1230 items
Determining the Groundwater Balance and Radius of Influence Using Hydrodynamic Modeling: the Case Study of the Groundwater Source “Šumice” (Kikinda, Serbia)
A groundwater flow model was developed to simulate groundwater extraction from the public water supply source of the City of Kikinda. The hydrodynamic model includes the municipal groundwater source of Kikinda (Šumice and the Jezero Well), but also an extended area where there are groundwater sources that provide water supply to three factories: (MSK, TM and LŽT - Kikinda). Hydrodynamic modeling, based on the numerical method of finite differences will show the groundwater balance of the sources in the ...... Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, Đušina 7, Belgrade, Serbia e-mail: dupol@gmail.com 2Department of Hydrogeology, Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, Đušina 7, Belgrade, Serbia e-mail: osljane@orion.rs 3Department of Hydrogeology, Faculty of Mining and Geology ...
... Hydrogeology in Yugoslavia, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mining and Geology, pp 101-111, 1997. 18. Matić, I., Project of the Detailed Hydrogeological analysis of the Groundwater in the Municipality of Kikinda Territory, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, 2007. 19. Rakić, D., Study on the ...
... reason for this is the evolution of the terrain, or, more precisely, there are lacustrine, bog and riverine sediments for which there are no reliable data about horizontal and vertical distributions and interbeds of semi-permeable and impermeable strata. An important characteristic of these layers is ...Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić, Jelena Zarić. "Determining the Groundwater Balance and Radius of Influence Using Hydrodynamic Modeling: the Case Study of the Groundwater Source “Šumice” (Kikinda, Serbia)" in Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (2015). https://doi.org/10.13044/j.sdewes.2015.03.0017
Determining seismic hazard in slowly deforming region: Can we gather enough information from karst caves?
Ана Младеновић, Јелена Ћалић (2021)... another, which is based on data related to the faultingprocesses and determination of seismically active faults. Both groups of methods are relativelygood for seismically active regions. However, in regions of low seismic activity and slowdeformations, there is neither enough data for proper probabilistic ...
... ic determination of seismichazard, nor enough data about deformation that can indicate possibly active faults. Because ofthat, all sets of data have to be combined in order to gather necessary information needed todetermine seismic hazard for a given area. One of such regions of low seismicity and very ...
... can give a lot moreinformation. In this abstract, we present evidence about the youngest and recently active faults in the region ofinterest, based on data from karst caves. Age of activity of faults mapped inside the caves wasdetermined based on indicators of faults cutting speleothems, forming fault breccias ...Ана Младеновић, Јелена Ћалић. "Determining seismic hazard in slowly deforming region: Can we gather enough information from karst caves?" in EGU General Assembly 2021, European Geosciences Union (2021). https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8723
The Rift Sequence Stratigraphy of the Itebej Field (Pannonian Basin, Serbia)
... Faculty of Mining and Geology, Department of Regional Geology, Belgrade, Serbia The exploration area of Itebej field is settled in the vicinity of the eastern edge of the Pannonian Basin (Central Paratethys). The rift sequence stratigraphy interpretation of geological, seismic and well-log data enabled ...
... Depression (Makó Depression in Hungary, Tomnatec Depression in Romania). The analysis included interpretation of three 3D seismic sections and well data of 33 deep wells. Pre-rift stage is represented by deep-water Late Cretaceous turbidites and Late Jurassic ophiolites (ophiolitic mélange) of the ...
... L. Lenkey, M. Ștefănescu, P. Szafian, and T. Toth, 1999. Lithospheric structure of the Pannonian basin derived from seismic, gravity and geothermal data, in The Mediterranean Basins: extension within the Alpine Orogen, edited by B. Durand, L. Jolivet, F. Horvath and M. Serrane, pp. 215-250, Geol. Soc ...Saša Ivanišević, Jelena Radišić, Ivana Isić, Dejan Radivojević. "The Rift Sequence Stratigraphy of the Itebej Field (Pannonian Basin, Serbia)" in AAPG Vienna, Paratethys petroleum systems between Central Europe and the Caspian Region, Vienna, 26-27 mart, 2019, AAPG (2019)
Strain Partitioning Around an Indenter During Oroclinal Bending: Inferences From Field Kinematic Study And Analogue Modeling with Application to the European Carpatho-Balkanides Orogen
Nemanja Krstekanić, Liviu Matenco, Ernst Willingshofer, Marinko Toljić, Uroš Stojadinović. "Strain Partitioning Around an Indenter During Oroclinal Bending: Inferences From Field Kinematic Study And Analogue Modeling with Application to the European Carpatho-Balkanides Orogen" in AGU Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans, USA, 13.-17.12.2021., AGU (2021)
Strain partitioning along a curved strike-slip fault system during indentation: inferences from analogue modelling
Nemanja Krstekanić, Ernst Willingshofer, Taco Broerse, Liviu Matenco, Marinko Toljić, Uroš Stojadinović (2021)Nemanja Krstekanić, Ernst Willingshofer, Taco Broerse, Liviu Matenco, Marinko Toljić, Uroš Stojadinović. "Strain partitioning along a curved strike-slip fault system during indentation: inferences from analogue modelling" in GeoMod 2021, Doorn, the Netherlands, 19.-23.9.2021., Utrecht University (2021)
The influence of rainfall factors on soil resistance to erosion
Nikola Živanović, Vukašin Rončević, Carla Ferreira, Milica Kašanin-Grubin, Stevan Ćorluka, Veljko Rupar, Vladimir Čebašek (2024)Nikola Živanović, Vukašin Rončević, Carla Ferreira, Milica Kašanin-Grubin, Stevan Ćorluka, Veljko Rupar, Vladimir Čebašek. "The influence of rainfall factors on soil resistance to erosion" in EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, Apr 14–19, 2024, Copernicus GmbH (2024). https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-1137
Reconstruction of the Tethys’ Waning in the Balkans
Dejan Prelević, Kristijan Sokol, Ana Mladenović, Violeta Gajić, Vladica Cvetković. "Reconstruction of the Tethys’ Waning in the Balkans" in 16th Alpine Workshop, European Geosciences Union (2024)
Optimizacija i planiranje površinskih kopova stohastičkim modelima
Dejan R. Stevanović (2015-05-29)Savremeno rudarstvo izloženo je stalnom trendu pogoršanja uslova poslovanja.Mogućnost ostvarenja ekonomskih i drugih ciljeva rudarskog projektakompromitovana je stalnim pogoršanjem kvaliteta ležišta na kojima se vršieksploatacija, kao i značajnoj dozi neizvesnosti povezane sa geološkim,ekonomskim i tehničkim parametrima proizvodnje. U ovako kompleksnimuslovima poslovanja, matematički modeli sposobni da odgovore značajnimizazovima, odnosno ponude optimalna rešenja kojima se garantuje maksimalnoispunjenje projektovanih ciljeva, nameću se kao neophodnost.Trenutni, konvencionalni pristup optimizaciji i planiranju površinskih kopovazasniva se na algoritmima, razvijenim sredinom prošlog veka čije je opšteobeležje deterministički ...površinski kop, planiranje, optimizacija, stohastički modeli, kontrola kvaliteta uglja, neizvesnost.... Jednačina (3.3) izražava uslov prethođenja, tj., da blok može biti uključen u fazu, samo ako su njegovi prethodnici uključeni u istu fazu. Jednačine (3.4) i (3.5)opisuju ograničenja vezana za maksimalnu tonažu jalovine i rude u datoj fazi. Uslov (3.6) označava da promenljive xij mogu uzeti samo vrednosti 0 ...
... problema minimalizacije, sa ciljem da se da se minimalizuju veze između blokova. Minimizovati (4.26) gde je: i – indeks bloka rude, j – indeks bloka jalovine koji se nalazi iznad njega, n – broj blokova rude, w – broj blokova jalovine koji se nalaze iznad datog bloka rude i, u skladu sa ograničenjima ...
... problema minimalizacije, sa ciljem da se da se minimalizuju veze izmedu blokova. Minimizovati >. y “iM (4.26) ij gde je: i - indeks bloka rude, j - indeks bloka jalovine koji se nalazi iznad njega, n - broj blokova rude, w - broj blokova jalovine koji se nalaze iznad datog bloka rude i, u skladu sa og ...Dejan R. Stevanović. "Optimizacija i planiranje površinskih kopova stohastičkim modelima" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2015-05-29)
Optimizacija i planiranje površinskih kopova stohastičkim modelima
Dejan R. Stevanović (2015-05-29)Savremeno rudarstvo izloženo je stalnom trendu pogoršanja uslova poslovanja.Mogućnost ostvarenja ekonomskih i drugih ciljeva rudarskog projektakompromitovana je stalnim pogoršanjem kvaliteta ležišta na kojima se vršieksploatacija, kao i značajnoj dozi neizvesnosti povezane sa geološkim,ekonomskim i tehničkim parametrima proizvodnje. U ovako kompleksnimuslovima poslovanja, matematički modeli sposobni da odgovore značajnimizazovima, odnosno ponude optimalna rešenja kojima se garantuje maksimalnoispunjenje projektovanih ciljeva, nameću se kao neophodnost.Trenutni, konvencionalni pristup optimizaciji i planiranju površinskih kopovazasniva se na algoritmima, razvijenim sredinom prošlog veka čije je opšteobeležje deterministički ...površinski kop, planiranje, optimizacija, stohastički modeli, kontrola kvaliteta uglja, neizvesnost.... Jednačina (3.3) izražava uslov prethođenja, tj., da blok može biti uključen u fazu, samo ako su njegovi prethodnici uključeni u istu fazu. Jednačine (3.4) i (3.5)opisuju ograničenja vezana za maksimalnu tonažu jalovine i rude u datoj fazi. Uslov (3.6) označava da promenljive xij mogu uzeti samo vrednosti 0 ...
... problema minimalizacije, sa ciljem da se da se minimalizuju veze između blokova. Minimizovati (4.26) gde je: i – indeks bloka rude, j – indeks bloka jalovine koji se nalazi iznad njega, n – broj blokova rude, w – broj blokova jalovine koji se nalaze iznad datog bloka rude i, u skladu sa ograničenjima ...
... problema minimalizacije, sa ciljem da se da se minimalizuju veze izmedu blokova. Minimizovati >. y “iM (4.26) ij gde je: i - indeks bloka rude, j - indeks bloka jalovine koji se nalazi iznad njega, n - broj blokova rude, w - broj blokova jalovine koji se nalaze iznad datog bloka rude i, u skladu sa og ...Dejan R. Stevanović. "Optimizacija i planiranje površinskih kopova stohastičkim modelima" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2015-05-29)
Srbija u OneGeology Europe
Геолошки завод Србије као носилац Пројекта ОneGeologyEurope заједно са Рударско геолошким факултетом и Министарством за природне ресурсе, рударство и просторно планирање су се укључили у међународни Пројекат OneGeology Europe у мају 2013. године у већ поодмаклој фази израде Пројекта. До краја 2013. године испунили су завршене активности које треба да доведу до пуноправног укључења у Пројекат чиме је Република Србија нашла своје место на Геолошкој карти Европе 1:1М. Геолошка карта Србије 1:1М представља компилациону односно поједностављену верзију ОГК 1:500 ...... Faculty for mining and geology, Serbia in the last moment step in the new European trend of exchanging data on the basis of uniform criteria for separation, harmonization and improvement of the results achieved. The positive side of this kind of data archiving, is that it ensures that the data are archived ...
... Faculty for mining and geology, Serbia in the last moment step in the new European trend of exchanging data on the basis of uniform criteria for separation, harmonization and improvement of the results achieved. The positive side of this kind of data archiving, is that it ensures that the data are archived ...
... geological maps within 1G-E. Schematic harmonization ensures that all data sets have a coherent data structure, to enable web services to read and search the data in the right way. Syntax and data language, as well as systems for data management were implemented in accordance with the OpenGIS (OGS) ...Danka Blagojević, Ranka Stanković, Petar Stejić, Velizar Nikolić. "Srbija u OneGeology Europe" in Zapisnici Srpskog geološkog društva za 2013. godinu, Beograd : Srpsko geološko društvo (2014)
Application of the Fuzzy Model in the Evaluation and Selection of Hydraulic Excavators on Open-Pit Lignite Mine
Stevan Đenadić, Miloš Tanasijević, Vladimir Milisavljević, Dragan Ignjatović, Predrag Jovančić (2021)The production of lignite in large open-pit mines is mainly performed with continuously operating equipment, where bucket-wheel excavators, bucket-chain excavators, belt conveyors, and spreaders are the basic machines. Smaller machines, usually of discontinuous operating nature, are commonly categorized as auxiliary machines. This paper presents the research related to the analysis of auxiliary machine parameters with the case study for a hydraulic excavator. The purpose of the analysis was to develop a model of rating quality of service of the ...Stevan Đenadić, Miloš Tanasijević, Vladimir Milisavljević, Dragan Ignjatović, Predrag Jovančić. "Application of the Fuzzy Model in the Evaluation and Selection of Hydraulic Excavators on Open-Pit Lignite Mine" in SSRN Electronic Journal, Elsevier BV (2021). https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3945617
The state and perspective of the natural gas sector in Serbia
The strategy of long-term energy development of Serbia identifies an increase of share of natural gas in final energy consumption as one of the main aims. Serbia has signed a strategic agreement with the Russian Federation on cooperation in the oil and gas sector, within which the project South Stream pipeline is planned to be realized. In addition, the Republic of Serbia has signed the Treaty that establishes the Energy Community and accepted the obligation to implement the Energy ...Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković, Dušan Danilović, Aleksandar Madžarević, Miloš Tanasijević. "The state and perspective of the natural gas sector in Serbia" in Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC (2016). https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15567249.2013.858796
Advantages and challenges in presenting mathematical content using EDX platform
... RADOJIČIĆ University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, marija.radojicic@rgf.bg.ac.rs IVAN OBRADOVIĆ University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, ivan.obradovic@rgf.bg.ac.rs RANKA STANKOVIĆ University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, ranka.stankovic@rgf.bg.ac.rs ...
... relations and an explicit and expressive domain ontology. Such a resource would facilitate quick search and analysis of mathematical content. To date, there is no publicly available resource for mathematical content management in Serbian. 7. CONCLUSION This paper discussed OER materials in ...
... Jiang, Z., & Tang, Z. “The Math Retrieval System of ICST for NTCIR-12 MathIR Task”, In Proc. NTCIR-12, 2016, pp. 318-322. [11] Kohlhase, M. A. “Data Model and Encoding for a Semantic, Multilingual Terminology of Mathematics”, in Proc. International Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics ...Marija Radojičić, Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković, Olivera Kitanović, Roberto Linzalone. "Advantages and challenges in presenting mathematical content using EDX platform" in The Seventh International Conference on e-Learning (eLearning-2016), Belgrade : Metropolitan University (2016)
Analiza pouzdanosti dozera angažovanih na površinskim kopovima RB Kolubara
U radu je izvršena uporedna analiza pouzdanosti transportnih sistema dozera koji rade na površinskim kopovima Rudarskog basena Kolubara. Period za koji je vršena analiza je prvih deset godina eksploatacije. Efikasnost tehnološkog procesa na otkopavanju korisne mineralne sirovine i otkrivke u velikoj meri zavisi od rada dozera. Iskorišćene su matematičke metode za aproksimaciju i identifikaciju zabeleženih vremena u radu, kako bi se dobili analitički pokazatelji pouzdanosti. Na ovaj način se bitno podiže kvalitet upravljanja procesom eksploatacije i održavanja mašina na ...... nameću potrebu da površinski kopovi moraju raspolagati odgovarajućom pomoćnom mehanizacijom, kako po vrsti, tako i po broju i tehničkim karakteristikama. U tablici 1 dat je prikaz različitih proizvođača i tipova dozera angažovanih na površinskim kopovima kolubarskog basena, dok je na slici 1 data njihova ...
... Pouzdanost predstavlja verovatnoću da sistem ne otkaže u periodu vremena (0, t]. Pouzdanost se definiše preko funkcije pouzdanosti Re (t) i indirektno preko funkcije verovatnoće otkaza Fe (t), funkcija gustine otkaza fe (t) i funkcije intenziteta otkaza e (t). Pojam otkaza znači da sistem ili komponenta sistema ...
... transportnog sistema dozera primenjen je softver razvijen na Mašinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Nišu. Ulazni podaci o vremenu ispravnog rada do otkaza dati su u tablici 4 i grupišu se u određeni broj intervala z. Na osnovu njih određuju se empirijske funkcije: učestalosti otkaza fe (t), kumulativne učestalosti ...Filip Miletić, Dragan Milčić, Miloš Tanasijević, Miloš Milovančević. "Analiza pouzdanosti dozera angažovanih na površinskim kopovima RB Kolubara" in 10th International Conference Coal 2021, Jugoslovenski komitet za površinsku eksploataciju, Zlatibor (2021)
Trans-Lithospheric Diapirism as a Possible Mechanism for Ophiolite Emplacement?
Nikola Stanković, Taras Gerya, Vladica Cvetković, Vesna Cvetkov. "Trans-Lithospheric Diapirism as a Possible Mechanism for Ophiolite Emplacement?" in EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, 14-19 April 2024, Göttingen : Copernicus GmbH (2024). https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-568
Clockwise rotation in the Serbian segment of the Vardar zone and in the Danubicum of Eastern Serbia - tetonic implication
Vesna Lesić, Emo Marton, Vesna Cvetkov, Dragana Tomić. "Clockwise rotation in the Serbian segment of the Vardar zone and in the Danubicum of Eastern Serbia - tetonic implication" in 5. Hrvatski geološki kongres. Abstract Book 5th Croatian Geological Congress, Hrvatski geološki institut (2015)
Tracking of the temporal dependency of fading of the human footprint temperature contrast
In certain situations, it is extremely important to determine the exact time “someone” entered or crossed the forbidden zone of a military or strategic installation, a red zone of radioactive, chemical, or biological contamination, a bank or similar structure. Standard security measures include ordinary video surveillance using cameras that operate in the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum, as well commercial thermal imaging cameras [1, 2]. The paper presents the results of experiments that suggest another possible use of ...Stevan Đenadić, Ljubiša Tomić, Vesna Damnjanović, Darko Vasiljević, Danica Pavlović. "Tracking of the temporal dependency of fading of the human footprint temperature contrast" in VIII International School and Conference on Photonics, Belgrade, Serbia, 23-27 August 2021, Institute of Physics Belgrade (2021)
Preparation, synthesis and characterization of nanometric Ca0.9Er0.1MnO3
Tijana B. Vlašković, Bojana Laban, Maja Milošević, Maria Čebela, Vladimir Dodevski, Milena Rosić (2023)... у слободном приступу. - Претрага репозиторијума доступна је на www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs The Digital repository of The University of Belgrade Faculty of Mining and Geology archives faculty publications available in open access, as well as the employees' publications. - The Repository is available at: www.dr ...
... Mitrovica, Lole Ribara 29, 38220 Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia ?Department of Mineralogy, Crystallography, Petrology and Geochemistry, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Đušina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, University of Belgrade, Serbia ”?Lahnraloryfor Material Science, Institute of Nuclear Science „ Finča ...Tijana B. Vlašković, Bojana Laban, Maja Milošević, Maria Čebela, Vladimir Dodevski, Milena Rosić. "Preparation, synthesis and characterization of nanometric Ca0.9Er0.1MnO3" in Programme and Book of abstracts 15th ECerS Conference for Young Scientists in Ceramics, Novi Sad, Serbia October 11-14, 2023 , Novi Sad : Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad (2023)
Development of a petrographic classification system for organic particles affected by self-heating in coal waste. (An ICCP Classification System, Self-heating Working Group – Commission III)
M. Misz-Kennan, J. Kus, D. Flores, C. Avila, Z. Büçkün, N. Choudhury, K. Christanis, J.P. Joubert, S. Kalaitzidis, A.I. Karayigit, M. Malecha, M. Marques, P. Martizzi, J.M.K. O'Keefe, W. Pickel, G. Predeanu, S. Pusz, J. Ribeiro, S. Rodrigues, A.K. Singh, I. Suárez-Ruiz, I. Sýkorová, N.J. Wagner, D. Životić (2020)Self-heating of coal waste is a major problem in the leading coal-producing and consuming countries, independent of the recent or past coal exploitation history. The phenomenon of self-heating is dependent on many factors such as the properties of organic matter (maceral composition and rank), moisture and pyrite content, climate effects, and storage conditions (shape of the dump or compaction of the coal waste). Once deposited, coal waste undergoes oxidation, which can lead to self- heating with the overall temperatures ...M. Misz-Kennan, J. Kus, D. Flores, C. Avila, Z. Büçkün, N. Choudhury, K. Christanis, J.P. Joubert, S. Kalaitzidis, A.I. Karayigit, M. Malecha, M. Marques, P. Martizzi, J.M.K. O'Keefe, W. Pickel, G. Predeanu, S. Pusz, J. Ribeiro, S. Rodrigues, A.K. Singh, I. Suárez-Ruiz, I. Sýkorová, N.J. Wagner, D. Životić. "Development of a petrographic classification system for organic particles affected by self-heating in coal waste. (An ICCP Classification System, Self-heating Working Group – Commission III)" in International Journal of Coal Geology, Elsevier BV (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coal.2020.103411
Developing Termbases for Expert Terminology under the TBX Standard
... exchange of terminology data, where a terminology database that is to be repre- sented in TBX must conform to the Terminological Markup Framework (TMF), an abstract data model also defined by ISO. In this paper we describe an approach to development of termbases for the field of mining engineering and geology ...
... problems. To that end they have to describe real data and must be internally consistent [2]. Besides being used for translation purposes, termbases developed at FMG are thus used for control of domain values, classi- fication and search within mining and geological software systems. 2.1 GeolISSTerm ...
... . specification. =)| GeollSSTerm/RudOnto Data | Mining and Geology Terminology Sample exported from an GeollSSTerm/RudOnto
:‘ Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, and Miloš Utvić. "Developing Termbases for Expert Terminology under the TBX Standard" in Natural Language Processing for Serbian - Resources and Applications, Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mathematics (2014)