626 items
Primena metoda podzemnog otkopavanja sa očuvanjem površine terena
Uroš Mirković (2024)Tema ovog diplomskog rada je primena metoda podzemnog otkopavanja sa očuvanjem površine terena, sa posebnim osvrtom na metodu otkopavanja uz zasipavanje pasta zasipima. Ova metoda omogućava efikasan eksploatacioni proces u podzemnim rudnicima, uz minimalne uticaje na površinu, čime se smanjuju deformacije i sleganja terena iznad eksploatacionih radova. Pasta zasipi, koji se sastoje od mešavine jalovine, vode i cementa, koriste se za popunjavanje ispražnjenih prostorija nakon otkopavanja, čime se obezbeđuje stabilnost okolnih stena i smanjuje rizik od urušavanja. Ovaj rad ...... Slika 1: Situacioni plan istražnih radova 2.4. Kvalitet mineralne sirovine Pod kvalitetom mineralne sirovine podrazumeva se učešće korisnih i štetnih komponenti, ali i mogućnost koncentracije korisnih komponenti iz mineralne sirovine. Kvalitet rude se određuje zavisno od metode oprobavanja, od ...
... ......aaaaaaaa a aaanaakoee 7 2.2 Geološka građa ležišta .. ananaataaaaoi 8 2.3 Istražni radovi........aaa a anaaaaaaaaaaaaaataatatt 9 2.4. Kvalitet mineralne sirovine ... aaaaaaaaaaaakak 12 2.5 Izvođenje rudarskih radova .........aaaaaaaaaaaaanaanoı 12 3.OTVARANJE LEŽIŠTA I IZRADA PODZEMNIH ...
... su postavljeni istražni hodnici, koji su omogućili detaljno ispitivanje i pripremu za dalju eksploataciju. Ovi hodnici služili su za procenu kvaliteta rude i proučavanje geoloških karakteristika ležišta. Izgradnja pristupnih i transportnih puteva: Na XVII horizontu izgrađeni su pristupni ı ...Uroš Mirković . Primena metoda podzemnog otkopavanja sa očuvanjem površine terena, 2024
Prikaz sanacije flotacijskog jalovišta Veliki Majdan nakon akcidenta
Kostović Milena, Vlajić Dijana, Kostović Nebojša, Mitić Saša. "Prikaz sanacije flotacijskog jalovišta Veliki Majdan nakon akcidenta" in Zbornik radova I Simpozijuma: Odsumporavanje dimnih gasova i IV Savetovanja: Deponije pepela, šljake i jalovine u termoelektranama i rudnicima sa međunarodnim učešćem, Palić, Srbija:Privredna komora Srbije (2012): 299-302
Геологија угљева
Драгана Животић (2018)Драгана Животић. Геологија угљева, Београд : Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет, 2018
Application of machine learning for diagnosing the operation of a deep well pump in oil production
Maja Trikić (2024)This paper will thoroughly examine how machine learning can improve the diagnosis of deep well pumps by analyzing the role and function of the pumps, dynamograms, sensor technologies, and diagnostic methods.Our analysis will provide insights into modern techniques and approaches for enhancing the performance and reliability of oil production systems, targeting cost reduction and increased operational efficiency.deep well pump, dynamograms, machine learning, diagnostics of operating coditions,Random Forest, XGBoost... potential energy of the fluid. Free gas in the fluid can negatively affect the pump's efficiency, especially at low pressure and during gas-liquid two-phase flow at the bottom of the well. To minimize the detrimental effects of gas, gas anchors are used to separate gas bubbles from the oil, thereby ...
... study. 57 Type of Operation Modes and Automation Fails Number of Cards Normal 10,282 Gas interference 260 Fluid pound 38,298 Traveling valve leak 67 Standing valve leak 172 Rod parted 29 Gas lock 6 Tubing anchor malfunction 30 Sensor fault—rotated card 895 Sensor fault—line card ...
... balance via counterweights on the main lever and balance beam. 2.1.2 Subsurface equipment for deep well pumping includes: a) Downhole pump b) Gas anchor c) Tubing anchor d) Sucker rods e) Tubing The downhole pump converts mechanical work into potential energy by increasing the fluid pressure ...Maja Trikić. Application of machine learning for diagnosing the operation of a deep well pump in oil production, 2024
Ventex: an expert system for mine ventilation systems analysis
roblems relating to mine ventilation systems analysis are usually of a very complex nature. They involve the estimation of numerous interdependent parameters pertaining to the network status, ventilation status, ventilation system stability, air current losses, climate conditions, gas state, fire risk and dangerous dust pollution risk. The solution to these problems relies, to a great extent, on numerical methods. With the development of computer technology these methods were incorporated as numerical routes in software packages, such as the mine ...Nikola Lilić, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović. "Ventex: an expert system for mine ventilation systems analysis" in Mining Technology, United Kingdom (1997)
Towards more sustainable district heating systems in Serbia - Options and obstacles
The major share of energy consumed in the building environment is dedicated to meeting heating needs, which makes this sector one of the key players in the transformation of the whole energy system. The accurate approach to the transition process assumes acting on both the demand and supply sides. Lately, the supply side has received more attention, as its transformation is one of the key steps of the energy transition process. District heating systems are recognized as substantial contributors ...energetska tranzicija, daljinsko grejanje, dekarbonizacija, obnovljivi izvori energije, prepreke, SrbijaMarija Živković, Boban Pavlović, Dejan Ivezić, Miloš Tanasijević, Dejan Stojanović . "Towards more sustainable district heating systems in Serbia - Options and obstacles" in Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environmental Systems, Rome, September 8-12, 2024, Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2024)
Applicability of calculated vitrininte reflectance for maturity assessment of organic matter of source rocks from hyperthermal basin (Banat Depression, Serbia)
Stojanović Ksenija, Kostić Aleksandar, Mrkić Sanja. "Applicability of calculated vitrininte reflectance for maturity assessment of organic matter of source rocks from hyperthermal basin (Banat Depression, Serbia)" in Proceedings, 8th International Conference “Oil and Gas Chemistry”, September 24-28, 2012, Tomsk, Russia: (2012): 116-119
Exploration, production pace faster in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Karović-Maričić Vesna, Danilović Dušan, Batalović Veselin, Leković Branko. "Exploration, production pace faster in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina" in Oil & Gas Journal 110 no. 1A, Tulsa:Penwell (2012): 64-69
Lowest possible flow temp. offers savings vs. pour point
Danilović Dušan, Karović-Maričić Vesna, Ivezić Dejan, Batalović Veselin, Živković Marija, Crnogorac Miroslav (2013)Danilović Dušan, Karović-Maričić Vesna, Ivezić Dejan, Batalović Veselin, Živković Marija, Crnogorac Miroslav. "Lowest possible flow temp. offers savings vs. pour point" in Oil & Gas Journal 111 no. 8, Houston:PennWell Corp (2013): 86-90. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2014.02.017
Filter rules for soil and geosynthetics
Štetni efekti izazvani strujanjem vode kroz različite građevine (brane, nasipi i sl.) uspešno se rešavaju ugradnjom različitih filterskih slojeva. Osnovne funkcije filterskih slojeva su brza evakuacija vode uz sprečavanje unutrašnje erozije i iznošenje sitnih čestica tla. Ovi filterski slojevi najčešće se grade od krupnozrnih materijala (pesak, šljunak, kameni agregati), ali se pored prirodnih materijala sve više koriste i veštački geosintetički materijali. U radu su prikazana osnovna filtarska pravila koja treba ispoštovati da bi se izvelo uspešno projektovanje različitih filtracionih ...Dragoslav Rakic, Irena Basaric Ikodinovic, Milenko Ljubojev. "Filter rules for soil and geosynthetics" in Mining and Metallurgy Engineering Bor, Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor (2021). https://doi.org/10.5937/mmeb2101001R
Osnovi petrologije
Nada Vasković, Bojan Kostić (2022)Nada Vasković, Bojan Kostić. Osnovi petrologije, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 2022
Composition of organic matter and thermal maturity of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary rocks in East Herzegovina (External Dinarides, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
This paper presents the first data on the organic matter and thermal maturity of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary rocks in the East Herzegovina region of the External Dinarides. Representative, organic-rich samples from outcropping sedimentary rocks of different ages in the area (Triassic to Neogene) were selected and analysed. The organic matter was studied by Rock-Eval pyrolysis and under the microscope in reflected non-polarized light and incident blue light. The results obtained show the presence of different types of organic ...... history of sedi- mentary basins, maturation indices, and kinetics of oil and gas generation. AAPG Bulletin, 71: 1445–1466. Tissot, B. P. & Welte, D. H., 1978. Petroleum Formation and Occurrence: A New Approach to Oil and Gas Exploration. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 538 pp. Van Gijzel, P., 1981. Char ...
... history of sedi- mentary basins, maturation indices, and kinetics of oil and gas generation. AAPG Bulletin, 71: 1445-1466. Tissot, B. PR & Welte, D. H., 1978. Petroleum Formation and Occurrence: A New Approach to Oil and Gas Exploration. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 538 pp. Van Gijzel, P., 1981. Charac ...
... n risk in the area, in terms of the petroleum sys- tem, is uncertainty about the existence of e�cient seals. �ere has been no drilling for oil and gas so far, but there is a well-known bitumen seep east of Ljubinje (Mišljen, Fig. 1C – on the le� border) in the Cretaceous limestone. �e Mišljen ...Nikoleta Aleksić, Aleksandar Kostić, Miloš Radonjić. "Composition of organic matter and thermal maturity of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary rocks in East Herzegovina (External Dinarides, Bosnia and Herzegovina)" in Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae (2021). https://doi.org/10.14241/asgp.2021.16
Thermal evolution of the organic matter and oil generation in the Serbian part of the Pannonian Basin.
Stojanović Ksenija, Kostić Aleksandar, Nytoft Hans Peter, Stojadinović Sanja. "Thermal evolution of the organic matter and oil generation in the Serbian part of the Pannonian Basin." in 9th International Conference “Oil and Gas Chemistry”, Tomsk, Russia, September 22-25, 2015., Tomsk, Russia:IOA of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk. (2015): 116-121
Praktikum iz Tehnologije materijala
Suzana Lutovac, Miloš Gligorić, Luka Crnogorac. Praktikum iz Tehnologije materijala, Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 2023
Анализа стања квалитета ваздуха у граду Суботици за период од 2020. до 2023. године
Филип Величковић (2024)Овај завршни рад истражује концентрацију честица PM2.5 (честица са пречником мањим од 2,5 микрометра) и PM10 (честица са пречником мањимод 10 микрометара) у Суботици, и говори какав негативан утицај имају на здравље становништва.Пре тога је објашњена општа прича о аерозагађењу и саставу ваздуха, укључујући опис свих критеријумским загађивача, законској регулативи што се тиче квалитета ваздуха и дате су неке основне информације о агломерацији Суботица. Коришћени су подаци о концентрацији РМ2.5 и РМ10 честица прикупљени током истраживања ваздушног квалитета у ...... Измењено: 2024-10-02 09:13:45 Анализа стања квалитета ваздуха у граду Суботици за период од 2020. до 2023. године Филип Величковић Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Анализа стања квалитета ваздуха у граду Суботици за период од 2020. до 2023 ...
... „3BaHMuHa rpe3aeHranuja ormrriHe CyGoruna”. ApxuBHpaHo H3 opHrHHaja 27. 05. 2007. r. IIpacryn-beHo 14. 4. 2013. 5. Godisnji-Izvestaj-o-stanju-kvaliteta-vazduha-u-Republici-Srbiji-za-2022.- godinu.pdf 6. nationalgeographic.com 7. Meteoblue _ KnaMa Cy0orume (https://www.meteoblue.com/sr/vre ...
... climate 10.KpBajnnrer Ba3lyxa Ha TepuHTopujH rpana Cy0orume (https://subotica.ls.gov.rs/zastita-zivotne-sredine/monitoring-stanja-zivotne- sredine/kvalitet-vazduha-na-teritoriji-grada-subotice/) 11.„Kmara 9”. CraHoBHmrirBo, ynopenHu npernen Opoja craHoBHHKa 1948, 1953, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991, 2002 ...Филип Величковић . Анализа стања квалитета ваздуха у граду Суботици за период од 2020. до 2023. године, 2024
Техничка дијагностика
Предраг Јованчић (2020)Предраг Јованчић. Техничка дијагностика, Београд : Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет, 2020
Double traveling valve increases rod-pump efficiency
Traditional sucker rod pumps (SRP) use a single traveling valve, but recent double traveling valve innovations have improved SRP performance and efficiency in field applications with double traveling valves installed in pumps with top mechanical seating. The valves sealed better and produced similar fluid volumes compared with the previous single-valve pumps. They also enabled a reduction in pump diameter and optimized usage of surface equipment. Overall, the double travel valve SRPs produced stable production rates and annual production targets.Miloš Petrović, Bojan Martinović, Milica Ješić, Miroslav Crnogorac. "Double traveling valve increases rod-pump efficiency" in Oil & Gas Journal (2023)
Production of electricity from coal-fired power plants and accompanying CO2 emissions: comparison of EU-27 and US
Even in the third decade of the 21st century, large power plants are still responsible for more than half of the electricity production in Europe and US. They predominantly use fossil fuels in their work, which results in the emission of pollutants into the air, soil and water. In addition to the production of electric energy, fossil fuels, including coal, are used for industrial purposes. Although the use of coal, especially in the countries of the European Union, is ...... consumption of electricity. Total global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions rise by about 1% to a record high of 41.3 Gt CO»>eq. CO» emissions from energy-burning plants and the industrial sector accounted for 89% of greenhouse gas emissions in 2022. In particular, the global emission of carbon ...
... Emissions in the electricity and heat generation sector increased by 1.8% (i.e., 261 Mt), reaching the highest level of 14.6 Gt. The shift from gas to coal in many regions was the main driver of this growth: CO> emissions from coal-fired power generation increased by 2.1%, led by increased Asian ...
... operation per year). 5. Literature [1] Madžarević, A., Ivezić, D., Živković, M., Tanasıijević, M., Ivić, M., Assessment of vulnerability of natural gas supply in Serbia: State and perspective, Energy Policy, Volume 121, 2018, pp. 415-425 [2] IKA, CO> Emissions in 2021 and 2022, IEA Publications, ...Uroš Djorgovski, Aleksandar Madžarević, Predrag Jovančić. "Production of electricity from coal-fired power plants and accompanying CO2 emissions: comparison of EU-27 and US" in International Conference on Global Energy and Climate Change - ICGRECC-23, New York, 2023, Research Galery- Science Leagues (2023)
Analysis of the exhaust emissions inventory from auxiliary mining machines
Stevan Đenadić, Aleksandar Mirković, Jovana Mitrović, Filip Miletić, Predrag Jovančić, Dragan Ignjatović (2023)Open-pit coal mines are equipped with a large number of mining machines and vehicles with diesel engines. Due to common daily operation of these machines and vehicles large amounts of exhaust gases which contain numerous pollutants are emitted into the atmosphere. The demand to reduce air pollution induced the activities in developed countries to map and calculate all gases emitted by industries to formulate and select adequate preventive activities. In collaboration with machine manufacturers, emission standards for off-road machines ...Stevan Đenadić, Aleksandar Mirković, Jovana Mitrović, Filip Miletić, Predrag Jovančić, Dragan Ignjatović. "Analysis of the exhaust emissions inventory from auxiliary mining machines" in 9th International Conference Mining and Environmental Protection, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2023)
Terenska nastava iz geofizike: Arheološki lokaliteti na području Trstenika
... sačinjavaju geološke formacije, kao i bilo koji drugi prirodni ili veštački ma- terijali koji se nalaze u ispitivanom po- luprostoru, poseduju različita električ- na svojstva. Pored toga, neka geološka i druga tela, kada se nađu u određenim prirodnim uslovima, mogu prouzro- kovati promene električnog ...
... Богдановић, И. 2010. Резултати археолошко-геофизичких истраживања на локалитету „Код Кораба“ (источна некропола Виминацијума). Археологија и природне науке, 5: Васиљевић, Љ. 2014. Експлоатација и значај термалних извора у римском периоду на територији Србије, докторска дисертација, Београд, ...Dragana Đurić, Jelena Vukčević, Dejan Vučković, Ivana Vasiljević, Vesna Cvetkov . "Terenska nastava iz geofizike: Arheološki lokaliteti na području Trstenika" in Aktuelna interdisciplinarana istraživanja tehnologije u arheologiji jugoistočne Evrope: zbornik radova / Prvi skup Sekcije za arheometriju, arheotehnologiju, geoarheologiju i eksperimentalnu arheologiju Srpskog arheološkog društva, 28.02.2020., Beograd, Beograd : Srpsko arheološko društvo (2020)