35 items
Збирка решених задатака из Mатематике I
Драган Станков (2016)Драган Станков. Збирка решених задатака из Mатематике I, Београд : Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет, 2016
Развој алгоритма процене ефеката ризика рада рударских машина на бази фази алгебре
Dejan V. Petrović (2014-12-30)Појава изненадних отказа елемената техничких система у рударству је свакодневна појава...Dejan V. Petrović. "Развој алгоритма процене ефеката ризика рада рударских машина на бази фази алгебре" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2014-12-30)
Razvoj algoritma procene efekta rizika rada rudarskih mašina na bazi fazi algebre
Dejan V. Petrović (2014)Dejan V. Petrović. Razvoj algoritma procene efekta rizika rada rudarskih mašina na bazi fazi algebre, Beograd:Rudarsko Geološki Fakultet, 2014
Ocena sigurnosti funkcionisanja rotornog bagera korišćenjem pravila fazi algebre
Tanasijević Miloš, Ivezić Dejan, Jovančić Predrag. "Ocena sigurnosti funkcionisanja rotornog bagera korišćenjem pravila fazi algebre" in Integritet i vek konstrukcija 10 no. 1, Beograd :Društvo za integritet i vek konstrukcija (2010): 43-52
Dependability assesment of open-pit mines equpment – study on the bases of fuzzy algebra rules
Tanasijević Miloš, Ivezić Dejan, Jovančić Predrag, Ignjatović Dragan, Bugarić Uglješa. "Dependability assesment of open-pit mines equpment – study on the bases of fuzzy algebra rules" in Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc – Maintenance and Reliability 15 no. 1, Warsaw, Poland:Polish Maintenance Society (2013): 66-74
Određivanje optimalne proizvodnje boksita sistema površinskih kopova u Vlaseničkom boksitnom basenu primjenom metode linearnog programiranja
Rajko Dukić (1976)Rajko Dukić. Određivanje optimalne proizvodnje boksita sistema površinskih kopova u Vlaseničkom boksitnom basenu primjenom metode linearnog programiranja, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 1976
Optimizacija programa proizvodnje grupe ležišta boksita u sektoru Posušje- metodom linearnog programiranja
Jusuf Fazlibegović (1985)Jusuf Fazlibegović. Optimizacija programa proizvodnje grupe ležišta boksita u sektoru Posušje- metodom linearnog programiranja, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 1985
Побољшање ефикасности одлучивања у рударству применом линеарних оптимизационих модела
Трајче Бошевски (2021)Одлучивање и управљање у рударству је захтеван и сложен задатак изложен ризицима. Конвенционални-искуствени приступи доношења одлука, у пракси често показују слабост која се огледа у недовољној поузданости и прецизности. Предмет истраживања докторске дисертације, под називом „Побољшање ефикасности одлучивања у рударству применом линеарних оптимизационих модела“ је да, сагледавањем научних метода линеарног програмирања, приступи формирању локацијских модела који би били засновани на анализи и прилагођавању постојећих и увођењу нових претпоставки за случајеве као што је експлоатација и потрошња кречњака. У дисертацији ...Трајче Бошевски. Побољшање ефикасности одлучивања у рударству применом линеарних оптимизационих модела, [Т. Бошевски], 2021
Open Educational Resources in Serbia
... generally for young children. Mathematics OERs are related to Early mathematics, Kindergarten, Arithmetic, followed by Introduction to algebra, Basics of algebra, Algebra I, Basics of geometry. As to materials related to Computer Science and Information technology, they joined the Popular Hour of programming ...Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković, Marija Blagojević, Danijela Milošević. "Open Educational Resources in Serbia" in Current State of Open Educational Resources in the “Belt and Road” Countries, Springer Singapore (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-3040-1_10
Advantages and Disadvantages of a Parallel and Zigzag Method of Acquisition in Walking Mode in Magnetometric Archeological Research
магнетометријска испитивања, цик-цак и паралелна аквизиција у ходајућем моду, линеарне аномалије, археологија... MAGNE- TOMETRIJSIM ISPITIVANJIMA U ARHEOLOGIJI KLJUČNE REČI: MAGNETOMATRIJSKA ISPITIVANJA, CIK - CAK I PARALELNA AKVIZICIJA U HODAJUĆEM MODU, LINEARNE ANOMALIJE, ARHEOLOGIJA. Korišćenje materijala izrađenih od gvožđa tokom ljudske istorije omogućilo je uspešnu pri- menu magnetometrije za arheološko ...
... postupaka merenja u zavisnosti od orijentacije profi la u odnosu na magnetski meridijan u kombinaciji sa i bez Glob- al Positioning System-a (GPS). Linearni metod interpolacije je najčešći izbor Archaeology and Science 10 (2014) 110 Petković et al - Advantages and Disadvantages of a Parallel...(93-110) ...
... prostora Kremenite Njive ova tehnika se pokazala kao neuspešna. Mnogo bolji podaci su dobijeni primenom dekorugacije tj. fi ltriranjem uskopojasnim linearnim fi lterom moving average u pravcu akvizicije i u pravcu upravnom na pravac akvizicije. Uočeno je da se upotrebom nelinearne interpolacije mogu ...Mirko Petković, Vesna Cvetkov, Branislav Sretenović. "Advantages and Disadvantages of a Parallel and Zigzag Method of Acquisition in Walking Mode in Magnetometric Archeological Research" in Arheologija i prirodne nauke (2014)
Development of integrated fuzzy model for mine management optimization
Miodrag Čelebić, Sanja Bajić, Dragoljub Bajić, Dejan Stevanović, Duško Torbica, Vladimir Malbašić (2023)... ...,“ (An)T) where A4;(i= 1,2,...,n). 1416 M. Čelebić, S. Bajić, D. Bajić et al. Step 5. The final weights are calculated applying; a matrix algebra approach, namely the additive normalization method [11]. 'The result is a normalized weight priority vector in the form of a non-fuzzy number, ...Miodrag Čelebić, Sanja Bajić, Dragoljub Bajić, Dejan Stevanović, Duško Torbica, Vladimir Malbašić. "Development of integrated fuzzy model for mine management optimization" in Comptes rendus de l'Académie Bulgare des Sciences (2023)
Development of Open Educational Resources (OER) for Natural Language Processing
In this paper we present the development of an online course at the edX BAEKTEL platform named “Lexical Recognition in the Natural Language Processing (NLP)”. It is based on the course of the same name for PhD studies at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology. There are not many courses in Computational Linguistics (CL) on OER platforms, and there is none in Serbian either for CL or NLP. We have developed this course in order to improve this ...... Belgrade there are courses providing basic mathematical knowledge necessary in the field of natural language processing (especially statistics, algebra, and logic) as well as courses on lexical analysis and text mining. The most comprehensive education is offered to the students at the Department ...Cvetana Krstev, Biljana Lazić, Ranka Stanković, Giovanni Schiuma, Miladin Kotorčević. "Development of Open Educational Resources (OER) for Natural Language Processing" in The Sixth International Conference on e-Learning (eLearning-2015), September 2015, Belgrade, Serbia, Belgrade : Belgrade Metropolitan Univesity (2015)
A Mathematical Learning Environment Based on Serbian Language Resources
In recent years, in line with ever growing usage of Information technology, the learning environments are changing. The amount of available learning materials in various forms has increased. These new environments demand comprehensive learning systems, which enable management of the learning corpus with special attention paid to relevant lexical resources. In this paper we present the concept of a Mathematical Learning Environment in Serbian (MLES), which is based on a corpus of mathematical materials and various lexical resources, enabling ...... the existing dictionary only the marker +Math exists for Mathematics, but adding domain markers for specific mathematic subdomains, such as Algebra or Geometry is also planned. In addition to that, semantic markers will be developed for special functions, integrals, equations and the like ...Radojičić Marija, Obradović Ivan, Stanković Ranka, Utvić Miloć, Kaplar Sebastijan. "A Mathematical Learning Environment Based on Serbian Language Resources" in Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific Conference Technics and Informatics in Education, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Čačak (2018)
Selection of Artificial Lift Methods: A Brief Review and New Model Based on Fuzzy Logic
Miroslav Crnogorac, Miloš Tanasijević, Dušan Danilović, Vesna Karović Maričić, Branko Leković (2020)Artificial lift methods have applications in oil wells where oil production is no longer possible due to natural reservoir energy, so this necessary energy is added by introducing lift methods. In order to achieve optimum production, the selection of an artificial lift method is very important. This paper uses fuzzy logic as a mathematical and conceptual model for selection of the optimal artificial lift method. The outcome or IF-THEN rules, as the central part of the model, is based ...... and C are presented as fuzzy numbers [20], their composition provides a fuzzy number which represents M. Max-min composition is often used in fuzzy algebra as a synthesis model [18,21–24]. Synthesis is performed on two levels. In the first, parameters A1, A2, A3 are synthesized in A, respectively B1 ...
... , M.; Ivezić, D.; Jovančić, P.; Ignjatović, D.; Bugaric, U. Dependability assesment of open-pit mines equpment - Study on the bases of fuzzy algebra rules. Eksploat. Niezawodn-Maint. Reliab. 2013, 15, 66–74. 24. Wang, J. A subjective modeling tool applied to formal ship safety assessment. Ocean ...Miroslav Crnogorac, Miloš Tanasijević, Dušan Danilović, Vesna Karović Maričić, Branko Leković. "Selection of Artificial Lift Methods: A Brief Review and New Model Based on Fuzzy Logic" in Energies, MDPI AG (2020)
A fuzzy-based decision support model for effectiveness evaluation - a case study of examination of bulldozers
Effectiveness evaluation is one of the basic components of engineering asset management and maintenance engineering in general. Effectiveness is an overall concept representing a measurement of quality of service level for the analyzed engineering system. This concept contains a series of partial indicators relating to time in operation and time for maintenance activities, as well as functional properties of the system. This article describes the analysis and structuring of partial indicators, as well as the development of a model ...Miloš Tanasijević, Predrag Jovančić, Dejan Ivezić, Uglješa Bugarić, Radiša Đurić. "A fuzzy-based decision support model for effectiveness evaluation - a case study of examination of bulldozers" in International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice (2019)
Correlation of uniaxial compressive strength with the dynamic elastic modulus, p –wave velocity and s –wave velocity of different rock types
Knowing mechanical properties of rocks incorporated with ultrasonic waves velocities investigations provide a secure basis for mine modelling. Uniaxial compressive strength, dynamic elastic modulus and ultrasonic waves velocities are just some of the rock properties that indicate on presence of discontinuities, stratification and fissures of rocks. Determining the relationship of these rock properties testing the rock samples that are corresponding to different rock types extracted from different mineral deposits represents the core of this study. In this paper, we ...Jelena Majstorović, Miloš Gligorić, Suzana Lutovac, Milanka Negovanović, Luka Crnogorac. "Correlation of uniaxial compressive strength with the dynamic elastic modulus, p –wave velocity and s –wave velocity of different rock types" in Underground mining engineering, Рударско - геолошки факултет - Београд (2019)
Using Query Expansion for Cross-Lingual Mathematical Terminology Extraction
Velislava Stoykova, Ranka Stanković (2018)Velislava Stoykova, Ranka Stanković. "Using Query Expansion for Cross-Lingual Mathematical Terminology Extraction" in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer International Publishing (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-91189-2_16
The Newton method for solving nonlinear equations based on aggregation operators
Nebojša M. Ralević, Dejan Ćebić (2019)Nebojša M. Ralević, Dejan Ćebić. "The Newton method for solving nonlinear equations based on aggregation operators" in XLVI International Symposium on Operational Research SYM-OP-IS, Kladovo, 15-18.9.2019, Универзитет у Београду (2019)
An Underground Mine Ore Pass System Optimization via Fuzzy 0–1 Linear Programming with Novel Torricelli–Simpson Ranking Function
rudna sipka, optimizacija, fazi linearno programiranje, trouglasti graf, Toričelijeva tačka, funkcija rangiranjaDževdet Halilović, Miloš Gligorić, Zoran Gligorić, Dragan Pamučar. "An Underground Mine Ore Pass System Optimization via Fuzzy 0–1 Linear Programming with Novel Torricelli–Simpson Ranking Function" in Mathematics (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/math11132914
Determining the Availability of Continuous Systems at Open Pits Applying Fuzzy Logic
This work presents a model for determining the availability of continuous systems at open pits by applying fuzzy logic and fuzzy inference systems. The applied model was formed by the synthesis of independent partial indicators of availability. The model is based on an expert system for assessing the availability of continuous mining systems. The availability of the system, as a complex state parameter, is decomposed into the partial indicators, reliability, and convenience of maintenance, and the fuzzy compositions, used ...системи, континуални систем експоатације, површински коп, рударство, расположивост, фази логика, max–min композиција, min–max композицијаMiljan Gomilanović, Miloš Tanasijević, Saša Stepanović. "Determining the Availability of Continuous Systems at Open Pits Applying Fuzzy Logic" in Energies, MDPI AG (2022). https://doi.org/10.3390/en15186786