127 items
Značaj regionalnih istraživanja mladjih geoloških formacija u Srbiji
Rundić Ljupko, Stejić Petar, Dokmanović Petar, Hadžiniković Gordana, Knežević Slobodan:. "Značaj regionalnih istraživanja mladjih geoloških formacija u Srbiji" in Zapisnici Srpskog geološkog društva no. jubilarna sveska, Beograd:Srpsko geološko društvo (2016): 39-78
Traces of drilling predation in the Badenian Mollusks from the Rakovica stream (Belgrade, Serbia)
Ganić Meri, Radović Predrag, Rundić Ljupko, Bradić Katarina, Knežević Slobodan. "Traces of drilling predation in the Badenian Mollusks from the Rakovica stream (Belgrade, Serbia)" in Geologia Croatica 2 no. 62, Zagreb Zagreb:Croatian Geological Survey and the Croatian Geological Society (2016): 205-212. https://doi.org/doi: 10.4154/gc.2016.14
Упоредна процена ризика експлоатације старе и нове депоније пепела и шљаке термоелектрана Костолац, по хидролошком сценарију
Нишић Драгана, Кнежевић Динко, Сијерковић Невена, Пантелић Урош, Банковић Мирјана. "Упоредна процена ризика експлоатације старе и нове депоније пепела и шљаке термоелектрана Костолац, по хидролошком сценарију" in Техника, Руд., геолог. и метал. 67 no. 5, Београд: (2016): 677-684
Traces of drilling predation in the Upper Badenian (Middle Miocene) molluscs from the Rakovica stream (Belgrade)
Ganić Meri, Radović Predrag, Rundić Ljupko, Bradić Katarina, Knežević Slobodan. "Traces of drilling predation in the Upper Badenian (Middle Miocene) molluscs from the Rakovica stream (Belgrade)" in Geologia Croatica 2 no. 69, Zagreb, Croatia:Croatian Geological Institute (2016): 205-212
Значај регионалних истраживања млађих геолошких формација у Србији (The Importance of the Regional investigations of the Neogene and Quaternary Formations of Serbia)
Рундић Љупко, Стејић Петар, Докмановић Петар, Хаџиниковић Гордана, Кнежевић Слободан. "Значај регионалних истраживања млађих геолошких формација у Србији (The Importance of the Regional investigations of the Neogene and Quaternary Formations of Serbia)" in Записници Српског геолошког друштва за 2016. годину, Београд:Српско геолошко друштво (2016): 39-77
Comparative Risk assessment of CCW Disposal in the Old and New Landfill of the Coal-Fired Power Plant Kostolac Based on the Hydrological Scenario
Nišić Dragana, Knežević Dinko, Sijerković Nevena, Pantelić Uroš, Jovanović Mirjana. "Comparative Risk assessment of CCW Disposal in the Old and New Landfill of the Coal-Fired Power Plant Kostolac Based on the Hydrological Scenario" in Technics, Mining, Geology and Metallurgy special, Beograd, Srbija:Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije (2016): 25-32. https://doi.org/10.5937/tehnika1605677N
Stratigraphic characteristics of Quaternary deposits on the left bank of the Sava River near Belgrade
Knežević Slobodan, Nenadić Draženko, Radulović Barbara, Bogićević Katarina, Zarić Jelena. "Stratigraphic characteristics of Quaternary deposits on the left bank of the Sava River near Belgrade" in Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva 1 no. 79, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2018): 21-30
Stratigraphic characteristics of Quaternary deposits on the left bank of the Sava River near Belgrade
Knežević Slobodan, Nenadić Draženko, Radulović Barbara, Bogićević Katarina, Zarić Jelena. "Stratigraphic characteristics of Quaternary deposits on the left bank of the Sava River near Belgrade" in Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva 1 no. 79, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2018): 21-30
Stratigraphic implications of the Mio-Pliocene geodynamics in the area of Mt. Avala: new evidence from Torlak Hill and Beli Potok (Belgrade, Serbia)
Mt. Avala is located on the southern margin of the Pannonian basin (SPB), a border zone between the uplifted morphostructures of the Dinarides and Carpathian-Balkanides. Similar to the Pannonian basin, tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Mt. Avala area during the last 23 Ma has is characterized by syn- and post-rifting processes as well as tectonic inversion. Here, we present the results of field investigations of the Miocene‒Pliocene dynamics that led to different spatial positions of the same stratigraphic units (e.g. ...... reactivated some older faults and the Lake Pannon sediments were differentially displaced and lost their lateral continuity (e.g. MAROVIĆ & KNEŽEVIĆ, 1985; KNEŽEVIĆ, 1989; MAROVIĆ et al., 1995; 2002; 2007; TOLJIĆ et al., 2014). Consequently, the system of uplifted block structures Article history: ...
... are well developed and have been extensively studied (e.g. LUKOVIĆ, 1922; STEVANOVIĆ, 1951; EREMIJA, 1977a, 1987; PETROVIĆ, 1995; KNEŽEVIĆ & ŠUMAR, 1994; RUNDIĆ & KNEŽEVIĆ, 2017). Similarly, the late Miocene „caspibrackish“ sediments of the Lake Pannon were the subject of various stratigraphic studies ...
... of the Velika Morava trough (MAROVIĆ & KNEŽEVIĆ, 1985; DJOKOVIĆ & MAROVIĆ, 1990; MAROVIĆ et al., 2007 – see Fig. 17). Later, during the Pontian, the Beli Potok trough was reduced and directed to the east, towards the Grocka-Sme- derevo area (MAROVIĆ & KNEŽEVIĆ, 1985; see Fig. 17). From a geodynamic ...Ljupko Rundić, Meri Ganić, Slobodan Knežević, Dejan Radivojević, Miloš Radonjić. "Stratigraphic implications of the Mio-Pliocene geodynamics in the area of Mt. Avala: new evidence from Torlak Hill and Beli Potok (Belgrade, Serbia)" in Geologia Croatica (2019). https://doi.org/10.4154/gc.2019.11
Moниторинг у животној средини - одабрана поглавља
Динко Кнежевић, Драгана Нишић, Александар Цвјетић, Драгана Ранђеловић, Зоран Секулић. Moниторинг у животној средини - одабрана поглавља, Београд : Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет, 2015
Applicability of the risk ranking methodology designed for water reservoirs to tailings storage facilities
The risks associated with operating water reservoirs and tailings storage facilities (TSFs) are different because of their different purposes, methods of construction and operation, and characteristics of the materials impounded and their flow behaviour. Regardless of the differences, these two types of structures are often put in the same category when it comes to risk assessment and the application of relevant methodologies, which may result in unrealistic outcomes. In this paper we investigate whether it is possible to apply ...Dragana Nišić, Dinko Knežević, Aleksandar Cvjetić, Neda Nišić, Vladimir Jovanović. "Applicability of the risk ranking methodology designed for water reservoirs to tailings storage facilities" in Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (2022). https://doi.org/10.17159/2411-9717/1492/2022
Mineral Resources of Serbia: Environmental, Societal and Economic Challenges
... (western Serbia): a geotraverse across the ophiolites of the Dinaric-Hellenic collisional belt.” Ofioliti, 36 (2):137—164. Cvetković, Vladica, Knežević, Vera and Pćcskay Zoltan. 2000. “Tertiary igneous formations of the Dinarides, Vardar Zone and adjacent regions: from recognition to petrogenetic ...
... Biotechnology, Čačak, 21 (23), 129-135.]. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES Vera M. Popović, PhD Senior Research Associate Affiliation: Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia Complimentary Contributor Copy 144 Vera M. Popović, 4na Marjanović Jeromela, Zoran Jovović et al. Education: ...
... Biological Science, 79 (4): 192-200. Knežević, D., Zečević, V., Jelić, M., Paunović, A. and Madić, M. (2010). The effect ofmineral nutrition to weediness and grain yield of triticale. Crop Production Nevećnytermelećs, 59 (Suppl. 4): 513-516. Kondić, D., Knežević, D. and Paunović, A. (2012). Grain ...Vladimir Simić, Rade Jelenković, Dragana Životić. "Mineral Resources of Serbia: Environmental, Societal and Economic Challenges" in Serbia: Current Issues and Challenges in the Areas of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment,, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (2019)
Geoheritage Object-Natural Park Šargan Mokra Gora
Milovanović Dragan, Amidžić., Knežević Slobodan, Banjac Nenad, Kličković M., Maran Aleksandra (2011)Milovanović Dragan, Amidžić., Knežević Slobodan, Banjac Nenad, Kličković M., Maran Aleksandra. "Geoheritage Object-Natural Park Šargan Mokra Gora" in Proceedings, 1st international conference “Harmony of nature and Spirituality in Stone”, Kragujevac:Stone Studio Association (2011): 143-150
New data about the Lake Pannon of the Fruska Gora area
Rundić Ljupko, Knežević Slobodan, Stoica Marius, Ter Borgh Marten, Vasiliev Iuliana. "New data about the Lake Pannon of the Fruska Gora area" in Записници Српског геолошког друштва за 2011, Београд:Српско геолошко друштво (2013): 85-91
Геолошки објекти и појаве као интегрални део природне и културне баштине града Београда
Рундић Љупко, Кнежевић Слободан, Бањац Ненад, Ганић Мери, Миловановић Драган, Рабреновић Драгоман (2010)Рундић Љупко, Кнежевић Слободан, Бањац Ненад, Ганић Мери, Миловановић Драган, Рабреновић Драгоман. "Геолошки објекти и појаве као интегрални део природне и културне баштине града Београда" in Зборник радова 15. конгреса геолога Србије са међународним учешћем, Београд, [26-29 мај] 2010. = Proceedings of the 15th Congress of Geologists of Serbia with International Participation, Belgrade [26-29 May] 2010, Београд:Српско геолошко друштво (2010): 711-717
Geological objects and phenomena as an integral part of natural and cultural heritage of the sity of Belgrade
Rundić Ljupko, Knežević Slobodan, Banjac Nenad, Ganić Meri, Milovanović Dragan, Rabrenović Dragoman (2010)Rundić Ljupko, Knežević Slobodan, Banjac Nenad, Ganić Meri, Milovanović Dragan, Rabrenović Dragoman. "Geological objects and phenomena as an integral part of natural and cultural heritage of the sity of Belgrade" in Зборник радова 15. конгреса геолога Србије са међународним учешћем, Београд, [26-29 мај] 2010. = Proceedings of the 15th Congress of Geologists of Serbia with International Participation, Belgrade [26-29 May] 2010, Beograd:Srpsko geološko društvo, Savez geoloških inženjera i tehničara Srbije, geološki Institut Srbije, Rudarsko geološki fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu (2010): 711-717
Опрема за континуалну контролу квалитета угља, on-line анализатори
Кнежевић Динко, Колоња Божо, Игњатовић Драган, Деушић Славен, Вучинић Душица, Томанец Рудолф. "Опрема за континуалну контролу квалитета угља, on-line анализатори" in International workshop COAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT, MAREN, Београд, Србија:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2011)
Novi pravilnik o sadržini rudarskih projekata
Kolonja Božo, Knežević Dinko, Lilić Nikola, Ignjatović Dragan, Danilović Dušan, Ivezić Dejan. "Novi pravilnik o sadržini rudarskih projekata" in International workshop COAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT, MAREN, multimedijalni zbornik prezentacija, Beograd, Srbija:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2013)
Geological Objects and Phenomena as an Integral Part of the Natural and Cultural Heritage of the City of Belgrade
Rundić Ljupko, Knežević Slobodan, Banjac Nenad, Ganić Meri, Milovanović Dejan, Rabrenović Dragoman (2010)Rundić Ljupko, Knežević Slobodan, Banjac Nenad, Ganić Meri, Milovanović Dejan, Rabrenović Dragoman. "Geological Objects and Phenomena as an Integral Part of the Natural and Cultural Heritage of the City of Belgrade" in Зборник радова 15. конгреса геолога Србије са међународним учешћем, Београд, [26-29 мај] 2010. = Proceedings of the 15th Congress of Geologists of Serbia with International Participation, Belgrade [26-29 May] 2010, Belgrade:Serbian Geological Society (2010): 711-717
Analiza uticaja početne temperature test uzorka pri primeni impulsne termografije
Tomić Ljubiša, Damnjanović Vesna, Mišković Katarina, Bondžulić Boban, Knežević Dragan, Kovačević Aleksandar (2018)Tomić Ljubiša, Damnjanović Vesna, Mišković Katarina, Bondžulić Boban, Knežević Dragan, Kovačević Aleksandar. "Analiza uticaja početne temperature test uzorka pri primeni impulsne termografije" in Zbornik radova ETRAN 2018 no. MO, Beograd, Srbija:Društvo za Etran, Akademska misao Beograd (2018): 314-317