D., Stevanović, Z., Dokmanović, P., Papić, P., Ristić-Vakanjac, V., Hajdin, B., Milanović, S. & Bajić, D., (2011) Groundwater supply in Serbia – Situation and Perspectives. In: Polomčić ...
... on Transboundary Waters Management, CD 4 pages, Ses. 1(2), Thessaloniki. Stevanović, Z., Kozák, P., Lazić, M., Szanyi, J., Polomčić, D., Kovács, B., Török, J., Milanović, S., Hajdin, B. & Papić, P., 2011. Towards Sustainable Management of Transboundary Hungarian-Serbian Aquifer. Chapter in the ...Dušan Polomčić, Bojan Hajdin, Marina Ćuk, Petar Papić, Zoran Stevanović. "Groundwater resources for drinking water supply in Serbia´s Southeast Pannonian basin" in Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (2014)
Structural and geochronological constraints from the Drina-Ivanjica thrust sheet (Western Serbia): implications for the Cretaceous–Paleogene tectonics of the Internal Dinarides
Kristof Porkoláb, Szilvia Kövér, Zsolt Benkó, Gabor Héja, Melinda Fialowski, Balázs Soós, Nataša Gerzina Spajić, Nevenka Đerić, László Fodor (2019)Internal Dinarides, Drina-Ivanjica thrust sheet, Deformation history, K–Ar dating, Obduction, Structural analysis... Earth, 89(B7), 5835–5848. Arkai, P., Balogh, K., & Dunkl, I. (1995). Timing of low-temperature metamorphism and cooling of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic formations of the Bikkium, innermost Western Carpathians, Hungary. Geologische rundschau, 84(2), 334—344. Arkai, P., & Ghabrial, D. S. (1997). Chlorite ...
... Research, 11(4), 453—475. Dimitrijević, M. (1982). Dinarides: an outline of the tectonics. Earfh Evol Sci, 1, 4-23. Dimo-Lahitte, A., Monić, P., and Vergćly, P., 2001, Metamorphic soles from the Albanian ophiolites: Petrology, 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, and geodynamic evolution: 7Tecfonics, 20, 1, ...
... the fabric of Palaeozoic formations in the Drina-Ivanjica region: Geološki anali balkanskoga poluostrva, 49, 11—160. Duretz, T., Agard, P., Yamato, P., Ducassou, C., Burov, E. B., & Gerya, T. V. (2016). Thermo-mechanical modeling of the obduction process based on the Oman ophiolite case. Gondwana ...Kristof Porkoláb, Szilvia Kövér, Zsolt Benkó, Gabor Héja, Melinda Fialowski, Balázs Soós, Nataša Gerzina Spajić, Nevenka Đerić, László Fodor. "Structural and geochronological constraints from the Drina-Ivanjica thrust sheet (Western Serbia): implications for the Cretaceous–Paleogene tectonics of the Internal Dinarides" in Swiss Journal of Geosciences (2019)
Long-term planning methodology for improving wood biomass utilization
The insufficiently developed forest management system is often followed by undeveloped forest resources supply chain and insufficient institutional support. These cause inefficient usage of fuel-wood as well as huge amounts of unused forest residues. In order to achieve optimal and long-term sustainable utilisation of biomass, an original methodology based on the interaction of mathematical optimization and backcasting approach has been developed. Mathematical optimization is used for both generation and consideration of techno-economic parameters of the forest biomass supply chain. ...... University of Padova; 2013. [39] Quist J, Vergragt P. Past and future of backcasting: the shift to stakeholder participation and a proposal for a methodological framework. Futures 2006;38:1027e45. [40] Mander S, Bows A, Anderson K, Shackley S, Agnolucci P, Ekins P. Uncertainty and the Tyndall decarbonisation ...
... University of Padova; 2013. [39] Quist J, Vergragt P. Past and future of backcasting: the shift to stakeholder participation and a proposal for a methodological framework. Futures 2006;38:1027—45. [40] Mander S, Bows A, Anderson K, Shackley S, Agnolucci P, Ekins P. Uncertainty and the Tyndall decarbonisation ...
... driving force for combined generation investments: a view on Europe. Energy 2016;115:1632e9. [42] Mander S, Bows A, Anderson K, Shackley S, Agnolucci P, Ekins P. The Tyndall decarbonisation scenarios - Part I: development of a backcasting methodology with stakeholder participation. Energy Policy 2008;36:3754e63 ...Vladimir Vukašinović, Dušan Gordić, Marija Živković, Davor Koncalović, Dubravka Živković. "Long-term planning methodology for improving wood biomass utilization" in Energy, Elsevier BV (2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2019.03.105
A comparative study of the molecular and isotopic composition of biomarkers in immature oil shale (Aleksinac deposit, Serbia) and its liquid pyrolysis products (open and closed systems)
Gordana Gajica, Aleksandra Šajnović, Ksenija Stojanović, Jan Schwarzbauer, Aleksandar Kostić, Branimir Jovančićević (2021)The molecular and isotopic composition of biomarkers in initial bitumen isolated from immature (0.41% Rr) oil shale samples (Aleksinac deposit) and liquid products obtained by pyrolysis in open (OS) and closed (CS) systems are studied. The influence of pyrolysis type and variations of kerogen type on biomarkers composition and their isotopic signatures in liquid products is determined. The applicability of pyrolysis type, numerous biomarkers and carbon isotopic compositions (δ13C) of n-alkanes in liquid pyrolysates is established. Pyrolysis experiments were ...Uljni šejl, Aleksinac, organska supstanca, otvoreni i zatvoreni sistem pirolize, biomarkeri, izotopski sastav ugljjenika... E., Farrimond, P., 1998. Release of kerogen-bound hopanoids by hydropyrolysis. Org. Geochem. 29, 989–1001. Bjorøy, M., Hall, K., Gillyon, P., Jumeau, J., 1991. Carbon isotope variations in n-alkanes and isoprenoids of whole oils. Chem. Geol. 93, 13–20. Bowden, S.A., Farrimond, P., Snape, C.E., ...
... as well as to the Section Editor, Professor Hui Tian for handling of the manuscript. References Adam, P., Schmid, J.C., Mycke, B., Strazielle, C., Connan, J., Huc, A., Riva, A., Albrecht, P., 1993. Structural investigations of nonpolar sulfur cross-linked macromolecules in petroleum. Geochem. Cosmochim ...
... Millenniums. Margo-Art, Belgrade, pp. 368–378. Farrimond, P., Love, G.D., Bishop, A.N., Innes, H.E., Watson, D.F., Snape, C.E., 2003. Evidence for the rapid incorporation of hopanoids into kerogen. Geochem. Cosmochim. Acta 67, 1383–1394. Farrimond, P., Taylor, A., Telnæs, N., 1998. Biomarker maturity ...Gordana Gajica, Aleksandra Šajnović, Ksenija Stojanović, Jan Schwarzbauer, Aleksandar Kostić, Branimir Jovančićević. "A comparative study of the molecular and isotopic composition of biomarkers in immature oil shale (Aleksinac deposit, Serbia) and its liquid pyrolysis products (open and closed systems)" in Marine and Petroleum Geology, Elsevier BV (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.105383
Timing and facies analysis of the Middle Miocene Badenian flood deposits in southern Central Paratethys—insights from KC-4 borehole, western Serbia
Ljupko Rundić, Violeta Gajić, Stjepan Ćorić, Jelena Stefanović, Natalija Batoćanin, Marija Radisavljević, Dejan Prelević (2024)facijalna analiza, biostratigrafija, U–Pb datiranje, badenska transgresija, Juzni Cetralni Paratetis... Palaeoclimatol Pal- aeoecol 253:8—31. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2007.03.031 Harzhauser M, Grunert P, Mandic O, Lukeneder P, Garcia Gallardo A, Neubauer T, Carnevale G, Landau B, Sauer R, Strauss P (2018) Middle and late Badenian palaeoenvironments in the northern Vienna Basin and their potential ...
... Foldt Kozlony. 143(3):197—232. https://doi.org/10.23928/foldt. kozl.2019.149.3.197 Hardenbol J, Thierry J, Farley M B, Jacquin T, de Graciansky P C, Vail P (1998) Mesozoic and Cenozoic Sequence Chronostratigraphic Framework of European Basins. In: Graciansky, P.C., et al. Eds., Mesozoic, and Cenozoic ...
... 27—31, 2019, Abstract. p.77 Steininger F, Rogl F, Martini E (1976) Current Oligocene-Miocene biostratigraphic concept of the Central Paratethys (Middle Europe). Newsl Stratigr 4:174-202 Stille H (1924) Grundfragen der vergleichenden Tektonik. Borntraeger, Berlin, p 443 Stojadinović U, Matenco ...Ljupko Rundić, Violeta Gajić, Stjepan Ćorić, Jelena Stefanović, Natalija Batoćanin, Marija Radisavljević, Dejan Prelević. "Timing and facies analysis of the Middle Miocene Badenian flood deposits in southern Central Paratethys—insights from KC-4 borehole, western Serbia" in International Journal of Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00531-024-02430-w
Uslovi formiranja oticaja reke Crnice
Andjelija Glogovac (2024)Sliv reke Crnice zauzima područje centralnog dela Srbije, između opštine Paraćin na zapadu, Sisevačkog basena na istoku, sliva Ravanice na severu i Jovaničke reke na jugu.Režimski parametri sliva reke,površine od 289 km2 kontrolišu se na hidrološkoj stanici Paraćin, dok su sa ciljem analize režima i uticaja padavina na formiranje oticaja preuzeti podaci o padavinama sa meteorološke stanice Ćuprija.Na razmatranom području dominantnu ulogu ima karsni tip izdani, koga karakteriše nestabilan režim u u pogledu oscilacija izdašnosti i nivoa podzemnih voda ...... 80 = 70 = % Š s E 6 40 s 50 S 5 4 ž 30 ž Hi 30 Š 20 20 10 10 ”| 0 O ı ~~ — O D D O D . D D i O VOA 9 ' P 9 9 O 9 O a dt d d dP d de de „ de d” d j9 „P P 9 9 9 P P 9 P P b KO K RAA I V L K K J A I I JČO v O J a ŽŽ h Y hh y Y Ž O a o OL . J ME O 8a KA IOJ Slika 7.1. Hidrogram proticaja ...
... proticaj (1/s); F -površina sliva u km?. Srednja godišnja evapotranspiracija E (mm) E=P-h gde su: P —padavine (mm); H - sloj oticaja (mm) Koeficijent oticaja q h y N gde su: h - sloj oticaja (mm); P – padavine (mm). 61 Tabela 8.1. Zbirni pregled elemenata vodnog bilansa sliva reke ...
... bilansne jednačine. Ključne reči: režim voda, autokorelacija, kroskorelacija, bilans voda, klimatske promene, reka Crnica. Sadržaj: HRG T/0) p OAAAAAA || 2.OPŠTE KARAKTERISTIKE ISTRAŽNOG PODRUČJA al 3 2.1 Geografski položaj područja ...........aaaaaaaaaaaaa a aaadaaaaaaaaane 3 2.2 Klimatske ...Andjelija Glogovac. Uslovi formiranja oticaja reke Crnice, 2024
Crystallography and Surface Oxidation of Stoichiometric Arsenopyrite from Šumadija-Kopaonik Pb-Zn/Polymetallic Ore District (Serbia)
Ivana Jelić, Aleksandar Pačevski, Aleksandar Kremenović, Aleš Šoster, Andreja Šestan, Janez Zavašnik (2023)The behaviour and stability of arsenopyrite largely depend on its crystal structure, but studies of crystallography and structural defects are scarce. For clarification, we investigated a series of natural arsenopyrite crystals from the polymetallic Pb-Zn-(±Cu,Ag,Au,Sb,Bi,W) Šumadija-Kopaonik ore district (Serbia) by powder X-ray diffraction (XRPD). Among them, samples from the Drenjak gold mineralisation showed near-stoichiometric FeAsS composition and were further investigated by conventional and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy methods. TEM revealed abundant planar crystallographic defects and epitaxial surface oxide layer ...Inorganic Chemistry, Condensed Matter Physics,General Materials Science, General Chemical Engineering, crystal structure, FeAsS, oxidation, TEM, XRPD... Mineral Chemistry of Metal Sulfides; Cambridgjee University Press: Cambridge, UK, 1978. 2. · Merkulova, M.; Mathon, O.; Glatzel, P.; Rovezzi, M.; Batanova, V.; Marion, P.; Boiron, M.C.; Manceau, A. Revealing, the Chemical Form of “Invisible” Gold in Natural Arsenian Pyrite and Arsenopyrite with High ...
... CusFeSa. Am. Mineral. 2005, 90, 1256–1264. [CrossRer] Reidy, K.; Varnavides, G.; Thomsen, J.D.; Kumar, A.; Pham, T.; Blackburn, A.M.; Anikeeva, P.; Narang, P.; LeBeau, J.M.; Ross, EM. Direct Imaging, and Electronic Structure Modulation of Moirć Superlattices at the 2D/3D Interface. Nat. Commun. 2021 ...
... units of Adria [ Pannonian Basin josnian Flysch Zone Judva-Karsta-Cukali Zone | 0b |Šumadija-Kopaonik Pb-Zn/polymetallic district TOVO SOJ OM i “p | Oligocene-Miocene magmatic and volcanic rocks IE Hqh karst Zone. Dinaric metallogenic province I rirace zone |7 carpatho-Balkanides metallogenic ...Ivana Jelić, Aleksandar Pačevski, Aleksandar Kremenović, Aleš Šoster, Andreja Šestan, Janez Zavašnik. "Crystallography and Surface Oxidation of Stoichiometric Arsenopyrite from Šumadija-Kopaonik Pb-Zn/Polymetallic Ore District (Serbia)" in Crystals, MDPI AG (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst13020278
Understanding the effect of synthesis and sintering temperature on the functional properties of barium titanate/cobalt ferrite composites
Marija Šuljagić, Aleksandar Kremenović, Ivan Petronijević, Adis Džunuzović, Miljana Mirković, Vladimir Pavlović, Ljubica Anđelković (2023)To investigate the effect of synthesis procedure and sintering temperature on the functional properties of perovskite/spinel ceramics, BaTiO3/CoFe2O4 composites were prepared by thermal decomposition, coprecipitation, and microemulsion method, and sintered at 1150°C and 1300°C. The phase composition and morphology of as-prepared powders as well as sintered ceramics were thoroughly examined by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with electron dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The dielectric and ferroelectric measurements were performed in detail. Generally, the ...Marija Šuljagić, Aleksandar Kremenović, Ivan Petronijević, Adis Džunuzović, Miljana Mirković, Vladimir Pavlović, Ljubica Anđelković. "Understanding the effect of synthesis and sintering temperature on the functional properties of barium titanate/cobalt ferrite composites" in Science of Sintering (2023). https://doi.org/10.2298/SOS220512013S
Serbian NER&Beyond: The Archaic and the Modern Intertwinned
U ovom radu predstavljamo srpski književni korpus koji se razvija pod okriljem COST Akcije „Distant Reading for European Literary History” CA16204. Koristeći ovaj korpus romana napisanih pre više od jednog veka, razvili smo i učinili javno dostupnim Sistem za prepoznavanje imenovanih entiteta (NER) obučen da prepozna 7 različitih tipova imenovanih entiteta, sa konvolucionom neuronskom mrežom (CNN), koja ima F1 rezultat od ≈91% na test skupu podataka. Ovaj model je dalje ocenjen na posebnom skupu podataka za evaluaciju. Završavamo poređenje ...Branislava Šandrih Todorović, Cvetana Krstev, Ranka Stanković, Milica Ikonić Nešić. "Serbian NER&Beyond: The Archaic and the Modern Intertwinned" in Proceedings of the Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing - Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing Methods and Applications, INCOMA Ltd. Shoumen, BULGARIA (2021). https://doi.org/10.26615/978-954-452-072-4_141
High-resolution sequence stratigraphy of carbonates - theory and examples
Jelena Stefanović, Dejan Radivojević (2020)Циљ рада је да кроз теоријски аспект и примере примене представи секвенциону стратиграфију високе резолуције карбонатних седимената. У том смислу први део се односи на појам и значење високе резолуције у секвенционој стратиграфији. Од временских и просторних скала које одговарају сеизмичким профилима у последњих двадесет година метода је нашла примену на скалама које одговарају бушотинским подацима или изданцима. Као најпогоднији седименти за овај тип истраживања су се показали карбонати јер су осетљиви на еустатичке промене, а основе секвенционе стратиграфије ...Jelena Stefanović, Dejan Radivojević. "High-resolution sequence stratigraphy of carbonates - theory and examples" in Zapisnici Srpskog geološkog društva za 2020. godinu, Srpsko geološko društvo (2020)
Arsenic in Tap Water of Serbia´s South Pannonian Basin and Arsenic Risk Assessment
Petar Papić, Marina Ćuk, Maja Todorović, Jana Stojković, Bojan Hajdin, Nebojša Atanacković, Dušan Polomčić (2012)Petar Papić, Marina Ćuk, Maja Todorović, Jana Stojković, Bojan Hajdin, Nebojša Atanacković, Dušan Polomčić. "Arsenic in Tap Water of Serbia´s South Pannonian Basin and Arsenic Risk Assessment" in Polish Journal of Environmental Studies (2012)
Model predviđanja potresa od miniranja na površinskim kopovima primenom simulacione metode Monte Karlo i fazi logike
Milanka N. Negovanović (2015-06-30)Modeliranje predviđanja potresa tla od miniranja primenom fazi logike i metode MonteKarlo zasnovano je na podacima dobijenim terenskim merenjima potresa uzrokovanihminiranjem. Promenljive modela definisane su analizom parametara bušenja i miniranjaminskih serija, kao i velosigrama izmerenih potresa od miniranja. Iskorišćene suprednosti fazi logike u implementaciji mnogo većeg broja ulaznih i izlaznih veličina zamodeliranje u odnosu na postojeće empirijske modele. Na osnovu identičnih podataka,dobijen je regresioni model predviđanja potresa, da bi se izvršilo testiranje novogmodela. U cilju povećanja pouzdanosti modela predviđanja, ...model, predviđanje potresa, miniranje, površinski kop, Monte Karlo, fazilogika, regresiona analiza, FFT analiza, spektri odziva, pomeraj pukotinaMilanka N. Negovanović. "Model predviđanja potresa od miniranja na površinskim kopovima primenom simulacione metode Monte Karlo i fazi logike" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2015-06-30)
Model predviđanja potresa od miniranja na površinskim kopovima primenom simulacione metode Monte Karlo i fazi logike
Milanka N. Negovanović (2015-06-30)Modeliranje predviđanja potresa tla od miniranja primenom fazi logike i metode MonteKarlo zasnovano je na podacima dobijenim terenskim merenjima potresa uzrokovanihminiranjem. Promenljive modela definisane su analizom parametara bušenja i miniranjaminskih serija, kao i velosigrama izmerenih potresa od miniranja. Iskorišćene suprednosti fazi logike u implementaciji mnogo većeg broja ulaznih i izlaznih veličina zamodeliranje u odnosu na postojeće empirijske modele. Na osnovu identičnih podataka,dobijen je regresioni model predviđanja potresa, da bi se izvršilo testiranje novogmodela. U cilju povećanja pouzdanosti modela predviđanja, ...model, predviđanje potresa, miniranje, površinski kop, Monte Karlo, fazilogika, regresiona analiza, FFT analiza, spektri odziva, pomeraj pukotinaMilanka N. Negovanović. "Model predviđanja potresa od miniranja na površinskim kopovima primenom simulacione metode Monte Karlo i fazi logike" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2015-06-30)
Understanding partitioning of deformation in highly arcuate orogenic systems: Inferences from the evolution of the Serbian Carpathians
Nemanja Krstekanić, Liviu Matenco, Marinko Toljić, Oleg Mandić, Uroš Stojadinović, Ernst Willingshofer (2020)Nemanja Krstekanić, Liviu Matenco, Marinko Toljić, Oleg Mandić, Uroš Stojadinović, Ernst Willingshofer. "Understanding partitioning of deformation in highly arcuate orogenic systems: Inferences from the evolution of the Serbian Carpathians" in Global and Planetary Change, Elsevier BV (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2020.103361
Geotechnical Conditions for Construction of Savski Trg Metro Station as a Part of the Belgrade Metro Line One
In order to solve serious traffic congestion in Belgrade, a number of studies regarding the Belgrade Metro construction have been carried out since 1973. However, only in 2019, the routes of the future metro lines 1 and 2 were de-fined as a part of the General Metro Construction Project. The lines are de-signed to intersect at the location of Sava Square, where an interchange met-ro station will be built. It represents a complex geotechnical structure consist-ing of three different ...Nemanja Stanic, Dragoslav Rakic, Josip Isek, Slavoljub Simic. "Geotechnical Conditions for Construction of Savski Trg Metro Station as a Part of the Belgrade Metro Line One" in Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer Nature Singapore (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-8221-5_11
Application of auto-cross-regression models from the shortterm forecast of karst spring discharges
Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Veljko Marinković, Ljiljana Vasić, Saša Milanović, Branislav Petrović, Petar Vojnović (2024)Човек je одвајкада је покушавао да пронађе начина да предвиди одређене појаве у природи. Како су људске насеобине углавном биле везане за обале река, предикција поплаве је била од великог значаја за њен опстанак. Касније, развојем цивилизације, а нарочито са индустријском и технолошком револуцијом, отпочиње се са развојем одређених модела којима се на основу улазних компоненти срачунава излазна величина која је од интереса, а у овом случају је то протицај или водостај реке или извора (врела). Најједноставнији модели су ...Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Veljko Marinković, Ljiljana Vasić, Saša Milanović, Branislav Petrović, Petar Vojnović. "Application of auto-cross-regression models from the shortterm forecast of karst spring discharges" in Conference proceedings, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad (2024). https://doi.org/10.24867/SYMOPIS-2024-51-075
Analysis of the intensity of erosive processes and state of vegetation cover in the zone of influence of the Kolubara Mining Basin
Milica Živanović, Miško M. Milanović, Branislav Trivić, Snežana Đurđić, Miroljub Milinčić, Milisav Tomić, Goran Grozdanić (2024)Ensuring the quality protection of geospatial elements entails environmental control, a task unattainable without precise measurement results. This article aims to conduct a spatio-temporal analysis of soil degradation and vegetation status within the influence zone of the Kolubara Mining Basin in Serbia. Remote sensing is employed to assess vulnerability to erosion using the erosion potential method. A geographic information system environment is utilized to generate an erosion map, illustrating erosive processes across different time periods, particularly comparing the present situation (2022) to 1983. Results indicate that observed areas are experiencing ...Milica Živanović, Miško M. Milanović, Branislav Trivić, Snežana Đurđić, Miroljub Milinčić, Milisav Tomić, Goran Grozdanić. "Analysis of the intensity of erosive processes and state of vegetation cover in the zone of influence of the Kolubara Mining Basin" in Open Geosciences, De Gruyter Open Access (2024). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1515/geo-2022-0682
Sinteza i strukturna karakterizacija novih cezijumskih i kalijumskih silikata sa elementima retkih zemalja
Predrag Z. Dabić (2022)Predmet i ciljevi naučnog istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije su sinteza i strukturna karakterizacija novih cezijumskih i kalijumskih silikata sa elementima retkih zemalja. Istraživanja su izvedena u okviru sistema SiO2–REE2O3–XF, gde REE predstavlja trovalentni katjon elementa retkih zemalja (Sc, Y, Sm, Eu, Gd, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu), dok X predstavlja jednovalentni katjon alkalnih metala (K, Cs). Rad na disertaciji bio je fokusiran na sintezu monokristala, određivanje kristalnih struktura, kao i na kristalografsko i kristalohemijsko ispitivanje sintetisanih monokristala. Monokristali su sintetisani ...alkalni silikati elemenata retkih zemalja, kristalna struktura, sinteza metodom fluksa, rendgenska difrakcija na monokristalu, elementi retkih zemaljaPredrag Z. Dabić. Sinteza i strukturna karakterizacija novih cezijumskih i kalijumskih silikata sa elementima retkih zemalja, Beograd : P. Dabić, 2022