The Flow Conditions in the Epikarst Zone of a Karst Aquifer. Case Study: Suva planina Mt., East Serbia
- Тип
- Саопштење са скупа штампано у изводу
- Верзија рада
- објављена
- Језик
- енглески
- Креатор
- Branislav Petrović
- Извор
- International Scientific Conference - Man and Karst 2022, Custonaci, Italy, 12-16.09.2022
- Уредник
- Rosario Ruggieri
- Издавач
- Gruppo Grotte Ragusa - C.I.R.S.
- Датум издавања
- 2022
- Сажетак
- The epikarst as a part of the karst aquifer represents a complex point of contact and mixing of unconsolidated material from the terrain surface, carbonate rocks altered by “corrosive” water, flora and fauna (and remains of), which is partially saturated with groundwater. Recharge of karst aquifers, usually, occurs via the unsaturated zone which uppermost part could be epikarst zone. Significant amounts of (plant accessible) water, and other solutes and particles, can be stored in this zone for extended periods of time. Thus, attenuation or biochemical processes could start in this layer and change quality of infiltrated water. However, due to flow concentration in the epikarst, water and contaminants, as well as different types of organic and inorganic particles and colloids, can also be detached and transported downward to the active conduit network of aquifer. The nearly horizontal cave named Peč is developed in Upper Jurassic (Tithonian) limestone of Suva Planina Mt. The study of the epikarst in this area consisted of two elements: a short-term (transient) tracer experiment (artificial tracer) and a short-term experiment with “light” contaminant – manure (“natural” tracers). This article will be focused on the artificial tracer (Uranine) experiment. Tracer experiment had a twofold goal: characterizing the flow conditions in the epikarst and studying solute transport. The virtual velocity of the circulating water through the layer of epikarst and karstified limestone, was calculated: 0.0041 m/s to 0.006 m/s. Breakthrough curves of the dye tracer showed existence of three types of fissures/fractures differing in their hydrogeological function resulting mainly from the aperture width, and it is based on the different types of water flow occurring in the unsaturated (epikarst) zone: 1) large fracture – drains; 2) medium fracture; 3) small fissures.
- почетак странице
- 39
- Просторно покривање
- Srbija
- Subject
- epikarst, tracer test, shallow cave, Suva Planina Mt., Serbia
- Шира категорија рада
- М30
- Ужа категорија рада
- М34
- Права
- Отворени приступ
- Лиценца
- Creative Commons – Attribution-NonComercial-Share Alike 4.0 International
- Формат
Branislav Petrović. "The Flow Conditions in the Epikarst Zone of a Karst Aquifer. Case Study: Suva planina Mt., East Serbia" in International Scientific Conference - Man and Karst 2022, Custonaci, Italy, 12-16.09.2022, Gruppo Grotte Ragusa - C.I.R.S. (2022) М34
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