126 items
Extensive vibrations of the belt conveyer drive electromotor of a bucket wheel excavator as a result of intesified wear-and-tear of its mount support
... slewing platform. The redesign of the slewing platform structure produced favorable loads and stiffness distribution, while eliminating, geometrical stress concentrators. Rusinski, Harnatkiewicz et al. [7] discuss a failure caused by a fractured shaft of the bucket whecl. An attempt was made to determine ...
... so does the possibility of failure. Intensifted dynamic processes of a bucket wheel excavator are most often caused by high mechanical or thermal stress, and in some cases also by increasing safety concerns. Practice has shown that certain components of the drive assembly of a bucket wheel excavator ...Vesna Damnjanović, Predrag Jovančić, Snežana Aleksandrović. "Extensive vibrations of the belt conveyer drive electromotor of a bucket wheel excavator as a result of intesified wear-and-tear of its mount support" in Journal of Vibroengineering (2017). https://doi.org/10.21595/jve.2016.17321
Late and post-collisional tectonic evolution of the Adria-Europe suture in the Vardar Zone
The Vardar Zone is a product of the Triassic-Jurassic opening of the Neotethys, Jurassic obduction, Late Cretaceous/Paleogene consumption of the oceanic crust and continental collision. During the last process, the Eastern Vardar Zone was thrust over the Central and eventually both onto the Western Vardar Zone. The present paleomagnetic and structural study provided new results from the first two zones in the Belgrade area. The younger set of data, together with published ones from the third zone, provide firm ...Emő Márton, Marinko Toljić, Vesna Cvetkov. "Late and post-collisional tectonic evolution of the Adria-Europe suture in the Vardar Zone" in Journal of Geodynamics, Elsevier BV (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jog.2021.101880
Trans-Lithospheric Diapirism as a Possible Mechanism for Ophiolite Emplacement?
Nikola Stanković, Taras Gerya, Vladica Cvetković, Vesna Cvetkov. "Trans-Lithospheric Diapirism as a Possible Mechanism for Ophiolite Emplacement?" in EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, 14-19 April 2024, Göttingen : Copernicus GmbH (2024). https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-568
Poređenje rezultata interferometrijske analize za zemljotrese na istočnom anatolijskom rasedu od 2020. i 2023. godine
Dragan Živković (2024)Ovaj rad se bavi analizom površinskih deformacija izazvanih zemljotresima u Turskoj iz 2020. i 2023. godine korišćenjem diferencijalne satelitske radarske interferometrije (DInSAR tehnike). Cilj istraživanja bio je da se kvantifikuju i uporede deformacije terena izazvane ovim seizmičkim događajima i da se razumeju mehanizmi koji stoje iza oslobađanja seizmičke energije u regionu. Analizom DInSAR snimaka, identifikovane su različite deformacije duž rasednih zona za svaki zemljotres. Dok je zemljotres iz 2020. godine (M 6,7) izazvao lokalizovane deformacije duž Istočno anatolijskog raseda, zemljotres ...Dragan Živković. Poređenje rezultata interferometrijske analize za zemljotrese na istočnom anatolijskom rasedu od 2020. i 2023. godine, 2024
Analiza stabilnosti kosine na magistralnom putu M-1, deonica Lipci-Ljuta
Ksenija Gredić (2024)Katedra za Geotehniku održala je sednicu na kojoj mi je odobrena tema za završnirad pod naslovom “Analiza stabilnosti kosine na magistralnom putu M-1, deonica Lipci-Ljuta” u opštini Kotor.Za mentora je izabran van.prof.Miloš Marjanović, dok za članove komisije su izabrani prof.dr. Biljana Abolmasov i doc.dr. Zoran Berisavljević. Tokom izrade završnog rada, korišćeni su podaci iz “Elaborata o rekonstrukciji magistralnog puta M-1 (M-2), dionica Lipci-Ljuta, dužine cca 15km”, kao i ostala odgovarajuća stručna literatura. Na osnovu terenskih radova i dobijenih rezultata ...... nci pal s tre ss (M Pa ) 'Sh ear s tre ss (MP a) a i ——— 00 00 02 04 06 08 10 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 Minor principal stress (MPa) Normal stress (MPa) Fitovani parametri čvrstoće c i o za diskontinuitete u programu RocData. U tabeli broj 4, nalaze se usvojene vrijednosti parametara ...Ksenija Gredić. Analiza stabilnosti kosine na magistralnom putu M-1, deonica Lipci-Ljuta, 2024
Analiza stabilnosti kosine na magistralnom putu M-1, deonica Lipci-Ljuta
Ksenija Gredić (2024)Katedra za Geotehniku održala je sednicu na kojoj mi je odobrena tema za završnirad pod naslovom “Analiza stabilnosti kosine na magistralnom putu M-1, deonica Lipci-Ljuta” u opštini Kotor.Za mentora je izabran van.prof.Miloš Marjanović, dok za članove komisije su izabrani prof.dr. Biljana Abolmasov i doc.dr. Zoran Berisavljević. Tokom izrade završnog rada, korišćeni su podaci iz “Elaborata o rekonstrukciji magistralnog puta M-1 (M-2), dionica Lipci-Ljuta, dužine cca 15km”, kao i ostala odgovarajuća stručna literatura. Na osnovu terenskih radova i dobijenih rezultata ...... nci pal s tre ss (M Pa ) 'Sh ear s tre ss (MP a) a i ——— 00 00 02 04 06 08 10 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 Minor principal stress (MPa) Normal stress (MPa) Fitovani parametri čvrstoće c i o za diskontinuitete u programu RocData. U tabeli broj 4, nalaze se usvojene vrijednosti parametara ...Ksenija Gredić. Analiza stabilnosti kosine na magistralnom putu M-1, deonica Lipci-Ljuta, 2024
Одређивање оптималне производње дубинске пумпе на клипним шипкама
Небојша Савић (2024)Дужи временски период током историје производње нафте, дубинске пумпе на клипним шипкама су први и у многим случајевима једини избор када су у питању механичке методе експлоатације. Правилан одабир сваког појединачног елемента система омогућава оптимизацију која са собом повлачи бенефите у виду повећавања ефикасности и смањења трошкова. Тренутно примењени систем дубинских пумпи на клипним шипкама на лежишту „Н“ обезбеђује стабилну производњу и реализацију годишњих планова производње без већих проблема. У овом раду је приказан начин оптимизације производње дубинским пумпама ...... Diameter (mm) |___RodGrade. ] Lengih | Mam Tem. | Foc. | Swess | TopMMaximum | Top Mammum | Bot Mimmum | __# Gudes/Rod (m} Ser (kPa) Cođlr Ln•d'/:i Stress (kPa) SI–M) | &_–•(W·) 222 TEND Allov 6M4 | 827371 | O2 | 587% 180155 90874 56631 o 91 TEND Allov 140 | 827371 | O2 | 595%% 163018 74053 68323 o ...
... Pump efficiency/fdlaqe | 41%/95% | Fiecommended plunaor lenqth (m)- 5 Plunqer size (mm) 38 1 Pumop fnction (N)- 890 Rod string design Rod string stress analysis (service factor: 0.9) Diameter (mm) | __RodGrado # Guides/Rod 222 TEND Alov o >»>22 TEND Alov 3 191 TEND Allv 3 191 TEN D Alov o 191 ...
... type- insert Pumo vol, efficiency: 72% Recorenended plunqer lenqth (m) 8 Plunqer size (memn) 38 1 Puro frictvon (N}: 890 Rod string design Rod string stress analysis (service factor: 0.9) Diameter (mm) RodGradoe LW M Tenm. | Fnc, | Svwess | TopMaximum | Top Minimum | Bot Minimmum # Guides/Rod Se (kPa) ...Небојша Савић. Одређивање оптималне производње дубинске пумпе на клипним шипкама, 2024
Contribution to the geotechnical classification of municipal waste landfills in Serbia
Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law, Nature and Landscape Conservation, Geochemistry and Petrology, Waste Management and Disposal,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology,Water Science and Technology,Environmental Chemistry,Environmental Engineering... time primarily because of changes in the shape and size of components, conditions of waste disposal (e.g. compression and covering), changes in the stress state, deformation of certain particles and degradation process. One potential characteristic that influences the mechanical behaviour of waste is ...
... and Practice (Landva A and Knowles GD (eds)). ASTM International, Philadelphia, PA, USA. STP 1070, pp. 259–284. Singh MK (2008) Characterization of Stress-Deformation Behaviour of Municipal Solid Waste. PhD thesis, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada. Sowers GF (1973) Settlement of waste ...
... al. (2006) and Fei et al. (2013). Geotechnical classification is performed in three phases: geotechnical classification of municipal waste in the field, primary geotechnical classification of municipal waste and secondary geotechnical classification of municipal waste. Zekkos (2005) and Zekkos et ...Dragoslav Rakić, Irena Basarić, Laslo Čaki, Slobodan Ćorić. "Contribution to the geotechnical classification of municipal waste landfills in Serbia" in Environmental Geotechnics, Thomas Telford Ltd. (2018). https://doi.org/10.1680/jenge.18.00028
Advantages and challenges in presenting mathematical content using EDX platform
Marija Radojičić, Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković, Olivera Kitanović, Roberto Linzalone. "Advantages and challenges in presenting mathematical content using EDX platform" in The Seventh International Conference on e-Learning (eLearning-2016), Belgrade : Metropolitan University (2016)
Failure Estimation of the Majdanpek Open Pit East Face Based on Inverse Velocity Model
The Majdanpek open pit mine south district is currently active mining prospect of copper ore exploitation in eastern Serbia. Its depth is approaching the termination depth and occurrences of large-scale instabilities and global instability of the final pit slope is possible. These can generate catastrophic mass movement inside an area that encloses a regional road route and the Pek River bed which is channelled along the outer contour of the pit. The displacements that were noted in early 2023, in the ...Miloš Marjanović, Stefan Milanović, Nikola Simić, Lazar Kričak. "Failure Estimation of the Majdanpek Open Pit East Face Based on Inverse Velocity Model" in Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic-Balkan Region, Belgrade, 15-18th May 2024, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2024). https://doi.org/10.18485/resylab.2024.6.ch46
Laboratory testing of fly ash
Fly ash is one of the most common waste materials created by burning of coal. It is composed of smaller particles, consisting mainly of aluminosilicate glass, mullite and quartz, which are collected by electrostatic separators (filter) of gaseous products arising from the combustion of coal. This paper presents the pozzolanic properties, mechanical properties, chemical and mineral composition of fly ash obtained in the combustion process in a power plant Nikola Tesla A (PPNT A) with the addition of a ...chemical composition, fly ash, mechanical properties, mineral properties, pozzolanic properties, X-ray diffractionMiloš Šešlija, Aleksandra Rosić, Nebojša Radović, Milinko Vasić, Mitar Đogo, Milovan Jotić. "Laboratory testing of fly ash" in Tehnički vijesnik (2016). https://doi.org/10.17559/TV-20150317171035
A Description of Morphological Features of Serbian: a Revision using Feature System Declaration
In this paper we discuss some well-known morphological descriptions used in various projects and applications (most notably MULTEXT-East and Unitex) and illustrate the encountered problems on Serbian. We have spotted four groups of problems: the lack of a value for an existing category, the lack of a category, the interdependence of values and categories lacking some description, and the lack of a support for some types of categories. At the same time, various descriptions often describe exactly the same ...Cvetana Krstev, Ranka Stanković, Vitas Duško. "A Description of Morphological Features of Serbian: a Revision using Feature System Declaration" in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2010, Valetta, Malta : European Language Resources Association (2010)
Spatial assessment of the areas sensitive to degradation in the rural area of the municipality Čukarica
Nature and Landscape Conservation, Soil Science, Agronomy and Crop Science, Water Science and TechnologyNatalija Momirović, Ratko Kadović, Veljko Perović, Miloš Marjanović, Aleksandar Baumgertel. "Spatial assessment of the areas sensitive to degradation in the rural area of the municipality Čukarica" in International Soil and Water Conservation Research, Elsevier BV (2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iswcr.2018.12.004
Mehanizam nastanka bjelasičke klipe u internim Dinaridima severne Crne Gore
Katarina Stefanović (2024)Bjelasička klipa predstavlja segment Internih Dinarida na području severne Crne Gore. Područje obuhvata tektonski kontakt Drinsko-ivanjičke jedinice i Istočnobosansko-durmitorske jedinice, pri čemu se na širem području nalaze i jedinice Prekarst i Zona bosanskog fliša. Tektonska klipa Drinsko-ivanjičke jedinice, odnosno bjelasička klipa, kao i generalna tektonska evolucija područja u kom se ona nalazi, nisu izučeni u adekvatnoj meri. Stoga je cilj ovog rada pribavljanje novih podataka o tektonskoj evoluciji bjelasičke klipe, koji mogu biti značajan prilog za bolje poznavanje geodinamičke ...Interni Dinaridi, paleonaponska analiza, bi-direkciona ekstenzija, rased Skadar-Peć, dekstralno smicanje... Dovćnyi, P., Szafi4n, P., Windhoffer, G., Cloetingh, S., 2007. Present-day stress field and tectonic inversion in the Pannonian basin, Global and Planetary Change, 58 (1—4), str. 105—180. Delvaux, D., Sperner, B., 2003. Stress tensor inversion from fault kinematic indicators and focal mechanism data: ...
... | % f __ee_J o | owWz345ST789 a O K Te dE av Wit TE TOOO _— StemAmt Av.Umc Ic Datald Compiled dote SubsetIndex Optmrsatoon Results (Resolved stress) Comments Kınemntc axes Mopi [[ Trpe|Plane |une _|Senselci|wt TAct[Se |inputTmp|workng|Snear |SenselAupha |p Ju-DistNmag|Tmag| F5___ype| pind|pAom ...
... 374. Sperner, B., Ratschbacher, L., Ott, R., 1993. “Fault-striae analysis: a turbo pascal program package for graphical presentation and reduced stress tensor calculation.” xComputers ı Geosciences, 19, 1361-1388 Sperner, B., Zweigel, P., 2010. A plea for more caution in fault-slip analysis. ...Katarina Stefanović . Mehanizam nastanka bjelasičke klipe u internim Dinaridima severne Crne Gore, 2024
Stratigraphic implications of the Mio-Pliocene geodynamics in the area of Mt. Avala: new evidence from Torlak Hill and Beli Potok (Belgrade, Serbia)
Mt. Avala is located on the southern margin of the Pannonian basin (SPB), a border zone between the uplifted morphostructures of the Dinarides and Carpathian-Balkanides. Similar to the Pannonian basin, tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Mt. Avala area during the last 23 Ma has is characterized by syn- and post-rifting processes as well as tectonic inversion. Here, we present the results of field investigations of the Miocene‒Pliocene dynamics that led to different spatial positions of the same stratigraphic units (e.g. ...Ljupko Rundić, Meri Ganić, Slobodan Knežević, Dejan Radivojević, Miloš Radonjić. "Stratigraphic implications of the Mio-Pliocene geodynamics in the area of Mt. Avala: new evidence from Torlak Hill and Beli Potok (Belgrade, Serbia)" in Geologia Croatica (2019). https://doi.org/10.4154/gc.2019.11
Low-temperature phase transition and magnetic properties of K3YbSi2O7
Predrag Dabić, Volker Kahlenberg, Biljana Krüger, Marko Rodić, Sabina Kovač, Jovan Blanuša, Zvonko Jagličić, Ljiljana Karanović, Václav Petříček, Aleksandar Kremenović (2021)alkalni silikati elemenata retkih zemalja, fazni prelazi, magnetne karakteristike, razdvajanje kristalnog polja, silikati lantanicaPredrag Dabić, Volker Kahlenberg, Biljana Krüger, Marko Rodić, Sabina Kovač, Jovan Blanuša, Zvonko Jagličić, Ljiljana Karanović, Václav Petříček, Aleksandar Kremenović. "Low-temperature phase transition and magnetic properties of K3YbSi2O7" in Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials, International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) (2021). https://doi.org/10.1107/S2052520621006077
Geodynamics of basins above subducted slabs: An integrated modelling study of tectonics, sedimentation, and magmatism in the Timok Magmatic Complex
Uros Stojadinovic, Marinko Toljic, Branislav Trivic, Radoje Pantovic, Danica Sreckovic-Batocanin, Nemanja Krstekanic, Bojan Kostic, Milos Velojic, Jelena Stefanovic, Nikola Randjelovic, Maja Males (2024)Uros Stojadinovic, Marinko Toljic, Branislav Trivic, Radoje Pantovic, Danica Sreckovic-Batocanin, Nemanja Krstekanic, Bojan Kostic, Milos Velojic, Jelena Stefanovic, Nikola Randjelovic, Maja Males. "Geodynamics of basins above subducted slabs: An integrated modelling study of tectonics, sedimentation, and magmatism in the Timok Magmatic Complex" in Annales geologiques de la Peninsule balkanique, National Library of Serbia (2024). https://doi.org/10.2298/GABP240116003S
Keyword-Based Search on Bilingual Digital Libraries
This paper outlines the main features of Biblisha, a tool that offers various possibilities of enhancing queries submitted to large collections of aligned parallel text residing in bilingual digital library. Biblishsa supports keyword queries as an intuitive way of specifying information needs. The keyword queries initiated, in Serbian or English, can be expanded, both semantically, morphologically and in other language, using different supporting monolingual and bilingual resources. Terminological and lexical resources are of various types, such as wordnets, electronic ...... used as a support for lin- guistic analysis and query expansion is given in Section 4. The software solution details are presented in Section 5 with a stress on significant improvements that have been introduced over last few years. Section 6 concludes the paper and outlines the future work. 2 Related Work ...
... bilingual scientific open-access journals with articles both in Serbian and in English. The first text collection was INFOtheca journal, which covers the field of Digital Humanities. Later three more journals and resources produced within two project, all with text published both in Serbian and in English, ...Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Duško Vitas, Nikola Vulović, Olivera Kitanović. "Keyword-Based Search on Bilingual Digital Libraries" in Semantic Keyword-Based Search on Structured Data Sources - Second COST Action IC1302 International KEYSTONE Conference, IKC 2016, Springer (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-53640-8_10
The Usage of Various Lexical Resources and Tools to Improve the Performance of Web Search Engines
In this paper we present how resources and tools developed within the Human Language Technology Group at the University of Belgrade can be used for tuning queries before submitting them to a web search engine. We argue that the selection of words chosen for a query, which are of paramount importance for the quality of results obtained by the query, can be substantially improved by using various lexical resources, such as morphological dictionaries and wordnets. These dictionaries enable semantic ...LR web services, MultiWord Expressions & Collocations, Information Extraction, Information RetrievalKrstev Cvetana, Stanković Ranka, Vitas Duško, Obradović Ivan. "The Usage of Various Lexical Resources and Tools to Improve the Performance of Web Search Engines" in LREC 2008: Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Marrakesh, Morocco, May 2008, European Language Resources Association (ELRA) (2008)
The effect of finite driving rate on avalanche distributions
Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty,Statistics and Probability,Statistical and Nonlinear Physics... materials, a crossover towards mean-field results for strong driving is found [21]. Further on, reports of several studies of Barkhausen noise on materials belonging to two different universal- ity classes, have shown that in soft magnets without applied stress, critical exponents change linearly with ...
... magnetic field. Original susceptibilities for slow regime are shown in the inset of (a). Here m = MR(H)−M eff c (R,L) and h′ = H −Heff c (R,L) are the reduced magnetization and reduced magnetic field, defined in terms of effective critical magnetizationM eff c (R,L) and effective critical field Heff ...
... with the sweep rate, while for the amorphous alloys under applied stress, are sweep rate independent [7]. For very fast driving rates the spectral analysis turns out to be necessary, and it is found that there is a critical sweep rate above which one observes changes of the power spectrum due to the spatially ...Sonja Radić, Sanja Janićević, Dragutin Jovković, Đorđe Spasojević. "The effect of finite driving rate on avalanche distributions" in Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, IOP Publishing (2021). https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-5468/ac1f12