83 items
Introduction to special section: Characterization of hydrocarbon and geothermal resource potential and carbon sequestration opportunities of the Pannonian Basin
Balázs Németh, Gábor Tari, Gábor Bada, Dejan Radivojević, Bruno Tomljenovic, Csaba Krézsek. "Introduction to special section: Characterization of hydrocarbon and geothermal resource potential and carbon sequestration opportunities of the Pannonian Basin" in Interpretation, AAPG SEG (2018). https://doi.org/10.1190/INT-2017-1207-SPSEINTRO.1
Tektonska evolucija istočne periferije timočke eruptivne oblasti
Stefan Zujić (2024)U radu su predstavljeni rezultati proučavanja tektonskih i litostratigrafskih karakteristika istočnog oboda Timočke eruptivne zone. Zaključci o geološkim odnosima u okviru Timočke eruptivne oblasti i susednih geotektonskih jedinica izvedeni su na osnovu podataka prikuljenih tokom terenskih istraživanja i podataka dobijenih iz publikovanih radova. Rezultati rada ukazuju da je teren koji je bio tema ovog istraživanja, u strukturno-tektonskom smislu oblikovan tokom glavnih geodinamičkih događaja u okviru Karpato-balkanskog orogenog luka. Analizom strukturnog sklopa su utvrđeni glavni deformacioni događaji koji su predsavljeni ...Stefan Zujić. Tektonska evolucija istočne periferije timočke eruptivne oblasti, 2024
Geodynamics of basins above subducted slabs: An integrated modelling study of tectonics, sedimentation, and magmatism in the Timok Magmatic Complex
Uros Stojadinovic, Marinko Toljic, Branislav Trivic, Radoje Pantovic, Danica Sreckovic-Batocanin, Nemanja Krstekanic, Bojan Kostic, Milos Velojic, Jelena Stefanovic, Nikola Randjelovic, Maja Males (2024)Uros Stojadinovic, Marinko Toljic, Branislav Trivic, Radoje Pantovic, Danica Sreckovic-Batocanin, Nemanja Krstekanic, Bojan Kostic, Milos Velojic, Jelena Stefanovic, Nikola Randjelovic, Maja Males. "Geodynamics of basins above subducted slabs: An integrated modelling study of tectonics, sedimentation, and magmatism in the Timok Magmatic Complex" in Annales geologiques de la Peninsule balkanique, National Library of Serbia (2024). https://doi.org/10.2298/GABP240116003S
Tectono-lithostratigraphic model of the Northern Banat Miocene sediments (Pannonian Basin, Serbia)
Dejan Radivojević, Ljupko Rundić (2017)... RADIVOJEVIĆ, D. (2012): On the formation and evolution of the Pannonian Basin: Constraints derived from the structure of the junction area between the Carpathians and Dinarides. Tectonics, 31, TC6007. PIGOTT, J.D. & RADIVOJEVIĆ, D. (2010): Seismic Stratigraphy Based Chronostratigraphy (SSBC) of the Serbian ...Dejan Radivojević, Ljupko Rundić. "Tectono-lithostratigraphic model of the Northern Banat Miocene sediments (Pannonian Basin, Serbia)" in 7th International Workshop: Neogene of Central and South-Eastern Europe, Velika, Croatia, maj 2017, Croatian Geological Society (2017)
Age and microfacies of oceanic Upper Triassic radiolarite components from the Middle Jurassic ophiolitic mélange in the Zlatibor Mountains (Inner Dinarides, Serbia) and their provenance
Hans-Juergen Gawlick, Nevenka Đerić, Sigrid Missoni, Nikita Bragin, Milan Sudar, Divna Jovanović (2017)Neo-Tethys, trench-like basins, synorogenic deposition, evolving thrust belt, Triassic palaeogeography... the Durmitor mega-unit to the west and the Drina-Ivanjica unit to the cast (e.g., Dimitrijević 1997; Karamata 2006)? For a recent review on this problem see Gawlick et al. (2016b). In addition, it is believed that the different carbonate blocks in the area west of Sirogojno derive from the D ...
... GEOLOGICA CARPATHICA, 2017, 68, 4, 350—365 352 GAWLICK, DJERIĆ, MISSONI, BRAGIN, LEIN, SUDAR and JOVANOVIĆ a Beograd ii P | WC = Westem Carpathians NCA = Northem Calcareous Alps N .ceanoorust Adriatic carbonate iPaddic Oobioli E platform and equivalents DOB = Dinaridic Ophiolite Belt A ...
... Drina-Ivanjica Vardar Zone Platform Belt (DOB) unit (DI) 'Comparison: Late Triassic shelf reconstruction of the Eastern Alps, Southern Alps, Western Carpathians carbonate platform outer shelf continental slope Outer Inner i HALLSTATT ZONE inari\ inari Hauptdolomit, lagoonal Dach- Dachstein Dinarides ...Hans-Juergen Gawlick, Nevenka Đerić, Sigrid Missoni, Nikita Bragin, Milan Sudar, Divna Jovanović. "Age and microfacies of oceanic Upper Triassic radiolarite components from the Middle Jurassic ophiolitic mélange in the Zlatibor Mountains (Inner Dinarides, Serbia) and their provenance" in Geologica Carpathica (2017)
‘Blue-’ and ‘Brown-speckled’ pottery from Qalhât, the Sultanate of Oman (13–16th centuries): Comparison with traditional Omani 19–20 century productions
Representative ‘Blue speckled’ (13–16th centuries) and ‘Brown speckled’ (13–21st century) wares recovered from the excavations in Qalhât or collected around Bahlâ city (Sultanate of Oman) were characterized by XRPD, SEM-EDS, Raman/optical microspectroscopy, and thermal expansion. Minerals present in the body (quartz, augite and albite as major phases, calcite, dolomite, rutile, anatase, phosphate, hematite and magnetite as minor phases) were identified by XRPD and/or Raman spectroscopy. SEM-EDXS microanalysis was performed on the glazes in order to compare their composition, especially ...Liliana Gianni, Hélène Renel, Aleksandar Kremenović, Philippe Colomban. "‘Blue-’ and ‘Brown-speckled’ pottery from Qalhât, the Sultanate of Oman (13–16th centuries): Comparison with traditional Omani 19–20 century productions" in Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, Elsevier BV (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bsecv.2020.06.005
Structural and geochronological constraints from the Drina-Ivanjica thrust sheet (Western Serbia): implications for the Cretaceous–Paleogene tectonics of the Internal Dinarides
Kristof Porkoláb, Szilvia Kövér, Zsolt Benkó, Gabor Héja, Melinda Fialowski, Balázs Soós, Nataša Gerzina Spajić, Nevenka Đerić, László Fodor (2019)Internal Dinarides, Drina-Ivanjica thrust sheet, Deformation history, K–Ar dating, Obduction, Structural analysis... opposite vergence. Such geometry has not been documented in the Dinarides, but for instance, it was suggested for the Silica unit of the Western Carpathians (Schmid et al. (2008). A possible kinematic solution is shown by Fig. 7b suggesting that the D, nappe contact at the base of the Western Vardar ...
... Dunkl, I. (1995). Timing of low-temperature metamorphism and cooling of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic formations of the Bikkium, innermost Western Carpathians, Hungary. Geologische rundschau, 84(2), 334—344. Arkai, P., & Ghabrial, D. S. (1997). Chlorite crystallinity as an indicator of metamorphic ...
... kinematic interpretation: Tectonophysics, 151(1—4), 363—386. Handy, M. R., Ustaszewski, K., and Kissling, E., 2015, Reconstruct- ing the Alps-Carpathians-Dinarides as a key to understanding, switches in subduction polarity, slab gaps and surface motion: International Journal of Earth Sciences, ...Kristof Porkoláb, Szilvia Kövér, Zsolt Benkó, Gabor Héja, Melinda Fialowski, Balázs Soós, Nataša Gerzina Spajić, Nevenka Đerić, László Fodor. "Structural and geochronological constraints from the Drina-Ivanjica thrust sheet (Western Serbia): implications for the Cretaceous–Paleogene tectonics of the Internal Dinarides" in Swiss Journal of Geosciences (2019)
Pleistocene rhinoceros from Bogovina Cave: the first report of Stephanorhinus hundsheimensis Toula, 1902 (Mammalia, Rhinocerotidae) from Serbia
Finds of Pleistocene rhinoceros are rare in Serbia, and only one species (the woolly rhinoceros Coelodonta antiquitatis Blumenbach, 1799) has been reported so far. The current paper presents the dental material of an extinct so-called Hundsheim rhinoceros, Stephanorhinus hundsheimensis Toula, 1902 from Bogovina Cave (East ern Serbia). Both the morphological and metric characteristics of the teeth are consis tent with the attribution to S. hundsheimensis. Unfortunately, the rhinoceros material originated from an uncertain geological context, so there is no ...... paper presents the dental material of an extinct so-called Hundsheim rhinoceros, Stephanorhinus hundsheimensis Toula, 1902 from Bogovina Cave (East- ern Serbia). Both the morphological and metric characteristics of the teeth are consis- tent with the attribution to S. hundsheimensis. Unfortunately, the ...Predrag Radović, Miloš Radonjić, Emmanuel Billia. "Pleistocene rhinoceros from Bogovina Cave: the first report of Stephanorhinus hundsheimensis Toula, 1902 (Mammalia, Rhinocerotidae) from Serbia" in Palaeontologia Electronica, Coquina Press (2020). https://doi.org/10.26879/985
New approach to correlation of hydrocarbon reservoirs in sandstone layers of the "Mokrin" field"
Saša Ivanišević, Dejan Radivojević (2018)геофизички каротаж, депозиционе средине, лежишта угљоводоника, миоцен, пост‐ рифтнo, секвенциона стратиграфија... On the formation and evolution of the Pannonian Basin: Constraints derived from the structure of the junction area between the Carpathians and Dinarides, Tectonics, v. 31, TC6007. Magyar I., Juhasz, Gy., Szuromi‐Korecz A., Sutő‐Szentai, M., 2004, The Totkomlos Calcareous ...
... the correlation of hydrocarbon reservoirs is presented through the integration of nine wells and one seismic profile. The seismic profile is west‐east oriented, crossing the “Kikinda‐Mokrin” high and connecting the above wells. Reconstruction of depositional environments and correlation ...
... ocarbon system. Commercial quan‐ tities of hydrocarbons have been established in turbidite sandstones in the Banatsko Aranđelovo de‐ pression, west of the Szeged fault (KM‐117, 17, 1 and 2), while east of the Szeged fault, there are non‐ commercial quantities of gas in the wells KM‐3, 4 and 5 ...Saša Ivanišević, Dejan Radivojević. "New approach to correlation of hydrocarbon reservoirs in sandstone layers of the "Mokrin" field"" in 17th Serbian Geological Congress, Vrnjačka Banja, 17-20 maj 2018, Srpsko geološko društvo (2018)
Definition of groundwater genesis and circulation conditions of the complex hydrogeological karst system Mlava–Belosavac–Belosavac-2 (eastern Serbia)
Ljiljana Vasić, Saša Milanović, Zoran Stevanović, Laszlo Palcsu. "Definition of groundwater genesis and circulation conditions of the complex hydrogeological karst system Mlava–Belosavac–Belosavac-2 (eastern Serbia)" in Carbonates and Evaporites, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13146-020-00550-3
Lower Berriasian ammonites from Dedina (Golubac Mountains, eastern Serbia) and their biostratigraphic implication
... (Outer Western Carpathians, Czech Re- public). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 532, 1—21. https:| doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2019.109256. Vašiček, Z., Skupien, P., 2013. Early Berriasian ammonites from the Stramberk Limestone in the Kotouč Quarry (Outer Western Carpathians, Czech Republic) ...
... Limestone, Outer Western Carpathians, Czech Republic). Geologica Carpathica 64, 461—466. Vašiček, Z., Skupien, P., Jagt, J.W.M., 2018. Current knowledge of ammonite as- semblages from the Stramberk Limestone (Tithonian — Lower Berriasian) at Kotouč Quarry, Outer Western Carpathians (Czech Republic). ...
... es form a typical Alpine arcuate belt starting: from southwestern Romania and then along. eastern Serbia, crossing the Bulgarian territory from west to east. The Getic and Danubian are the most important nappe systems (Fig. 1A), along with several other small tectonic zones/|terranes (Fig. 1B) ...Zdenek Vasícek , Dragoman Rabrenović, Petr Skupien, Barbara Radulović. "Lower Berriasian ammonites from Dedina (Golubac Mountains, eastern Serbia) and their biostratigraphic implication" in Cretaceous Research (2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2023.105623
Application of geophysical and multispectral imagery data for predictive mapping of a complex geo-tectonic unit: a case study of the East Vardar Ophiolite Zone, North-Macedonia
... Part of the eastern portion of the KU is covered by unaltered Lower Cretaceous para-flysch (Schefer et al. 2007; Zelić et al. 2010). The east- ern part of the study area consists of SMM metamorphic rocks, which are typically the oldest units in the study area: Precambrian and Paleozoic metamorphites ...
... Ustaszewski K (2007) Tectonic evolution of the suture zone between Dinarides and Car- patho-Balkan: Field evidence from the Kopaonik Region, South- ern Serbia. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, 03891. European Geosciences Union Schetselaar EM, Ryan JJ (2008) A Remote Predictive Mapping ...
... Drina- Ivanjica Unit and the Serbo-Macedonian Massif (SMM). As an NNW- SSE extending belt, EVZ is generally situated between Kopaonik Unit (to the west) and SMM (to the east) (Fig. 2). The presence of the ophiolite complex is a defining feature of EVZ. Ophiolites are portions of the oceanic crust ...Filip Arnaut, Dragana Đurić, Uroš Đurić, Mileva Samardžić-Petrović, Igor Peshevski. "Application of geophysical and multispectral imagery data for predictive mapping of a complex geo-tectonic unit: a case study of the East Vardar Ophiolite Zone, North-Macedonia" in Earth Science Informatics, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-024-01243-4
Simple 2D gravity–density inversion for the modeling of the basin basement: example from the Banat area, Serbia
We have developed a technique to calculate lateral density distribution of the sedimentary basin basement by combining linear gravity–density inversion and 2D forward modeling. The procedure requires gravity anomaly data, depth-to-basement data and density data for the sediments (density–depth distribution). Gravity efect of density variations in the basement was extracted from the total gravity anomaly by removing the joint efect of the sediments with vertical density variations and homogeneous basement of average density contrast (calculated by 2D modeling). Gravity ...Ivana Vasiljević, Snežana Ignjatović, Dragana Đurić. "Simple 2D gravity–density inversion for the modeling of the basin basement: example from the Banat area, Serbia" in Acta Geophysica, Springer (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11600-019-00328-9
Regionalno-geološke karakteristike miocenskih sedimenata na prostoru severnog Banata
Dejan N. Radivojević (2014-12-30)Predmet doktorske disertacije predstavljalo je rešavanje strukturno‐stratigrafskihodnosa miocenskih sedimenata na prostoru severnog Banata. U cilju regionalnogsagledavanja, korišćeni su svi raspoloživi geofizički i geološki podaci sa širegistražnog područja, odnosno iz celog Panonskog basena i susednog orogena. Osimklasičnih metoda primenjene su i savremene metode seizmostratigrafije,tektonostratigrafije i riftne sekvencione stratigrafije. Primenjene metode omogućilesu izradu modela progradacije ivice šelfa za ceo Panonski basen, modela uzajamnihveza između basena i geodinamičkog modela jugoistočnog oboda basena.Jezero Panon je većim delom zapunjeno prilivom sedimenata paleo‐Dunavom saseverozapada, odnosno ...Centralni Paratetis, Panonski basen, miocen, jezero Panon,seizmostratigrafija, sekvenciona stratigrafija, paleogeografija, geodinamika... area between the Carpathians and Dinarides, Tectonics, v. 31, TC6007. Matenco, L., C. Krézsek, S. Merten, S. Schmid, S. Cloetingh, and P. Andriessen, 2010a, Characteristics of collisional orogens with low topographic build‐up: an example from the Carpathians, Terra Nova, v. 22(3) ...
... Schmid, 2005, Age and significance of core complex formation in a very curved orogen: Evidence from fission track studies in the South Carpathians (Romania), Tectonophysics, v. 404, p. 33–53, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2005.03.019. Gagić, N., 1985–1994, Izveštaji o mikropaleontološkim i ...
... p. 75–85, Bratislava. Kovač, M., J. Kral, M. Márton, D. Plašienka, D. and P. Uher, 1994, Alpine uplift history of the Central Western Carpathians: geochronological, paleomagnetic, sedimentary and structural data. Geol. Carpathica, v. 45/2, p. 83–96, Bratislava. Kováč, M., I. Baráth, and ...Dejan N. Radivojević. "Regionalno-geološke karakteristike miocenskih sedimenata na prostoru severnog Banata" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2014-12-30)
Preparation of Multimedia Document “YU Rock Scene”
SUMMARY: This study will present the preparation process of a multimedia document entitled YU ROCK SCENE in which participants were senior students of undergraduate studies of the Department of Library and Information Science at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Philology during the academic year 2014/2015, as a part of the subject Multimedia Documents. This study gives an overview of the historical development of rock and roll in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, rock scene in Yugoslav republics, ...... and folk music were always the most important music forms, however in the 1960s, as well as in all other parts of the Former Yugoslavia, under the west- ern influence, an increasing number of bands started to emerge in Ljubljana, Kopar, Maribor and Kranj, and that is when the real cultural rock revolution ...
... the conflict with the Soviet Union during the Cold War, Yugoslavia, one of the founding countries of the Non-Aligned Movement, was more open to the West and all products of pop-culture, especially American pop-culture. Yugoslavia was thus the only Communist country that participated in the Eurovision ...
... could be listened on jukeboxes. Production of Coca-Cola began in this period in these territories, dressing style was being adapted to the trends in the West, and the emergence of jeans caused a genuine revolution in the fashion world. Rock and roll too was not lagging behind these trends. The musicians of ...Milena Obradović, Aleksandra Arsenijević, Mihailo Škorić. "Preparation of Multimedia Document “YU Rock Scene”" in Infotheca - Journal for Digital Humanities, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2017). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2016.16.1_2.6
Insights into dike nucleation and eruption dynamics from high-resolution seismic imaging of magmatic system at the East Pacific Rise
Milena Marjanović, Suzanne M. Carbotte, Alexandre Stopin, Satish C. Singh, René-Édouard Plessix, Miloš Marjanović, Mladen R. Nedimović, Juan Pablo Canales, Hélène D. Carton, John C. Mutter, Javier Escartín (2023)Milena Marjanović, Suzanne M. Carbotte, Alexandre Stopin, Satish C. Singh, René-Édouard Plessix, Miloš Marjanović, Mladen R. Nedimović, Juan Pablo Canales, Hélène D. Carton, John C. Mutter, Javier Escartín. "Insights into dike nucleation and eruption dynamics from high-resolution seismic imaging of magmatic system at the East Pacific Rise" in Science Advances, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) (2023). https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.adi2698
Tektono-termalna evolucija kontakta Dinarida i Karpato-Balkanida u području Jastrepca
Dalibor Erak (2019)Predmet istraživanja doktorske disertacije je tektonska evolucija područja planine Jastrebac u centralnoj Srbiji, gde višefazna tektonska aktivnost od mezozoika do danas komplikuje rekonstrukciju strukturnih odnosa i geološke evolucije ovog prostora. Kompleksna višefazna evolucija planine Jastrebac u Srbiji je demonstrirana kombinovanjem kinematskih podataka prikupljenih na terenu i mikrostrukturnih opservacija sa dodatnim termohronološkim podacima “fission track” i podacima odredbe starosti metodom U-Pb na cirkonima. Gornjokredna ekshumacija bila je praćena gornjokredno-eocenskim navlačenjem i magmatizmom vezanim za kontinentalnu koliziju, pri čemu je akreciona ...... tectono-metamorphic evolution of the South Carpathians: A new overview. Tectonophysics 410, 337-365. Ismail-Zadeh, A., Matenco, L., Radulian, M., Cloetingh, S., Panza, G., 2012. Geodynamics and intermediate-depth seismicity in Vrancea (the south- eastern Carpathians): Current state-of-the art. Tectonophysics ...
... i Karpato-balkanida u području Jastrepca 141 Balintoni, I., 1994. Structure of the Apuseni Mountains. In: ALCAPA II Field Guidebook “South Carpathians and Apuseni Mountains”. Romanian Journal of Tectonics and Regional Geology 75, Suppl. 2, 37–58. Bleahu, M., Lupu, M., Patrulius, D., Bordea, ...
... ić, U., Andriessen, P.A.M., Willingshofer, E., Ducea, M.N., 2017. From nappe stacking to extensional detachments at the contact between the Carpathians and Dinarides – The Jastrebac Mountains of Central Serbia. Tectonophysics 710–711, 162–183. Froitzheim, N., Conti, P., van Daalen, M., 1997. ...Dalibor Erak. Tektono-termalna evolucija kontakta Dinarida i Karpato-Balkanida u području Jastrepca, Beograd : Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 2019
The ‘Umka’ landslide
We present an in-depth landslide map of the ‘Umka’ landslide near Belgrade, Serbia, at a scale of 1:5000. The map delineates elements at risk, primarily buildings and road infrastructure impacted by the landslide displacements of several cm per year, introduced during frequent reactivation stages. The Main map results from a survey of over 350 buildings and more than 7 km of state and local roads. The acquisition techniques included engineering geological field mapping, building survey, and visual interpretation of ...rizik od klizišta, elementi rizika, kartiranje pomoću drona, ispitivanje objekata, geotehnički monitoringUroš Đurić, Dragana Đurić, Miloš Marjanović, Biljana Abolmasov, Ivana Vasiljević. "The ‘Umka’ landslide" in Journal of Maps, Informa UK Limited (2024). https://doi.org/10.1080/17445647.2024.2418580
A Multilingual Evaluation Dataset for Monolingual Word Sense Alignment
Sina Ahmadi, John P McCrae, Sanni Nimb, Fahad Khan, Monica Monachini, Bolette S Pedersen, Thierry Declerck, Tanja Wissik, Andrea Bellandi, Irene Pisani, [...] Ranka Stanković and others (2020)Aligning senses across resources and languages is a challenging task with beneficial applications in the field of natural language processing and electronic lexicography. In this paper, we describe our efforts in manually aligning monolingual dictionaries. The alignment is carried out at sense-level for various resources in 15 languages. Moreover, senses are annotated with possible semantic relationships such as broadness, narrowness, relatedness, and equivalence. In comparison to previous datasets for this task, this dataset covers a wide range of languages ...... ‘being able to sleep’, a sense of the noun søvn (‘sleep’) in the historical dictio- nary, is ‘related’ to ‘the state of sleeping’ sense in the mod- ern dictionary. Often such differences in ontological type across the two dictionaries were due to regular polysemy (act/result, semiotic artifact/content ...Sina Ahmadi, John P McCrae, Sanni Nimb, Fahad Khan, Monica Monachini, Bolette S Pedersen, Thierry Declerck, Tanja Wissik, Andrea Bellandi, Irene Pisani, [...] Ranka Stanković and others . "A Multilingual Evaluation Dataset for Monolingual Word Sense Alignment" in Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020), Marseille, European Language Resources Association (ELRA) (2020)
Callovian (Middle Jurassic) Sphriganaria (Brachiopoda) from the Jordan Valley (Middle East)
Howard R. Feldman, Barbara V. Radulović, Fayez Ahmad. "Callovian (Middle Jurassic) Sphriganaria (Brachiopoda) from the Jordan Valley (Middle East)" in Historical Biology (2023). https://doi.org/10.1080/08912963.2022.2122823