Structure and Application of Logistics Information Systems


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Верзија рада
Predrag Dašić, Ivica Ristović, Raul Turmanidze, Nevena Stojković, Giorgi Popkhadze
Maritime and Port Logistics Bar Conference, 12th-14th December, 2024, [Bar, Montenegro] XXV International Conference on "Material Handling, Constructions and Logistics" MHCL 2024
prof. dr Branislav Dragović
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien)
Датум издавања
Logistika predstavlja industrijsku i multidisciplinarnu naučnu oblast koja se bavi analizom, planiranjem, upravljanjem i kontrolom svih logističkih operacija. Savremeni trendovi u logistici podrazumevaju upotrebu naprednih softverskih sistema, alata i digitalnih tehnologija (DT) za rešavanje svih operacija i aktivnosti u okviru jednog logističkog zadatka. Napredne i moderne verzije softverskih sistema i alata iz oblasti logistike obuhvataju primenu savremenih softverskih sistema i alata za planiranje, transport, skladištenje, distribuciju i druge logističke operacije, sisteme za upravljanje logistikom (LMS) za upravljanje logičkim operacijama, logističke informacije sistemi (LIS) za skladištenje, obradu i upravljanje logističkim podacima i informacijama, sistemi za podršku logističkim odlukama (LDSS) za donošenje odluka u specifičnim logističkim operacijama i drugi. Digitalne tehnologije (DT) u logistici obuhvataju primenu inteligentnih i pametnih digitalnih tehnologija, pametnih tehnologija (ST), pametne proizvodnje (SM), pametne logistike (SL), veštačke inteligencije (AI), računarstva u oblaku (CC), rudarenja podataka ( DM), i još mnogo toga. Logistički informacioni sistem (LIS) je sistem koji se sastoji od skupa aktivnosti za skladištenje i obradu podataka i informacija iz oblasti logistike. U praksi, logistički informacioni sistemi (LIS) se koriste ili kao deo ili kao modul u okviru sveobuhvatnog i složenog softverskog sistema za planiranje i upravljanje proizvodnjom, ili kao samostalni sistem za skladištenje i obradu podataka i informacija u logistici za različite aplikacije. Ovaj rad daje strukturu i pregled različitih logističkih informacionih sistema (LIS) za različite oblasti primene.
Logistics represents an industrial and multidisciplinary scientific field that deals with the analysis, planning, management, and control of all logistics operations. Modern trends in logistics involve the use of advanced software systems, tools and digital technologies (DT) to address all operations and activities within a single logistics task. Advanced and modern versions software systems and tools in the field of logistics include the application of modern software systems and tools for planning, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and other logistics operations, logistics management systems (LMS) for managing of logical operations, logistics information systems (LIS) for storing, processing and management logistics data and information, logistics decision support systems (LDSS) for decision-making in specific logistics operations and others. Digital technologies (DT) in logistics encompass the application of intelligent and smart digital technologies, smart technologies (ST), smart manufacturing (SM), smart logistics (SL), artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing (CC), data mining (DM), and more. A Logistics Information System (LIS) is a system comprising a set of activities for storing and processing data and information in the field of logistics. In practice, logistics information systems (LIS) are utilized either as part of or as a module within a comprehensive and complex software system for production planning and management, or as a standalone system for storing and processing data and information in logistics for various applications. This paper provides the structure and overview of different logistics information systems (LIS) for various fields of application.
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Просторно покривање
Logistika , pametna logistika (SL),logistika 4.0, digitalne tehnologije (DT), logistički informacioni sistem (LIS)
Logistics, smart logistics (SL), Logistics 4.0, digital technologies (DT), logistics information system (LIS)
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Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia
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Predrag Dašić, Ivica Ristović, Raul Turmanidze, Nevena Stojković, Giorgi Popkhadze. "Structure and Application of Logistics Information Systems" in Maritime and Port Logistics Bar Conference, 12th-14th December, 2024, [Bar, Montenegro] XXV International Conference on "Material Handling, Constructions and Logistics" MHCL 2024, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) (2024) М33

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