Contents of potentially toxic elements in residual soils of a long-term mining region: a key study from Central and Western Serbia
- Тип
- Рад у часопису
- Верзија рада
- објављена верзија
- Језик
- енглески
- Креатор
- Milun Jovanović, Dejan Prelević, Vidojko Jović, Danica Srećković-Batoćanin, Snežana Branković
- Извор
- Periodico di Mineralogia
- Датум издавања
- 2022
- Сажетак
- Regional geochemical research of residual soil was conducted in an area of about 20,000 km2 in the region of Central and Western Serbia, where six metallogenetic zones and mining since ancient times have been documented. The geochemical background variation in the residual soil was established upon the contents, spatial pattern and natural background of potentially toxic elements (PTEs). The limits of natural background values (mg·kg-1) were determined by the integral method. Our data show that anomalous concentrations of As, Cr, Hg, Ni, Pb, Sb and Mn are geogenic, whereas higher contents of As, Hg, Pb, Sb and Zn in several locations are of a mixed geogenic and anthropogenic origin. Finally, anomalous concentrations of Pb and Zn, when detected outside the area where the ore deposits occur, are purely anthropogenic
- том
- 91
- Број
- 3
- почетак странице
- 257
- крај странице
- 279
- doi
- 10.13133/2239-1002/17042
- issn
- 0369-8963
- 2239-1002
- Просторно покривање
- centralna i zapadna Srbija
- Subject
- prostorna distribucija, toksični elementi, rezidualno tlo, procena rizika
- spatial pattern, potentially toxic elements, residual soil, natural background, cross-correlation, risk assessment
- Шира категорија рада
- M20
- Ужа категорија рада
- М23
- Права
- Отворени приступ
- Лиценца
- Creative Commons – Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International
- Формат
- Медија
Milun Jovanović.pdf
Milun Jovanović, Dejan Prelević, Vidojko Jović, Danica Srećković-Batoćanin, Snežana Branković. "Contents of potentially toxic elements in residual soils of a long-term mining region: a key study from Central and Western Serbia" in Periodico di Mineralogia (2022). М23
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