43 items
Mineralno-sirovinska baza SAP Kosovo kao faktor privrednog razvoja i njena kompleksna geološko-ekonomska ocena
Petar Radičević (1975)Petar Radičević. Mineralno-sirovinska baza SAP Kosovo kao faktor privrednog razvoja i njena kompleksna geološko-ekonomska ocena, Beograd:Rudarsko Geološki Fakultet, 1975
Savremena metodologija proučavanje regionalne geološke građe područja SAP Kosovo, sa posebnim osvrtom na metalogeniju i prognozu mineralnih sirovina
Vandet Pruthi (1986)Vandet Pruthi. Savremena metodologija proučavanje regionalne geološke građe područja SAP Kosovo, sa posebnim osvrtom na metalogeniju i prognozu mineralnih sirovina, Titova Mitrovica:, 1986
Silver-base metal epithermal vein and listwanite hosted deposit Crnac, Rogozna Mts., Kosovo, part II: A link between magmatic rocks and epithermal mineralization
Borojević-Šoštarić Sibila, Palinkaš Ladislav, Neubauer Franz, Hurai Vratislav, Cvetković Vladica, Roller-Lutz Z, Mandić Magda, Genser Johann (2013)Borojević-Šoštarić Sibila, Palinkaš Ladislav, Neubauer Franz, Hurai Vratislav, Cvetković Vladica, Roller-Lutz Z, Mandić Magda, Genser Johann. "Silver-base metal epithermal vein and listwanite hosted deposit Crnac, Rogozna Mts., Kosovo, part II: A link between magmatic rocks and epithermal mineralization" in Ore Geology Review 50, :Elsevier (2013): 98-117. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2012.10.00
Podzemne vode severnog dela Kosova i Metohije - iskorišćenje i zaštita
Gordana Milentijević (2005)Gordana Milentijević. Podzemne vode severnog dela Kosova i Metohije - iskorišćenje i zaštita, Beograd:Rudarsko Geološki Fakultet, 2005
Geološke karakteristike i ekonomski značaj magnezitskih ležišta Kosova i Metohije
Milovan Bačanac (1997)Milovan Bačanac. Geološke karakteristike i ekonomski značaj magnezitskih ležišta Kosova i Metohije, Beograd:Rudarsko Geološki Fakultet, 1997
Kompleksno sagledavanje rada bagera SR-1300.24/5.0 (630 kw)+VR u uslovima P.K.Kosovo" u Belačevcu"
Slobodan Mitrović (1986)Slobodan Mitrović. Kompleksno sagledavanje rada bagera SR-1300.24/5.0 (630 kw)+VR u uslovima P.K.Kosovo" u Belačevcu", Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 1986
Merenje otpora kopanju na otkrivci kosovskih površinskih otkopa i određivanje specifične rezne sile
Hranislav Atanasković (1979)Hranislav Atanasković. Merenje otpora kopanju na otkrivci kosovskih površinskih otkopa i određivanje specifične rezne sile, Beograd:Rudarsko Geološki Fakultet, 1979
Application of a Method for Intelligent Multi-Criteria Analysis of the Environmental Impact of Tailing Ponds in Northern Kosovo and Metohija
Gordana Milentijević, Blagoje Nedeljković, Milena Lekić, Zoran Nikić, Ivica Ristović, Jelena Đokić (2016)... are passive, meaning there is no longer any dumping of waste. 2. Study Area The study area is situated on the large highland Kosovo, to the north of the Autonomous Region Kosovo and Metohija (Figure 1). Administratively, it belongs to the municipalities of Zvečan and Kosovska Mitrovica. The study area ...
... Измењено: 2023-10-14 04:14:03 Application of a Method for Intelligent Multi-Criteria Analysis of the Environmental Impact of Tailing Ponds in Northern Kosovo and Metohija Gordana Milentijević, Blagoje Nedeljković, Milena Lekić, Zoran Nikić, Ivica Ristović, Jelena Đokić Дигитални репозиторијум Рудар ...
... Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Application of a Method for Intelligent Multi-Criteria Analysis of the Environmental Impact of Tailing Ponds in Northern Kosovo and Metohija | Gordana Milentijević, Blagoje Nedeljković, Milena Lekić, Zoran Nikić, Ivica Ristović, Jelena Đokić | Energies | 2016 | | 10.3390/en9110935 ...Gordana Milentijević, Blagoje Nedeljković, Milena Lekić, Zoran Nikić, Ivica Ristović, Jelena Đokić. "Application of a Method for Intelligent Multi-Criteria Analysis of the Environmental Impact of Tailing Ponds in Northern Kosovo and Metohija" in Energies, MDPI AG (2016). https://doi.org/10.3390/en9110935
Geotechnical zoning of the terrain along the first section of E-80 highway in Serbia – SEETO route 7
Part of E-80 highway that passes through Serbia (from the city of Nis to the administrative border Merdare) is 77 km long. The highway is divided into two sections: the first from Nis to Plocnik (39.4 km long) and the second from Plocnik to the administrative border with Kosovo. The route is designed through a typical plain and hilly terrain in which different geological units are dominant: crystalline schists, neogene sediments of foothills and quaternary sediments in the valley ...... highway is divided into two sections: the first from Nis to Plocnik (39.4 km long) and the second from Plocnik to the administrative border with Kosovo. Compared to the total length of the first section, about 20 % is covered by appropriate structures (tunnels, bridges, overpasses), while on the ...
... L'autoroute est divisée en deux sections: la première de Nis à Plocnik (39.4 km) et la deuxième de Plocnik à la frontière administrative avec le Kosovo. Par rapport à la longueur totale de la première section, environ 20% sont couverts par des structures adéquates (des tunnels, des ponts, et des ...Dragoslav Rakić, Zoran Berisavljević, Irena Basarić, Snežana Bogdanović, Jovana Janković. "Geotechnical zoning of the terrain along the first section of E-80 highway in Serbia – SEETO route 7" in Proceedings of the XVII European Conference of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering ECSMGE-2019, Reykjavik, Iceland, 1-6. 09. 2019., ISSMGE, ECSMGE-2019 (2019). https://doi.org/10.32075/17ECSMGE-2019-0393
Improvement of education through the cooperation between CEEPUS EURO Geo-Sci network and scientific projects: examples from UB-FMG
Kristina Šarić, Dejan Prelević, Miloš Marjanović, Uroš Stojadinović, Vladimir Simić . "Improvement of education through the cooperation between CEEPUS EURO Geo-Sci network and scientific projects: examples from UB-FMG" in V Congress of Geologists of Republic of Macedonia ": “Geology in a changing world”, Makedonsko geološko društvo (2024)
A Lexical Approach to Acronyms and their Definitions
In this paper we present a comprehensive approach to acronyms for Natural-Language Processing (NLP) of Serbian texts. The proposed procedure includes extraction of acronyms and their definitions that are usual Multi-Word Units (MWUs), shallow parsing of MWUs that enables MWU lemmatization and production of entries in morphological electronic dictionaries, both for MWU and acronyms, that are provided with grammatical, syntactic, semantic and domain information. This approach enables representation that reflects complex relations between acronyms and their definitions.... is a nominal phrase having some syntactic form common for Serbian. (1) Medjunarodne mirovne snage na Kosovu (KFOR) ‘Kosovo Force’, literally ‘International peaceful forces at Kosovo’ 2. Filtering of the list obtained in Step 1 in or- der to eliminate duplicates and false recognitions. (2) Zoran ...Cvetana Krstev, Duško Vitas, Ranka Stanković. "A Lexical Approach to Acronyms and their Definitions" in Proceedings of the 7th Language & Technology Conference, November 27-29, 2015, Poznań, Poland, Springer (2015)
Projekcija razvoja osmatračke mreže podzemnih voda u Republici Srbiji
Petar Dokmanović, Zoran Stevanović, Saša Milanović, Bojan Hajdin, Vesna Ristić-Vakanjac, Veljko Marinović (2016)... postojeće eksploatacije PV i procenjenih eksploatacionih rezervi PV (tabela 1). Procena ukupnih eksplotacionih rezervi PV na teritoriji RS (bez AP Kosovo i Metohija) prikazana je u tabeli 2. Kada su u pitanju ocene pritisaka na kvantitativni status PV, došlo se do sledećeg: 71 (G)TPV nije pod pritiskom ...
... pritiskom) Potencijalno pod pritiskom) Pod pritiskom Tabela 2. Procenjene eksploatacione rezerve podzemnih voda (m3/s) na teritoriji RS (bez AP Kosovo i Metohija) Republika Srbija Banat i Bačka Srem (sa levom obalom Save u zoni Beograda) Centralna Srbija 72,8 15,8 10 47 Polazeći ...Petar Dokmanović, Zoran Stevanović, Saša Milanović, Bojan Hajdin, Vesna Ristić-Vakanjac, Veljko Marinović. "Projekcija razvoja osmatračke mreže podzemnih voda u Republici Srbiji" in Vodoprivreda 48 no. 279-281, Beograd : Srpsko društvo za odvodnjavanje i navodnjavanje (2016)
Rangiranja bagera za njihovu revitalizaciju primenom višekriterijumske analize
Obzirom da je na našim površinskim kopovima trenutno u eksploataciji veći broj rotornih bagera sa sličnim tehničkim karakteristikama i približno istom starošću postavlja se pitanje kako rangirati bagere, i kojim redom da se izvrši njihova revitalizacija. Za ocenu stanja i rangiranje ovako velikog broja bagera najpogodnije se pokazalo korišćenje višekriterijumskih metoda sa višeatributnom ocenom, odnosno bodovanje referentnih indikatora stanja bagera na osnovu ekspertske ocene. U ovom radu prikazan je metodološki pristup koji je korišćen prilikom izrade Studije «Produžetak radnog ...... Počevši sa prvim nabavljenim rotornim bagerom SchRs 250 pa do danas, u Srbiji u eksploataciji na površinskim kopovima u basenima Kolubara, Kostolac i Kosovo u radu se koristi preko 50 rotornih bagera. Rotorni bageri su nemačke proizvodnje i nabavljani su, zavisno od komercijalnih uslova, od različitih ...Ivan Obradović, Dragan Ignjatović, Ranka Stanković, Ljiljana Ivković. "Rangiranja bagera za njihovu revitalizaciju primenom višekriterijumske analize" in MAREN 2006, Međunarodni simpozijum Mehanizacija i automatizacija u rudarstvu i energetika, zbornik radova, septembar 2006, Beograd, Univerzitet u Beogradu-Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2006)
Projection of SO2 emissions in coal power plants in Serbia
Aleksandar Madžarević, Predrag Jovančić, Stevan Đenadić, Filip Miletić, Miodrag Ristović, Miroslav Crnogorac (2023)The production of electricity in the countries of South-Eastern Europe (SEE) was mainly related to the use of coal, predominantly lignite. The total installed capacity of thermal power plants using coal in these seven countries is 17.813 MW, distributed in 31 thermoblocks. The mentioned plants are the dominant pollutant emitters in all observed countries. Data on the largest emitters in the countries of the European Union and a comparison with SEE countries were collected. The calculation of emissions of ...... TPP: 1602 MW - Maritsa Iztok 3 TPP: 908 MW Gre1 - Florina TPP: 330 MW Gre2 - Agios Dimitrios TPP: 1595 MW Gre3 - Megalopoli TPP: 300 MW- Kos1 - Kosovo A, B TPP: 1290 MW Mon1 - Pljevlja TPP: 225 MW. NMacil - Bitola TPP: 675 MW NMac2 - Oslomej TPP: 125 MW Rom!1 - Arad TPP: 50 MW Rom?2 - lasi ...Aleksandar Madžarević, Predrag Jovančić, Stevan Đenadić, Filip Miletić, Miodrag Ristović, Miroslav Crnogorac. "Projection of SO2 emissions in coal power plants in Serbia" in 9th International Conference Mining and environmental protection, Sokobanja 24-27th May 2023., Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2023)
XRD dertermination od hydrothermal phases related to epithermal mineralization in the Čukaru Peki deposit
Dragana Bosić, Vladica Cvetković, Miodrag Banješević, Kristina Šarić. "XRD dertermination od hydrothermal phases related to epithermal mineralization in the Čukaru Peki deposit" in V Congress of Geologists of Republic of Macedonia ": “Geology in a changing world”, Makedonsko geološko društvo (2024)
Hydrogeochemical distribution of Ca and Mg in groundwater in Serbia
Petar Papić, Jovana Milosavljević, Marina Ćuk, Rastko Petrović . "Hydrogeochemical distribution of Ca and Mg in groundwater in Serbia" in Groundwater: Occurrence and Significance for Human Health, CRC Press, Balkema - Taylor & Francis Group (2014)
Effectiveness Analysis of Different Bucket-wheel Excavators
Coal production in open-pit lignite mines in the Republic of Serbia is performed with continuous work systems. In addition to coal production, the same systems are used for the exploitation of large quantities of overburden. According to the reliability concept, continuous systems are in linear connection. If the failure occurs in one part of the system, that will produce a downtime of the entire system. The initial and most important factor of continuous systems is the bucket-wheel excavator. It ...Stevan Đenadić, Predrag Jovančić, Dragan Ignjatović, Miloš Tanasijević, Filip Miletić. "Effectiveness Analysis of Different Bucket-wheel Excavators" in 8th International Conference Mining and Environmental Protection, Sokobanja, 22-25 September 2021, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, Serbia (2021)
Refinement of waste phosphogypsum from Prahovo, Serbia: characterization and assessment of application in civil engineering
Josip Išek, Lazar Kaluđerović, Nikola Vuković, Maja Milošević, Ivana Vukašinović, Zorica Tomić (2020)... insoluble impurities from raw bjective was to examine natural es of phosphogypsum from a e recrystallization process. The 64 BOSNIA _ AND Kosovo iizre Fig. 1. Location of the phosphogypsum landfill. results obtained in this study may promote the potential utiliza- tion of purified ph ...Josip Išek, Lazar Kaluđerović, Nikola Vuković, Maja Milošević, Ivana Vukašinović, Zorica Tomić. "Refinement of waste phosphogypsum from Prahovo, Serbia: characterization and assessment of application in civil engineering" in Clay Minerals, Cambridge University press (2020). https://doi.org/10.1180/clm.2020.11
Availability as a dimension of energy security in the Republic of Serbia
Boban Pavlović, Dejan Ivezić (2016)There is a range of modern approaches and models in literature for the evaluation and determination of energy security, which are based on different parameters and indicators. For most of them, a common characteristic is emphasizing the avail ability of energy, as an important dimension for ensuring energy security. In this paper, concise overview of Serbian energy sectors is given and appropriate energy indicators are defined and determined. Selected indicators provide insight into the main components that characterize availability ...... system of Serbia. If production and consumption remain at current level, the period until the exhaus- tion of coal reserves is 149 years (without Kosovo), and 689 years until the exhaustion of coal resources. However, the weak point of coal utilization in Serbia is the efficiency of energy con- version ...Boban Pavlović, Dejan Ivezić. "Availability as a dimension of energy security in the Republic of Serbia" in Thermal Science, National Library of Serbia (2016). https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI160923303P
Classification of mining waste landfills according to legislation in Serbia
... i uzroka rušenja dela brane jalovišta Šaški potok, I Kongres jugoslovenskog društva za visoke brane, Budva, str. 355-361, Budva, 1997. [18] Kosovo-online: Dimkić: Izlivanje iz jalovišta kod Le- posavića nije prouzrokovalo ekološku katastrofu [on- line]. Dostupno na: https://www.kosovoonli-ne ...Dragana Nišić, Uroš Pantelić, Nikoleta Aleksić, Neda Nišić. "Classification of mining waste landfills according to legislation in Serbia" in Tehnika, Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES) (2021). https://doi.org/10.5937/tehnika2105575N