Analysis of performed workover in wells


Врста завршног рада
Мастер рад
Momir Radovanović
Година одбране
Dušan Danilović
Чланови комисије
Dušan Danilović, Vesna Karović-Maričić, Branko Leković
en This paper will describe and explain workover that are carried out in the wells, the types of these works and their division according to the scope of the works that are carried out, the tools and operations that are most often used and performed in order to enable the well and return it to production.
Since the range of operations and tools that are used in workover is very wide, the most common operations and tools used are listed and explained. The second part of the paper consists of examples of workover – from the problem that caused the workover to works in detail – an example of workover, step by step, from the beginning to the end of the works.
sr U ovom radu će biti opisani i objašnjeni remontni radovi koji se izvode u bušotinama, vrste tih radova i njhove podele prema obimu radova koji se izvode, alati i operacije koje se najčešće koriste i izvode kako bi se bušotina osposobila i vratila u proizvodnju.
Budući da je opseg operacija i alata koji se koriste u remontnim radovima veoma širok, navedene su i objašnjene najčešće operacije i alati koji se koriste.
Drugi deo rada čine primeri remontnih radova – od problema zbog koga se radi remont pa do detaljno opisanih radova – primer remonta, korak po korak, od početka do kraja radova.
Кључне речи
en workover, production, operations and tools, production equipment, services
sr emontni radovi, proizvodnja, operacije i alati, proizvodna oprema, servisi
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Momir Radovanović. Analysis of performed workover in wells, 2023

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