8 items
Quantitative landslide risk assessment in the city of Tuzla
In the climate-changing conditions, geological environment interacts more dramatically with the urban fabric than before. The urbanization is expansive and more aggressive than before, but so are the weather extremes and long-term climate trends. In effect, many processes which can be triggered by either side, nature or engineering, are becoming more pervasive than before, and such is the case with landslides. Dealing and managing landslides requires few crucial steps, starting from collecting data on landslide location and typology – ...... D. (2016) “Fatal landslides in Europe”. Landslides. 13(6): 1545–1554 Marjanović, M. (2014) “Conventional and machine learning methods for landslide assessment in GIS”. Palacký University, Departmnet of Geoinformatics. Olomouc. SCG-XIII INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON LANDSLIDES. CARTAGENA, COLOMBIA- ...
... which can be triggered by either side, nature or engineering, are becoming more pervasive than before, and such is the case with landslides. Dealing and managing landslides requires few crucial steps, starting from collecting data on landslide location and typology – inventorying, estimating zones ...
... polygon for landslide representation, based on landslide size; filtering only appropriate, shallow landslides, of sufficient size for the final inventory. SCG-XIII INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON LANDSLIDES. CARTAGENA, COLOMBIA- JUNE 15th-19th-2020 ● Landslide susceptibility: collecting causative-c ...Miloš Marjanović, Biljana Abolmasov, Cvjetko Sandić, Miralem Mulać, Petar Begović. "Quantitative landslide risk assessment in the city of Tuzla" in SCG-Xiii International Symposium on Landslides. Cartagena, Colombia- February 22-26, 2021, International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (2021)
Results of comprehensive monitoring activities on Umka landslide, Belgrade, Serbia
Biljana Abolmasov, Uroš Đurić (2021)... geotechnical model of the Umka landslide with reference to landslides in weathered Neogene marls in Serbia. Landslides 12 (4): 689-702. Ćorić S., Božinović D., Vujanić V., Jotić M. and Jelisavac B., 1996, Geotechnical characteristics of old landslides in Belgrade area. In: Senneset K (ed) Proceedings of ...
... Vujanić V., Pejić M. and Pejović M., 2012, Using GNSS sensors in real time monitoring of slow moving landslides-a case study. Proceedings of the 11th International and 2nd American Symposium on Landslides and Engineered Slopes, Banff, Canada, 3-8 June, 2012, Eds. Eberhardt E, Froese C, Turner K, Leroueil ...
... of the 7th International Symposium on Landslides, 17–21 June 1996, Trondheim, Norway, Vol 2, Balkema, Rotterdam, pp 689–694 ...Biljana Abolmasov, Uroš Đurić . "Results of comprehensive monitoring activities on Umka landslide, Belgrade, Serbia" in 3rd European Regional Conference of IAEG/ Athens/ Greece/ 6-10 October 2021, IAEG National Group Greece (2021)
Machine learning based landslide assessment of the Belgrade metropolitan area: Pixel resolution effects and a cross-scaling concept
Improvements of Machine Learning-based landslide prediction models can be made by optimizing scale, customizing training samples to provide sets with the best examples, feature selection, etc. Herein, a novel approach, named Cross-Scaling, is proposed that includes the mixing of training and testing set resolutions. Hypothetically, training on a coarser resolution dataset and testing the model on a finer resolution should help the algorithm to better generalize ambiguous examples of landslide classes and yield fewer over/underestimations in the model. This ...Uroš Đurić, Miloš Marjanović, Zoran Radić, Biljana Abolmasov. " Machine learning based landslide assessment of the Belgrade metropolitan area: Pixel resolution effects and a cross-scaling concept" in Engineering Geology , Elsevier (2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2019.05.007
Extreme Rainfall Event and Its Aftermath Analysis—IPL 210 Project Progress Report
Biljana Abolmasov, Mileva Samardžić Petrović, Ranka Stanković, Miloš Marjanović, Jelka Krušić, Uroš Đurić (2021)Biljana Abolmasov, Mileva Samardžić Petrović, Ranka Stanković, Miloš Marjanović, Jelka Krušić, Uroš Đurić. "Extreme Rainfall Event and Its Aftermath Analysis—IPL 210 Project Progress Report" in Understanding and Reducing Landslide Disaster Risk, Springer International Publishing (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007%2F978-3-030-60196-6_19
Хазард од клизишта у Србији у 21. веку
Biljana Abolmasov (2019)... recent years, Serbia has been vulnerable to natural haza floods, torrential floods and landslides. Landslides are one of hazards in Serbia (according to the international classification). E or areas prone to landslides are covering more than 16% of the S (according to a rough estimation and published ...
... recent years, Serbia has been vulnerable to natural haza floods, torrential floods and landslides. Landslides are one of hazards in Serbia (according to the international classification or areas prone to landslides are covering more than 16% of the (according to a rough estimation and published scientific ...
... of current state and pla Landslides 10(1):103�109. [3] Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015�2030, UNISDR/GE ICLUX EN5000 1 http://edition.www.unisdr.org [4] Cruden D. M.,Varnes D. J. (1996). Landslide types and processes. I Shuster L. R. (Eds). Landslides, investigations and Mitigation ...Biljana Abolmasov. "Хазард од клизишта у Србији у 21. веку" in Геохазард у Србији у 21. веку – знање је најбољи бедем против стихије, Српска академија наука и уметности (2019)
Процјена хазарда и ризика од клизишта за различите нивое просторног планирања у Републици Српској, БиХ
Цвјетко С. Сандић (2022)Територија Републике Српске је у посљедних десетак година веома угрожена активирањем нових и реактивирањем старих клизишта. Она својим дјеловањем наносе огромне материјалне штете, па и људске жртве, те је неопходно озбиљније третирање и дјеловање у борби са овим природним хазардом. Чест проблем јесте одговорност, тј. надлежност институција из ове области и недостатак у законској регулативи која готово никако или само површно обрађује област хазарда и ризика од клизишта. Усљед непостојања праксе и усвојених методологија које су у примјени у свијету, циљ ...Цвјетко С. Сандић. Процјена хазарда и ризика од клизишта за различите нивое просторног планирања у Републици Српској, БиХ, Београд : [Ц. Сандић], 2022
Multihazard Exposure Assessment on the Valjevo City Road Network
Miloš Marjanović, Biljana Abolmasov, Svetozar Milenković, Uroš Đurić, Jelka Krušić, Mileva Samardžić Petrović (2019)Miloš Marjanović, Biljana Abolmasov, Svetozar Milenković, Uroš Đurić, Jelka Krušić, Mileva Samardžić Petrović. "Multihazard Exposure Assessment on the Valjevo City Road Network" in Spatial Modeling in GIS and R for Earth and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier Inc (2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815226-3.00031-4.
Metodologija proračuna sanacije klizišta šipovima
Klizišta u Srbiji, u najvećem broju slučajeva, jako zavise od geoloških uslova u terenu i svako klizište ima svoje specifičnosti koje moraju da se odrede geotehničkim istraživanjima. Stoga su u radu prvo prikazane osnovne karakteristike klizišta u Srbiji, kao i postupci njihovog istraživanja. Zatim su prikazani proračuni sanacije klizišta vertikalnim šipovima. Metodologija proračuna je složena, jer podrazumeva interakciju klizišta i stabilizirajućih šipova. Prilikom određivanja bočne otpornosti tla oko šipova koristi se metoda Brinč Hansena koja uzima u obzir trodimenzionalne ...klizišta, geotehnička istraživanja, bočna nosivost šipova, interakcija klizišta i šipa, analiza stabilnostiSlobodan Ćorić, Dragoslav Rakić, Stanko Ćorić, Dušan Berisavljević. "Metodologija proračuna sanacije klizišta šipovima" in V simpozijum društva za Geotehniku R. Severne Makedonije, ISRM Specialized Conference, Društvo za Geotehniku Severne Makedonije (2022)